British Comedy Guide
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2016 Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh comedy shows 2016

This tool lists all the comedy shows that were part of the 2016 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, listed by shortened titles - usually the comic's name.

  1. A Broad Abroad
  2. A Comedy Show
  3. A Comedy Tapas
  4. A Dogs Tale
  5. A Game of Scones
  6. A Girl With Two Dicks
  7. A Lizard Goes a Long Way
  8. A Matter of Life & Death
  9. A Midsummer Night's Dream
  10. A Plague of Idiots
  11. A Royal Flush
  12. A Series of Unfortunate Breakups
  13. A Waiting Room
  14. A Young Man Dressed As A Gorilla
  15. AAA Batteries
  16. AAA Stand-Up
  17. AAA Stand-Up Late
  18. Aaron Levene & Andy Zapp
  19. Aaron McCann & Dave Elliott
  20. Aatif Nawaz
  21. Abandoman
  22. Abi Roberts
  23. Abridged Dream Show
  24. Absolute Improv!
  25. Absolutely Nothing
  26. AcaDemic
  27. Accident Avoidance For Cutlery Users
  28. Accidental Sherlock Holmes
  29. ACMS
  30. Acting The Goat
  31. Ada Campe
  32. Adam & Eve & Steve
  33. Adam Hess
  34. Adam Kay
  35. Adam Larter
  36. Adam Robertson
  37. Adam Rowe
  38. Addy Van Der Borgh
  39. Adele Cliff & Tom Mayhew
  40. Admirable Fooling
  41. Adrian Gray
  42. Adventure Quest
  43. Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
  44. After Magritte
  45. Afterhours Comedy
  46. Afternoon Delight
  47. Ahir Shah
  48. Aidan Goatley: Joys of Retail
  49. Aidan Goatley: Mr Blue Sky
  50. Aidan Greene
  51. Aidan Killian
  52. Aidan Killian & Andrew Gilmore
  53. Airswimming
  54. AJ Hill
  55. Al Murray
  56. Al Porter
  57. Aladdin
  58. Aladdin: Europe Refugee Tour
  59. Alan and Bennett
  60. Alan Anderson
  61. Alastair Clark
  62. Alex Hodgson
  63. Alex Hylton
  64. Alex Kealy
  65. Alex Love
  66. Alex Smith
  67. Alexander Bennett
  68. Alexis Dubus
  69. Alexis Dubus Verses The World
  70. Alfie Brown
  71. Ali Brice
  72. Ali Hassan
  73. Alice Fraser
  74. Alice Marshall
  75. Alison Spittle
  76. Alison Thea-Skot
  77. Alistair McGowan
  78. Alistair Williams
  79. Alix in Wundergarten
  80. All Aboard the Marriage Hearse
  81. All Cashed In
  82. All in the Timing
  83. All of Me
  84. All the Things I Lied About
  85. Allergic Audience
  86. Amanda & Madi
  87. Amazing Bubble Man
  88. Amée Smith
  89. Amelia Ryan
  90. America On The Brink
  91. Amir Khoshsokhan
  92. Amsterdam Comedy
  93. Amused Moose Awards
  94. Amy Abler
  95. Amy Annette
  96. Amy Howerska
  97. An Act of Faith
  98. An Evening with CS Lewis
  99. Anarchy at the Hearty Toadstool
  100. Andrea Hubert
  101. Andrew Doyle
  102. Andrew Hunter Murray
  103. Andrew Lawrence
  104. Andrew Learmonth
  105. Andrew Maxwell
  106. Andrew Roper
  107. Andrew Roper: Kids version
  108. Andrew Ryan
  109. Andrew Stanley
  110. Andy Askins
  111. Andy Bridge
  112. Andy Field
  113. Andy Stedman
  114. Andy Storey
  115. Andy Zaltzman
  116. Ane Servant Maisters
  117. Angel Comedy Showcase
  118. Angel to Vampire
  119. Angela Wand
  120. Angus Dunican
  121. Animal
  122. Anna Morris
  123. Annie McGrath
  124. Another Anxiety Attack
  125. Another Fine Mess
  126. Antifolks
  127. Any Suggestions Doctor?
  128. Apocalypse Cruise Ship
  129. Apocalypse Radio Show
  130. Arcadia
  131. Archie Maddocks
  132. Aren't You Glad You're You
  133. Argentinean Is Back
  134. Ari Shaffir: Ari S-P-E-C-T
