British Comedy Guide

2016 Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh Q and A

Foiled: 10 Edinburgh Fringe questions

Beth Granville. Copyright: Alex Brenner

Beth Granville from Foiled answers 10 questions about their 2016 Edinburgh Fringe show.

Give us a quick overview of your comedy career so far. Are you happy with where you're at?

I spent years writing sketches and ideas down for my own amusement but had never done anything with them, then when a friends sketch group's warm up act for their Edinburgh previews cancelled (2007 at Barry Memorial hall studio space) myself and Francois Pandolfo were persuaded to take a couple of them to the stage. It was the first time either of us had performed live comedy we'd written and it was terrifying - we did a triple whiskey shot before and the first audience response was a "what the f*ck?" - but we got enough laughs and enough of a buzz that we carried on in some capacity or another!

Francois and I are both up in Edinburgh with our own plays that we've written for the first time this year. In the intervening years I have done so much work I'm immensely proud of and I've been incredibly lucky to have done some great welsh comedy like Gavin & Stacey and Stella. As a writer and performer I am very happy with where I am at, Foiled feels like my greatest achievement so far, thrilled to be performing it at the fringe this year, and I hope I still feel this enthusiastic about it when I'm still paying for it in 5 years time!

Tell us two truths and one lie about yourself (but mix them up, keep us guessing!).

1. I turned down a date with Roy Walker

2. I once got told to f*ck off by my childhood hero Timmy Mallett.

3. Lee from Steps hated my show.

Describe your new show in exactly 23 words.

Comedy set and staged in a working hair salon - closed for the day to nominate themselves for Clipadvisor's salon of the year award!

Any cunning plans to get more punters in?

No, I'm not very creative marketing wise! I genuinely believe the show is brilliant so I'm just spending hours every day out flyering and speaking to people trying to convince them to come along.

What's your plan for trying to eat - and drink - healthily during the Fringe?

Well, my costume is so tight I have no option but to eat healthily all month! Drink wise I'm on a strict diet of water, coffee and gin.

What will you miss most while you're away from home?

The dog I look after (and am slightly obsessed with) walking her every day is one of my favourite things to do.

Aside from performing, what else are you looking forward to doing in Scotland's fine capital?

I just absolutely adore this city, the architecture, the people, I love how many independent shops and cafe's there are so it's just lovely walking around and taking all that in. Last year I spent my day off at the beach and Turkish baths in Portobello, it's beautiful out there and it's really nice to get away from the madness for a bit, it's on my list for this year too.

If you took over programming a Fringe venue, what would your perfect line-up of comedians be?

Right this question is a nightmare, I could go on for hours, then I'll have no time to flyer and no one will be at my show! Off the top of my head ... Nish Kumar, Jake Yapp, Josie Long, Andy Zaltzman, Grainne Maguire, Joe Lycett, Robin Morgan, Clint Edwards, Bridget Christie, Jo Brand, Margaret Thatcher Queen of Gameshows.

Name the one person you'd rather not bump into during the festival.

Timmy Mallett.

Why should audiences pick your show over the 1,800+ other Fringe offerings listed on BCG this year?

Because it's the only one set in a hair salon, something a bit different isn't it!

'Foiled' is at Ruby Rouge at 7pm until the 29th August. Listing

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Published: Saturday 13th August 2016

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