British Comedy Guide
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2015 Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh comedy shows 2015

This tool lists all the comedy shows that were part of the 2015 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, listed by shortened titles - usually the comic's name.

  1. A Bit Irish
  2. A Cinema in South Georgia
  3. A Divine Comedy
  4. A Sudden Burst of Blinding Light
  5. A to Z Improv
  6. A to Z Wondrous Strange
  7. A Traffic Jam on Sycamore Street
  8. A Young Man Dressed as a Gorilla
  9. AAA Batteries
  10. AAA Stand-Up
  11. AAA Stand-Up Late
  12. Aaron Levene
  13. Aaron Twitchen
  14. Aatif Nawaz
  15. Abandoman
  16. Abbie Murphy
  17. Abi Roberts Musical
  18. Abi Roberts: Downtown
  19. Abigoliah Schamaun
  20. Abigoliah Schamaun GoPro
  21. Abnormally Funny People
  22. About Comedy
  23. Absolute Improv
  24. Accidental Death of an Anarchist
  25. ACMS
  26. ACOrN
  27. Adam Belbin
  28. Adam Benjamin & Victor Preda
  29. Adam Blampied
  30. Adam Hess
  31. Adam Hills
  32. Adam McNicol
  33. Adam Money
  34. Adam Riches
  35. Adam Vincent
  36. Adrian Minkowicz
  37. Adrienne Truscott
  38. Afterhours Comedy
  39. Afternoon Delight
  40. Ahir Shah
  41. AI
  42. Aid Thompsin
  43. Aidan Goatley: 10 Films
  44. Aidan Goatley: Year of the Goat
  45. Aidan Killian
  46. Aidan Strangeman
  47. Aisling Bea
  48. Al Lubel
  49. Al Murray
  50. Al Porter
  51. Alan Davies
  52. Alasdair Beckett-King & Nick Elleray
  53. Alastair Clark
  54. Alastair Sadler
  55. Alex Dallas
  56. Alex Edelman
  57. Alex Fox & Dom O'Keefe
  58. Alex Horne
  59. Alex Hylton & Sarah Keyworth
  60. Alex Kealy
  61. Alex Lacey
  62. Alex Love
  63. Alex Lowe
  64. Alex Smith
  65. Alex Watts
  66. Alex Williamson
  67. Alexander Bennett
  68. Alexei Sayle
  69. Alfie Brown
  70. Alfie Moore
  71. Ali Brice
  72. Ali Cook
  73. Alice Fraser: Love Bites
  74. Alice Fraser: Savage
  75. Alice House Theatre
  76. Alison Spittle
  77. Alison Thea-Skot
  78. Alistair Barrie
  79. Alistair Williams & Edd Hedges
  80. All in
  81. All Killa No Filla
  82. All Made Up
  83. All's Well That Ends Well Fusion
  84. All's Well That Ends Well YAT
  85. Ally Houston
  86. Alternative Walking Tour
  87. Alun Cochrane
  88. Amanabanana
  89. Amanda Waring
  90. Amanda Waring Chocolate
  91. Amantha Edmead
  92. Amelia Ryan
  93. American High School Theatre
  94. Amir Khoshsokhan
  95. Amused Moose Award
  96. Amused Moose Laugh Off
  97. Amy Abler
  98. Amy Howerska
  99. Amy Milano
  100. An Evening With Dave
  101. An Illuminating Yarn
  102. Anarchy Cabaret
  103. Andrew Bridge
  104. Andrew Doyle
  105. Andrew Flintoff
  106. Andrew Lawrence
  107. Andrew Maxwell
  108. Andrew Roper
  109. Andrew Ryan
  110. Andrew Watts
  111. Andy Black
  112. Andy J Wilson
  113. Andy J Wilson & Dom Tabone
  114. Angel in the Abattoir
  115. Angela Barnes
  116. Angus Brown
  117. Anil Desai
  118. Anil Desai Presents
  119. Anna Lou Larkin
  120. Anna Morris