  135. Ari Shaffir: Not Happening
  136. Arielle Dundas
  137. Around The Way Girl
  138. Around the World in 80 Days
  139. Art In Your Mind
  140. Arthur Smith
  141. As You Like It
  142. Asexual Healing
  143. Ash
  144. Ashley Haden
  145. Ashley Storrie
  146. Assembly Gala Launch
  147. Athena Kugblenu
  148. AtoZ Improv
  149. Attenborough Tours
  150. Audible Presents
  151. Auld Alliance
  152. Aunty Donna
  153. Austentatious
  154. Austentatious: Crosstentatious
  155. Avenue Q
  156. Axis of Awesome
  157. Ayesha Hazarika
  1. Babushka
  2. Baby Madness Is A Real Disease
  3. Baby Wants Candy
  4. Baby Wants Candy: Band
  5. Bad Girls Showcase
  6. Bald Man Sings Rihanna
  7. Balloonatics
  8. Barbara Nice
  9. Barnardo Anniversary
  10. Baron Fingolfin
  11. Barry Cryer & Ronnie Golden
  12. Battle of the Superheroes
  13. Battle of the Supervillains
  14. BattleActs!
  15. BBC 4 Extra Stands Up
  16. BBC Asian Network Comedy Night
  17. BBC Radio Comedy Award Final
  18. BBC Radio Comedy Award Semi Final
  19. Be Prepared
  20. Beach Hunks
  21. Bear Pack
  22. Beards Beards Beards
  23. Beardyman
  24. Bearpit Podcast
  25. Beasts
  26. Beautiful Ducks
  27. Beaux Stratagem
  28. Becky Fury
  29. Becky Walker
  30. Bella Younger
  31. Ben Clover
  32. Ben Hanlin
  33. Ben Van der Velde
  34. Benji Waterstones & Jake Baker
  35. BenT
  36. Bentley Browning
  37. Best Boy
  38. Best of Edinburgh Showcase
  39. Best of Irish Comedy
  40. Best of Scottish Comedy
  41. Best of the Fest
  42. Best Of The Fest Daytime
  43. Best Scottish Comedian Year
  44. Beth Vyse
  45. Bethany Black
  46. Beyond Price
  47. Bianca Cristovaova
  48. Big Angie
  49. Big Bite size Best
  50. Big Bite-Size Breakfast Show
  51. Big the Musical
  52. Big Value Comedy Early
  53. Big Value Comedy Late
  54. Bilal Zafar
  55. Birmingham Footnotes Speak Up
  56. Birmingham Footnotes Spork Handles
  57. Birthday Girls
  58. Black Comedy
  59. Blind Mirth
  60. Blushed
  61. Bob
  62. Bob Blackman
  63. Bob Doolally
  64. Bob Graham
  65. Bob Munro & Ross Smith
  66. Bob Slayer
  67. Bob Walshy Walsh
  68. Bog Polanco
  69. Boomerang Club
  70. Boris and Sergey
  71. Boris World King
  72. Bouncers
  73. Bounty of Beards
  74. Bourgeois & Maurice
  75. Boyce & Gibb
  76. Breaking the News
  77. Brenda Feuerle: Heaven
  78. Brenda Feuerle: Work
  79. Brendan Murphy
  80. Brendon Burns
  81. Brendon Burns & Colt Cabana
  82. Brennan Reece
  83. Brickhead
  84. Bricking It
  85. Bridget Christie
  86. Briefs
  87. Briony Redman
  88. Bristol Improv
  89. Bristol Revunions: Dolce
  90. Bristol Revunions: Mustard
  91. Bristol Suspensions
  92. Bristol Underground
  93. Bristol's On Show
  94. Britney
  95. Broken
  96. Broken Fanny
  97. Bronston Jones
  98. Brothers Grimm
  99. Bruce Fummey: Alba
  100. Bruce Fummey: Jakey Bonnet
  101. Bubble Laboratory
  102. Bull
  103. Bunburying
  104. Burnistoun
  105. Buzz: A New Musical
  1. C
  2. C D Borderline
  3. C theatre
  4. C vibrant vivacious variety
  5. Cabaret Nova
  6. Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas
  7. Cabaret Whore
  8. Caimh McDonnell
  9. Californians Dreamin
  10. Calum MacInnes
  11. Cam & Flora
  12. Cambridge Footlights
  13. Cambridge Impronauts
  14. Camden Comedy
  15. Cammy & Robin Sinclair
  16. Can I Stop You There
  17. Candy Gigi
  18. Canvas No.9
  19. Cardinal Burns
  20. Carey Marx
