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2015 Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh Q and A

Jo Burke answers 10 Edinburgh Fringe Questions

Jo Burke

Jo Burke subtly plugs her new book in amongst answering our 10 questions about her Fringe show...

1. Tell us about your career so far. Are you happy with where you're at?

I started stand-up in 2009. After a handful of five minute open spots I got through to the Semi Finals of 'So You Think You're Funny?' Six months later I created a sketch group [FunBags] and took three full length sketch shows to Edinburgh in 2010, 2012 and 2014. Last year was a turning point as I also performed my first solo hour too, Burke Shire, a multimedia, multi-character and mighty exhausting extravaganza.

This year I am taking up my second solo show called iScream coincidentally also the title of my debut book, excerpts of which are in the show.

I've also written a piece for The Comedian's Theatre Company production called 10x10x10. It's ten, ten-minute pieces written, directed and performed by comedians. It will be on in the Pleasance Attic at 4.30pm. I feel incredibly privileged to have the amazing Lynn Ruth Miller performing my piece.

2015 has already been a fantastic year for me. Once Edinburgh is over I'm back to finishing my next book and next years show. What's that you say? Where can you buy my debut book? Here on Amazon - You are welcome!

2. Describe your show in exactly 23 words.

Brutally honest, kick-ass, no-holds-barred, feel good, stand-up comedy/audience with show.

Did it in less. Have the Tories put a word tax on comedy descriptions now? Bastards.

3. Why are you putting yourself through this famously stressful experience?

Ha this year will be a breeze compared to last year. I loathed last year, although it taught me many valuable lessons, so not entirely bad. This year I cannot wait. Did I mention my book?

4. Any cunning plans to get more punters in?

I am hoping the book might be a draw. Here's the link, for a hard copy version visit my website and order from there.
If 'punters' (I hate that word - I prefer 'wonderful comedy loving humans') buy it, I can sign it for them. I did have a couple of other ideas up my comedy sleeve but when I approached the people that run the Royal Mile and Grassmarket they made it clear I would be arrested. Losers.

5. How much money do you think you'll lose/make this year?

I don't think of it as 'my loss' so much as the venues, promoters , agents, production companies and 'punters' gain.

I have never worked it out on a yearly basis (I am not and will never be interested in numbers they bore me and I don't understand them) but this is my fifth Ed show and I am in debt to the tune of about seven grand. That's doing mainly Free Fringe! Although in 2012 I did a paid venue so I managed to lose a lot more that year. God I'm good.

Mind you I do always insist on staying in a rather wonderful Castle on a hill. It's right by the station - do you know it? Yes it's steep in so many ways but a comedy princess must get a good night's sleepy byes. Added bonus of fireworks guaranteed every night in the bedroom. Worth every single penny.

Jo Burke

6. What's your weirdest past Fringe experience?

Come see my show, it starts with the nightmares I had last year. It's called iScream by the way and there is also a book. Not sure if I mentioned it? Available on Amazon now

Here's a review: "Hysterical read - funny, warm and wise. Highly recommended. *****" (Mark Dolan)

7. What other shows are you hoping to see?

Oh, as many as possible. I was too exhausted to see much last year. Off the top of my head I can't wait to see Mr Susie - I adore that show.

Punderbolt; The Rat Pack (always has amazing acts), hosted by the brilliant Nathan Cassidy; Sarah Callahan; Madame Magenta; Henry Von Stifle; Sooz Kempner; Laurence Owen; and The Kagools. It's frightening how much talent there is. Oh and of course Ali Brice... something about Meat and Pasta. I'm hungry just thinking about it.

8. If you took over programming a venue, what would you perfect line-up of comedians be?

If I took over programming a venue, for example if the venue had already been programmed, I'd keep it as it was. In Joke there... Seriously I want nothing EVER to do with programming.

9. Name the one person you'd rather not bump into during the festival.

I am ignoring the question and saying I'd like to actually bump into my namesake Burke of Burke and Hare.

10. Why should audiences pick your show over the 1,700+ other comedy offerings at this year's festival?

Did I mention my hilarious book? iScream? I'll sign my book iScream for them. In fact I'll sign anything for them - Fringe Programme, Yellow Pages, Chinese Menus, genitals... My show this year is my first outing as me. No characters, no props (well hardly any, shush) and I LOVE IT!

It's a 'feel good' show that leaves everyone with huge smiles on their faces. You can honestly feel it in the room as the audience leave. Relief I suspect. No honestly. If you don't believe me, and frankly why would you, read the great reviews it's already received. There may also be a free little something for those that attend. I am the gift that just keeps giving. Oh and buy the book... it's not only me screaming now is it? Oh well... see you in Ed!

NB: Books are ideal for killing time when travelling by train, coach or plane to or from the Edinburgh Festival so why not download this one

'Jo Burke: iScream' is at 3pm at Cowgatehead on 16-29 August. Listing

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Published: Tuesday 28th July 2015

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