British Comedy Guide

2015 Edinburgh Fringe

BlundaBus: RoadShow

BlundaBus: RoadShow. Copyright: BBC
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212: Heroes @ Bob's BlundaBus

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Heroes Of Fringe


First and last Fringe Wednesdays: Get aboard the BlundaBus Roadshow. We will be driving around Edinburgh creating pop-up adventures wherever we go. Featuring Pat Monahan and Bob Slayer breaking world records. Plus Stompy (Half Naked Chef) the bus conductor and all the Heroes performers from both venues. 'Off the usual comedy map in every sense' (Bruce Dessau, 'A brand of insane merriment that perfectly encapsulates the Edinburgh mood' (Spectator). Limited tickets. Full timetable:

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Differing show times: 12th August, 21.00; 26th August, 16.00, 17.30, 19.00 and 21.00 (on four times that day).


Press articles

One man's day at the Edinburgh Fringe

Mark, a man of mystery who runs the British Comedy Guide website, had sent me a piece about Abigoliah Schamaun, who has been plastering fake review quotes and stars on her show posters. He suggested she might be a worthy Malcolm Hardee Cunning Stunt Award nominee.

John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 11th August 2015

Bob Slayer challenge Edinburgh buses to race

Maverick promoter Bob Slayer has challenged other buses in Edinburgh to a race.

Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 5th August 2015

10 atypical comedy shows at the Edinburgh Fringe 2015

This is the last list we are posting this year and it includes those shows that don't fall easily into the other categories, although are definitely worthy of a mention.

Laugh Out London, 26th July 2015


Date Time Venue
12th Aug 2015 21:00 Heroes @ Bob's BlundaBus
26th Aug 2015 21:00 Heroes @ Bob's BlundaBus

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