  21. Carl Donnelly
  22. Carl Hutchinson
  23. Carlotta de Galleon
  24. Carnal Desire
  25. Caroline Ryan
  26. Cassie Atkinson
  27. Casting Call Woe
  28. Cat In The Hat
  29. Catherine Bohart & Cally Beaton
  30. Cats and Dogs Give the Best Advice
  31. Caution
  32. Cavan The Craic
  33. Challenge Anneka
  34. Change
  35. Chapel Street
  36. Charlie Dinkin
  37. Charlotte Michael & Lucy Roper
  38. Charmian Hughes
  39. Chazz Redhead & Jack Robertson
  40. Che Burnley
  41. Cheap Date
  42. Cheekykita
  43. Chef
  44. Chella Quint
  45. Children And Animals
  46. Children are Stinky
  47. Chortle Student Final
  48. Chris Coltrane
  49. Chris Coltrane Squeakquel
  50. Chris Cook
  51. Chris Davis
  52. Chris Forbes
  53. Chris Gethard
  54. Chris Henry
  55. Chris Stokes
  56. Chris Turner
  57. Christian Reilly
  58. Christian Talbot
  59. Chunks
  60. Cinderella
  61. City Cafe Late Nite
  62. Claire Dawson
  63. Clan Mucmor
  64. Clare Harrison
  65. Clare Plested
  66. Class Clowns
  67. Classic Stanley
  68. Cocaine and Potatoes
  69. Coin Operated Girl
  70. Colin Cloud
  71. Colin Hay
  72. Colin Hoult
  73. Colum Tyrrell
  74. Colum Tyrrell: Hookers & Blow
  75. Comcompod
  76. Comedians Against Humanity
  77. Comedians Cinema Club
  78. Comedians Film Club
  79. Comedians Play Super Mario Maker
  80. Comedy Boxing
  81. Comedy Club 4 Kids
  82. Comedy Countdown
  83. Comedy in the Dark
  84. Comedy in the Dark Late
  85. Comedy Portrait Gallery
  86. Comedy Reserve: Courtyard
  87. Comedy Reserve: Dome
  88. Comedy Shorts
  89. Comedy: In Conversation With...
  90. ComedyOpoly
  91. ComedySportz
  92. Community Matters
  93. Company
  94. Confident Idiot
  95. Conor Drum
  96. Contactless
  97. Convolution Of Pip And Twig
  98. Cosplays The Thing
  99. Country Wife
  100. Crack Comedy Club
  101. Craig Campbell
  102. Craig Hill
  103. Craig Stephenson
  104. Crap Music Rave Party
  105. Crapappella
  106. Cressida Wetton & Sam Mitchell
  107. Croft & Pearce
  108. Cucumber Crime
  109. Cult Comics
  110. Cult of Comedy
  111. Cuncrete
  112. Curly
  113. Cut the Chat
  1. Daisy Earl
  2. Dame Nature
  3. Damian Clark
  4. Damian Kingsley
  5. Dan Lees & Neil Frost
  6. Dan Simpson
  7. Dan Willis
  8. Dan Willis: Australia
  9. Dani Cabs
  10. Dani Frankenstein Returns
  11. Daniel Audritt & Sean Cannon
  12. Daniel Cook
  13. Daniel Kitson
  14. Daniel Muggleton
  15. Daniel Nicholas
  16. Daniel Nils Roberts
  17. Daniel Piper
  18. Daniel Sloss
  19. Daniel Sloss: Late
  20. Danielle Ward
  21. Danny Buckler
  22. Danny Deegan
  23. Danny McLoughlin
  24. Danny O'Brien
  25. Daphne
  26. Darius Davies
  27. Dark Heart
  28. Darren Connell
  29. Darren Walsh
  30. DASS
  31. Dave Alnwick
  32. Dave Chawner: Circumcision
  33. Dave Chawner: Normally Abnormal
  34. Dave Cohen
  35. Dave Lemkin
  36. Davey Reilly
  37. David Brooks & Josh James
  38. David Callaghan
  39. David Elms
  40. David Ephgrave
  41. David Green
  42. David Kay
  43. David Longley
  44. David McIver
  45. David Mills
  46. David ODoherty
  47. David Quirk
  48. David Ramsay
  49. David Stanier
  50. David Tsonos
  51. Dead Wright
  52. Dear Home Office
  53. Death Data Processor
  54. Decide a Quest
  55. Deep fried Language
  56. Defrosted
  57. Degrees of Error
  58. Des Bishop
  59. Des Clarke
  60. Des McLean
  61. Desiree Burch
  62. Diane Spencer
  63. Diary Of Anne Frank
