British Comedy Guide

2015 Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh Q and A

Gavin & Gavin answers 10 Edinburgh Fringe Questions

Gavin & Gavin. Image shows from L to R: Sharon Gavin, Lauretta Gavin

Gavin & Gavin - aka Lauretta Gavin and Sharon Gavin - answer our 10 questions...

1. Tell us about your career so far. Are you happy with where you're at?

We started about ten years ago. We have managed to both get married, divorced and have children in between. We are both happy to just be still at it!!!! We've both done sitcoms, dramas, films, everything and anything to a pay the bills.

2. Describe your show in exactly 23 words.

Funny, dark, uplifting, inspirational, observational, hilariously honest. It's all about our last few years and as our Mother would say "you couldn't make it up!!"

3. Why are you putting yourself through this famously stressful experience?

God knows!! Adrenalin junkies. More than anything we really wanted to write this show.

4. Any cunning plans to get more punters in?

No, but Lauretta is planning to hand out her mobile number to a member of the audience at the end of each show. We figured it's cheaper than on line dating!

5. How much money do you think you'll lose/make this year?

We are living in a caravan with our kids so we are hoping to break even. Ahhhhhhhhhh!

6. What's your weirdest past Fringe experience?

Someone had a picnic in the front row totally oblivious to the fact we were doing a show.

Gavin & Gavin. Image shows from L to R: Sharon Gavin, Lauretta Gavin

7. What other shows are you hoping to see?

The plan is to take lots of risks and see as much as possible!!!

Gina Jenkinson's Desperately Seeking Attention and Jo Coffey's Curiously Caffeinated. We've seen bits of both these ladies and they were both brilliant.

8. If you took over programming a venue, what would you perfect line-up of comedians be?

Tiny Fey and Amy Poehler, because they are both brilliantly funny. Jim Carrey, Ricky Gervais and Russell Brand too.

9. Name the one person you'd rather not bump into during the festival.

An ex-husband!!!

10. Why should audiences pick your show over the 1,700+ other comedy offerings at this year's festival?

We think our show is funny and brave, but also a bit different. We hope people will walk away with a spring in their steps and hopefully inspired.

'When the Sh*t Hits the Fan' is at 5:45pm at Assembly Hall on 6-16, 19-31 August. Listing

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Published: Tuesday 21st July 2015

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