  64. Dick & Delores DelRubio
  65. Dick Coughlan
  66. Die Magik Kunst
  67. Dig New Breed
  68. Dining Room
  69. Dinosaurs
  70. Dirty Glitter
  71. Discretion Guaranteed
  72. Dissecting the Joke
  73. Do Not Open
  74. Doctor Ahmed
  75. Dog Sees God
  76. Dog! The Musical
  77. Doktor James
  78. Dolly Wants to Die
  79. Dominic Frisby
  80. Don Giovanni
  81. Don Pasquale
  82. Donal Vaughan
  83. Double Bill of New Writing
  84. Doug Segal
  85. Doug Wyckoff & Teresa Wyckoff
  86. Douglas Walker
  87. Dracula
  88. Drastic Measures
  89. Dream Dangerously
  90. Dreamform
  91. Drew Fralick
  92. Drink Musical
  93. Droll
  94. Drunk And Heckle Show
  95. Drunk Not Wasted Comedy
  96. Du Bogof
  97. Dublin Oldschool
  98. Dude Looks Like A Lady
  99. Durham Revue
  100. Dyer & Whitney
  101. Dylan Gott
  102. Dylan Gott & Evan Desmarais
  1. Jack & Karen
  2. Jack Barry
  3. Jack Campbell
  4. Jack Evans
  5. Jacob Hatton
  6. Jailmates
  7. Jake Lambert & George Rigden
  8. Jake Yapp
  9. Jam Sandwich
  10. Jamali Maddix
  11. James & Seaburn
  12. James Acaster
  13. James Bennison
  14. James Christopher
  15. James Cook: Board Game
  16. James Cook: Ready
  17. James Cook: Rolling
  18. James Farmer
  19. James Loveridge
  20. James Meehan
  21. James Nokise
  22. James Veitch
  23. James Wilson-Taylor
  24. Jamie Jones
  25. Jamie MacDonald
  26. Jamie Scott Gordon
  27. Jane Postlethwaite
  28. Janey Godley
  29. Jarlath Regan
  30. Jason Byrne
  31. Jason John Whitehead
  32. Jason Neale
  33. Javier Jarquin: Card Ninja
  34. Javier Jarquin: Hombre
  35. Jay Handley
  36. Jay Islaam
  37. Jay Lafferty
  38. Jayde Adams
  39. Jeff Seal
  40. Jeff Wiseman
  41. Jennifer Carnovale
  42. Jenny Collier
  43. Jerry Finnegan's Sister
  44. Jess Robinson
  45. Jiggle & Hyde
  46. Jim Bayes & Jake Donaldson
  47. Jim Duggan
  48. Jimeoin
  49. Jimmy McGhie
  50. Jinx Yeo
  51. Jive Aces With The Three Belles
  52. Jo Caulfield
  53. Jo Coffey
  54. Joanna Neary
  55. Jocks & Geordies
  56. Jody Kamali
  57. Joe Bains
  58. Joe Davies
  59. Joe DeRosa
  60. Joe Fairbrother
  61. Joe Hart
  62. Joe Jacobs
  63. Joe Lycett
  64. Joe Wells
  65. Joel Dommett
  66. Joey Page
  67. John Emslie
  68. John Gordillo
  69. John Hastings
  70. John Luke Roberts
  71. John Otway
  72. John Pendal
  73. John Porter
  74. John Robertson
  75. John Scott
  76. Johnny Cochrane
  77. Jojo Bellini
  78. JoJo Smith
  79. Joke Thieves
  80. Jollyboat
  81. Jollyboaty Mcboatface
  82. Jon Pointing
  83. Jonathan Hearn
  84. Jonathan Pie
  85. Jonny & Baptists
  86. Jonny Pelham
  87. Jordan Brookes
  88. Josh Dolphin
  89. Josie Long
  90. Josie Long & Martin Williams
  91. Journeys
  92. Joz Norris
  93. Juice Straws Are Bleak
  94. Julia Sutherland
  95. Juliet Meyers
  96. Juliette Burton
  97. Jumping the Barriers
  98. JunNk
  99. Just A Minute
  100. Just A Quick One
  101. Just Eric
  102. Just the Tonic
  103. Just the Tonic Midnight
  104. Justin Moorhouse
  1. La Clique Encore
  2. Lady Boys of Bangkok
  3. Lana Schwarcz
  4. Lara A King
  5. Larknado
  6. Larry Dean
  7. Last Call
  8. Lastminutecomedy Club
  9. Late n Live
  10. Late Night at Bedlam
  11. Late Night Boabby Roaster
  12. Late Night Old Town Bloodbath
  13. Laugh Mob
  14. Laugh Train Home
  15. Laughing Horse Pick of Fringe
  16. Laughing Horse Selection
  17. Laughing Stock
  18. Laughternoon Delight
  19. Laura Everett & Samantha Ng
  20. Laura Lexx
  21. Lauren Pattison
  22. Laurence Clark
  23. Laurence Owen: Cinemusical
  24. Laurence Owen: Cinemusical High
  25. Lazy Susan
  26. Lee Kyle
  27. Leeds Tealights
  28. Leicester Comedy Fest Presents
  29. Leo Kearse
  30. Let Dinki Di
  31. Letters to Windsor House
  32. Lewis Cook & Alex Davies
  33. Lewis Macleod
  34. Lewis Schaffer
  35. Lia Hatzakis & Jamie Paul
  36. Liam Hale
  37. Liam Withnail
  38. Liars Club
  39. Life and Times of Lionel
  40. Lighten Up Your Life
  41. Lili La Scala
  42. Limmy
  43. Lion in Winter
  44. Little Boys
  45. Little Shop Of Horrors
  46. Liverpool Revue
  47. Living a Little
  48. Living the Dream
  49. Liz Miele
  50. Liza Pulman
  51. LJ DA FUNK
  52. Lloyd Griffith
  53. Lloyd Langford
  54. Lock in Cabaret
  55. Lola & Jo
  56. Lolly Adefope
  57. Lolly Jones
  58. LOLympics
  59. Long Lost First Play
  60. Lord Farr
  61. Lords of Strut: Family Show
  62. Lords of Strut: Late Night
  63. Loren O Brien
  64. Lost Voice Guy
  65. Lots Of Comedians
  66. Lou Sanders
  67. Loud Poets
  68. Louise Reay
  69. Lovdev Barpaga
  70. Love Me Tinder
  71. Love, Lies and Taxidermy
  72. LoveHard
  73. Low Hanging Fruit
  74. Loyiso Gola
  75. Luca Cupani
  76. Lucie Pohl
  77. Lucille Cailly
  78. Lucy Frederick
  79. Lucy Pearman
  80. Lucy Porter
  81. Luisa Omielan: Am I Right
  82. Luisa Omielan: Beyonce
  83. Luke Benson
  84. Luke Courtier
  85. Luke Graves
  86. Luke Kempner
  87. Luke Nowell
  88. Luke Stephen
  89. Lunchtime Special
  90. Luxury Biscuits
  91. Lydia Hirst
  92. Lynch Improvised Plays
  93. Lynn Ruth Miller
  94. Lynn Ruth Miller & Larah Bross
  95. Lynne Jassem
  1. M.I.S.
  2. Macarthur-Boyd & Mclelland
  3. Macbain
  4. Macho Like Me
  5. Macmillan Cancer Support Gala
  6. Madame Senorita
  7. Maddie Campion & Dannie Grufferty
  8. Maddy Anholt
  9. Made in Dagenham
  10. Made Up
  11. Madwomen in the Attic
  12. Mae Martin
  13. Maff Brown
  14. Magic & Mayhem
  15. Magic Cave of Salamanca
  16. Making Monsters
  17. Malcolm Hardee Awards
  18. Man in the Miracle
  19. Marc Jennings
  20. Marcel Lucont
  21. Marcus Brigstocke
  22. Margaret Thatcher Queen of Soho
  23. Marjolein Robertson
  24. Mark Cooper-Jones
  25. Mark Dolan
  26. Mark Felgate
  27. Mark Nelson
  28. Mark Ritchie
  29. Mark Silcox
  30. Mark Simmons & Darren Walsh
  31. Mark Smith
  32. Mark Steel
  33. Mark Thomas
  34. Mark Watson
  35. Marny Godden
  36. Martha McBrier
  37. Martin J Dixon
  38. Martin Mor
  39. Mary Bourke
  40. Mary Lynn Rajskub
  41. Massaoke
  42. Massive Lazy Girls
  43. Masud Milas
  44. Mat Ewins
  45. Matchbox Theatre
  46. Matt Duwell & Declan Kennedy
  47. Matt Forde
  48. Matt Forde: Podcast
  49. Matt Green
  50. Matt Price
  51. Matt Richardson
  52. Matt Winning
  53. Matthew Giffen
  54. Matthew Highton
  55. Matty Finlayson
  56. Maureen Langan
  57. Mawaan Rizwan
  58. Max & Ivan
  59. Max Dickins
  60. Maxine Jones
  61. Maydays
  62. MDs Comedy Revue
  63. Me Me Me
  64. Me Myself & ISIS
  65. Me Plus One
  66. Measure 4 Measure
  67. Medics Revue
  68. Meet Fred
  69. Men With Coconuts
  70. Men With Coconuts: Improv
  71. Mervyn Stutter's Gala Show
  72. Mervyn Stutter's Picks
  73. Michael Brunstrom
  74. Michael Burgos
  75. Michael Gove Apprecation Society
  76. Michael Griffiths
  77. Michael J Dolan
  78. Michael Porter
  79. Michelle Brasier
  80. Michelle Christine
  81. Michelle McManus
  82. Michelle Wolf
  83. Mickey Sharma: Comedian
  84. Mickey Sharma: Sharma Sutra
  85. Micky Bartlett
  86. Mid Brow
  87. Midsummer Night's Dream in Gotham
  88. Mikado
  89. Mike Bruce & Pete
  90. Mike Hatchard
  91. Mike Newall
  92. Mike Ward
  93. Milkshake
  94. Milkshake & Dr Bubble
  95. Milo McCabe
  96. Mimes in Time
  97. Mind Rats
  98. Ministry Comedy Showcase
  99. Minky
  100. Miranda Kane
  101. Mirthquake
  102. Miserables
  103. Misirlou
  104. Mitch Benn
  105. Mixed Doubles
  106. MMORPG Show
  107. Moira Monologues
  108. Molland & O'Sullivan
  109. Molland & Sullivan: Freestyle
  110. Monkey Barrel Comedy
  111. Monkey Poet and Roger Cumsnatch
  112. Monster Stand-Up Show
  113. Monty Python: Cinema Screening
  114. More News From Nowhere
  115. More Scouse Saddam
  116. Morgan & West
  117. Moscow Comedy Bar
  118. Mothers
  119. Mouse
  120. Mr G Singalong
  121. Mr Kingdoms Queen Victoria
  122. Mr Laurel and Mr Hardy
  123. Mr Swallow
  124. Much Ado About Nothing
  125. Mungo Park
  126. Murdered Artists Society
  127. Music Box
  128. Music Tricks for Trade
  129. Musical Comedy Awards
  130. My Dogs Got No Nose
  131. My Life In
  132. My Name Is Gideon
  133. My Romantic History
  134. My World Has Exploded
  135. Myra DuBois
  136. Mystery at Ginger Creek
  137. Mystery Show
  1. Pajama Men
  2. PALPitations
  3. Panicky Tack
  4. Panti
  5. Paper Hearts
  6. Paper in My Pants
  7. Paperclips and Ammunition
  8. Paranormal Ghost Tour
  9. Pat Cahill
  10. Patrick Melton
  11. Patrick Monahan
  12. Patrick Monahan: Quiz
  13. Patrick Mulholland
  14. Patrick Turpin
  15. Paul Currie
  16. Paul Dabek
  17. Paul Duncan McGarrity
  18. Paul F Taylor
  19. Paul Foot: Dangers
  20. Paul Foot: Piglet
  21. Paul Johnson
  22. Paul McCaffrey
  23. Paul McDaniel
  24. Paul McMullan
  25. Paul Merton's Impro
  26. Paul Revill
  27. Paul Revill's Selection
  28. Paul Richards
  29. Paul Savage
  30. Paul Thorne
  31. Pear Shaped Afternoons
  32. Penelope Solomon
  33. Penetrating Europe
  34. Penny Arcade
  35. Pernilla Holland
  36. Pete Firman
  37. Pete Gwynne & Rory Telfer
  38. Pete Inskip
  39. Pete Johansson
  40. Pete Otway
  41. Peter & Bambi Heaven
  42. Peter Antoniou
  43. Peter Brush
  44. Peter Buckley Hill
  45. Peter Buckley Hill Album Tour
  46. Peter Buckley Hill Haikus
  47. Peter Dobbing
  48. Peter Fleming & Wilbur Bilb
  49. Peter White
  50. PFaff
  51. Phil Booth
  52. Phil Cooper
  53. Phil Dunning
  54. Phil Ellis
  55. Phil Hammond: Life & Death
  56. Phil Hammond: NHS Revolution
  57. Phil Jerrod
  58. Phil Kay
  59. Phil Lindsey & Martin Willis
  60. Phil Mann
  61. Phil Nichol
  62. Phil Walker
  63. Philippa & Rosie
  64. Phwoar
  65. Pick of the Fringe
  66. Pierre Novellie
  67. Piff Paff
  68. Piff the Magic Dragon
  69. Piff the Magic Dragon: WIP
  70. Pigeons and Things
  71. Pint And A Half
  72. Pippa Evans
  73. Planet Caramel
  74. Playback Impro
  75. Playing Mortal Kombat
  76. Playing Politics
  77. Police Cops
  78. Political Animal
  79. Pollyanna
  80. Pond Wife
  81. Poo Shame Vagina Curiosity
  82. Pop Bingo Disco
  83. Posh
  84. Posh School Musical
  85. Pottervision
  86. Power Rangeurs
  87. Predrinks After Party
  88. Present and Correct
  89. Prestwick Elvis
  90. Primetime Comedy
  91. Princes of Main
  92. Princes Quest
  93. Procrastinate
  94. Promise and Promiscuity
  95. Prozac and Cons
  96. Puddles Pity Party
  97. Puppet Fiction
  98. Putnam Spelling Bee (1)
  99. Putnam Spelling Bee (2)
  100. Putnam Spelling Bee (3)
  1. S&M Masterclass
  2. Sally Phillips & Lily Bevan
  3. Sam Campbell
  4. Sam Carrington
  5. Sam Fletcher
  6. Sam Kissajukian
  7. Sam Savage
  8. Sam Simmons
  9. Samantha Baines
  10. Samantha Pressdee
  11. Sameer Khan
  12. Samuel Curry
  13. Sandy & Danni
  14. Sara Mason
  15. Sarah & Saskia
  16. Sarah Bennetto
  17. Sarah Callaghan
  18. Sarah Kendall
  19. Saskia Preston & Sophie Henderson
  20. Savage
  21. Scenes From The End
  22. School for Wives
  23. Science Magic
  24. Scotney Rascals and Just Janet
  25. Scott Agnew
  26. Scott Gibson
  27. Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppets
  28. Sean Cannon
  29. Sean McLoughlin
  30. Sean Turner
  31. Seann Walsh
  32. Set List
  33. Seymour Mace
  34. Shaedates
  35. Shaggers
  36. Shaken Not Stirred
  37. Shakespeare Club
  38. Shakespeare for Breakfast
  39. Shakespeare Syndrome
  40. Shakespeare Tonight
  41. Shakin Shakespeare
  42. Shambles
  43. Shane Todd
  44. Shappi Khorsandi
  45. Shazia Mirza
  46. Shebang
  47. Shedload
  48. Sheets
  49. Shelf
  50. Shellshock!
  51. Shelter
  52. Sherlock
  53. Sherlock Holmes Smarter Brother
  54. Shit Faced Shakespeare
  55. Shit Faced Showtime
  56. Shit of the Fringe
  57. Shite Club
  58. shitmicknevensays
  59. Shlomo
  60. Shoot From The Hip
  61. Shoot the Women First
  62. Short & Curly
  63. Short And Girlies
  64. Showstoppers
  65. Showstoppers Kids Show
  66. Sian & Zoe
  67. Sid Singh
  68. Silky
  69. Silky Shrieking In My Mind
  70. Silly Mash Up
  71. Simon Evans
  72. Simon Feilder
  73. Simon Lukacs
  74. Simon Munnery
  75. Simon Munnery & Friends
  76. Simon Plotkin
  77. Simon Schatzberger
  78. Simon Warner
  79. Singing Psychic
  80. Sirqus Alfon
  81. Sisters
  82. Sitcom Trials
  83. Sketch Club 7
  84. Sketch Thieves
  85. Skrimshanks
  86. Sleeping Trees
  87. Smoky Monkeys
  88. Smooth Hour
  89. Snail And The Whale
  90. Snap
  91. So You Think You're Funny?: Best
  92. So You Think You're Funny?: Final
  93. So You Think You're Funny?: Heats
  94. Sofie Hagen
  95. Sofie Hagen & Deborah Frances White
  96. Sololoquies
  97. Some Black Union Jack
  98. Some Men All Biscuit
  99. Something Borrowed
  100. Sooz Kempner: Character
  101. Sooz Kempner: Queen
  102. Sophie Duker & Erin Simmons
  103. Sophie Willan
  104. South Afreakins
  105. Spank
  106. Spanktacular
  107. Spencer Jones: Eggy Bagel
  108. Spencer Jones: Proper Job
  109. spiked
  110. Spill Your Guts Here
  111. Splendids Jason And The Argonauts
  112. Spontaneous Sherlock
  113. Spontaneous Wrecks
  114. Spring Break
  115. St Andrews Revue
  116. St George Medics
  117. Stack
  118. Stage Against the Machine
  119. Stamp
  120. Stand Up 2
  121. Stand Up From Russia
  122. Stand Up Horror
  123. Stand Up Slam
  124. Stand-Up Comedy Courses
  125. Standard Issue: Conversation
  126. Standard Issue: Stand-Up
  127. Star Factory
  128. Star Trek vs Star Wars
  129. Star Wars
  130. Starship Osiris
  131. Static
  132. Steen Raskopoulos
  133. Stellar a Trois
  134. Stephen Bailey
  135. Stephen Carlin
  136. Stephen K Amos: Talk Show
  137. Stephen K Amos: WIP
  138. Steve Bugeja
  139. Steve McLean
  140. Steve Mclean Reading Room
  141. Stewart Lee
  142. Sticks Stones Broken Bones
  143. Stiff & Kitsch
  144. Storyteller Storyteller
  145. String
  146. Stu Murphy & Garry Dobson
  147. Stu Turner & Phil Reid
  148. Stuart Goldsmith
  149. Stuart Laws
  150. Stuart Mitchell
  151. Studs
  152. Stuff
  153. STV Children's Appeal
  154. Sunil Patel
  155. Supermarket Six
  156. Supper Club At Checkpoint
  157. Susan Calman
  158. Susan Morrison
  159. Susie McCabe
  160. Susie Youssef
  161. Suspiciously Cheap Comedy
  162. Sussex Comedy Society
  163. Suzanne Lea Shepherd
  164. Suzi Ruffell
  165. Swansong
  166. Sweet Release
  1. Tamar Broadbent
  2. Taming of the Shrew
  3. Tartan Ribbon Benefit
  4. Tartuffe
  5. Tatterdermalion
  6. Taylor Glenn
  7. Teatro Delusio
  8. Terrible False Deception
  9. Terry Pratchett's Mort
  10. Tessa Waters
  11. Test Tube Comedy
  12. Tez Ilyas
  13. That Selfies Show
  14. The 99 Club
  15. The Addams Family
  16. The Alternative Alternative
  17. The Ashes
  18. The Blind Date Project
  19. The Blues Brothers
  20. The Chandeliers
  21. The Clinic
  22. The Club
  23. The Cutlery Crew
  24. The Dark Room
  25. The Doomed
  26. The Duke
  27. The Dung Beatles
  28. The Good News
  29. The Grouchy Club
  30. The History of Tom Jones
  31. The Hogwallops
  32. The Jungle Book
  33. The Ladykillers
  34. The Listies
  35. The Little Box of Oblivion
  36. The Lounge Kittens
  37. The ME
  38. The Meeting
  39. The Other
  40. The Pirates Of Penzance
  41. The Pleasance Podcast
  42. The Stand Late Club
  43. The Sundaes
  44. The Ticket
  45. The Two Mikes
  46. The Upper-Class Rapper
  47. The Very Nice Improv Show
  48. The Voice of Ray
  49. The Wall
  50. The Wimps Show
  51. They Built It
  52. Think No Evil of Us
  53. Thinking Drinkers
  54. This Glorious Monster
  55. This is Business
  56. This is Not Culturally Significant
  57. This is Your Trial
  58. Thom Milner Cup Of Tea
  59. Thom Milner Cup Of Tea Showcase
  60. Thom Tuck
  61. Thomas Green
  62. Three Amigos
  63. Three Jumpers
  64. Three Layers of Meta
  65. Three Men in a Boot
  66. ThreeWay
  67. Tiffany Stevenson
  68. Tight Five
  69. Tight Ten
  70. Tim Renkow
  71. Timon Of Athens
  72. Tink Tank
  73. Tiny Horse
  74. Tis The Season To Be Jolly
  75. Tish Tindall
  76. Titanic 2: Pig In The City
  77. Title of Show
  78. Toby Adams
  79. Todd & Molly
  80. Tom Allen
  81. Tom Ballard
  82. Tom Crosbie
  83. Tom Greaves & Will Hartley
  84. Tom Houghton
  85. Tom Little
  86. Tom Neenan
  87. Tom Short
  88. Tom Skelton
  89. Tom Toal
  90. Tom Walker
  91. Tom Ward
  92. Tomas Ford
  93. Tommy Tiernan
  94. Tone Down For What
  95. Tony Cowards
  96. Tony Law
  97. Too Fast
  98. Top Branch
  99. Topical Storm
  100. Torte e Mort
  101. Torum Heng
  102. Total Comedy
  103. Totally Wired
  104. Toyland Murders
  105. Tracy
  106. Transcontinental
  107. Trash Test Dummies
  108. Travelling Sisters
  109. Travesty
  110. Treasure Island
  111. Trevor Lock
  112. Triple Entendre
  113. Tristram Shandy
  114. Triumvirette
  115. Troilus and Cressida
  116. Trolley Girls
  117. True Laughs Will Find You
  118. True Story Of Scotland
  119. Tudur Owen
  120. Twelfth Night
  121. Twins
  122. Twisted Edge
  123. Twisted Fairytale
  124. Two
  125. Two Funny Lassies
  126. Two Girls One Mug
  127. Two Thirds Comedy
  128. Twonkey
  129. Twonkey's Drive-in
  130. Tyrannosaurus Sketch

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