  121. Annabelle's Skirting Board Adventure
  122. Anne & Frank
  123. Annie McGrath & Nico Tatarowicz
  124. Another Tuesday
  125. Anthony Scott
  126. Anti-Duhring Battalion
  127. Anything Can Be a Podcast
  128. Arabian Nights
  129. Archie Maddocks
  130. Ari Shaffir
  131. Arkle Theatre
  132. Ascension of Mrs Leech
  133. Ash Frith
  134. Ashlee Bentley & Jonathan Sheehan
  135. Ashlee Bentley & Jonathan Sheehan Boxset
  136. Ashley Storrie
  137. Assembly Festival
  138. Assembly Rooms Best of Fest
  139. Atomkraft
  140. Augustus Stephens
  141. Aunty Donna
  142. Ausa Comedy Society
  143. Austentatious
  144. Australia Is F*cked
  145. Avenue Q
  1. Baba Brinkman
  2. Baba Brinkman Rap Guide
  3. Baby Lame
  4. Baby Wants Candy: Explosion
  5. Baby Wants Candy: Graduation
  6. Baby Wants Candy: Musical
  7. Baby Wants Candy: Thrones
  8. Baby Wants Candy: Workshops
  9. Back of the Attic
  10. Backstage Cabaret
  11. Backwards Anorak
  12. Bafflesmash
  13. Barbed
  14. Barnardos Benefit
  15. Barnie Duncan
  16. Baron Sternlook
  17. Barry Cryer
  18. Barry Cryer & Ronnie Golden
  19. Barry Ferns: Audio Tour
  20. Barry Ferns: Delusion
  21. Battle Superheroes
  22. Battle Supervillains
  23. BattleActs!
  24. BBC Asian Network
  25. BBC Presents
  26. BBC Presents: 11pm
  27. BBC Presents: Next Big Thing
  28. be-dom
  29. Bear Hug
  30. Beard
  31. Beard Man
  32. Beardyman
  33. Bearpit Podcast
  34. Beasts
  35. Beau Zeaux
  36. Bec Hill
  37. Bec Hill & Tom Goodliffe
  38. Becky Brunning & Bethan Roberts
  39. Becky Fury
  40. Bedlam Fringe
  41. Bella Younger
  42. Ben Champion
  43. Ben Clover
  44. Ben Dali
  45. Ben Fairey
  46. Ben Fogg
  47. Ben Harris
  48. Ben Norris
  49. Ben Powell & Mike Milling
  50. Ben Russell
  51. Ben Shannon & Mike Reed
  52. Ben Target
  53. Best Boy
  54. Best Irish Comedy
  55. Best of HUB
  56. Best of the Fest
  57. Best of the Fest Daytime
  58. Best Scottish Comedy
  59. Best Top Quality 5 Star International
  60. Beta Males
  61. Beth Vyse
  62. Big Bite Size Breakfast Show
  63. Big Charity Gala
  64. Big Silly Comedy
  65. Big Value Comedy Early
  66. Big Value Comedy Late
  67. Big Value Comedy Lunchtime
  68. Birmingham Footnotes
  69. Birmingham Footnotes Keep Talking
  70. Birthday Girls
  71. Bisha K Ali
  72. Bismillah
  73. Black Hoods Cabaret
  74. BLAM
  75. Bleak Zoo
  76. Blind Mirth
  77. Bloodcream
  78. Bloody East Europeans
  79. Blues and Burlesque
  80. Blues and Burlesque Funk
  81. BlundaBus: BusStops
  82. BlundaBus: RoadShow
  83. Bob & Jim
  84. Bob Bell
  85. Bob Blackman
  86. Bob Graham
  87. Bob Slayer
  88. Bob Walsh
  89. Bob Walsh Wrong Cast
  90. Bobalong Club
  91. Bobby Mair
  92. Bobby Nitro
  93. Bodell & Maxwell
  94. Bombs, Booze & Haggis
  95. Bonnie Fairbrass
  96. Boris World King
  97. Boy With Tape On His Face
  98. Bragi Arnason
  99. Branson, Dobson & Pattison
  100. Brendan Murphy
  101. Brendon Burns
  102. Brendon Burns & Colt Cabana
  103. Brendon Green
  104. Brennan Reece
  105. Brett Blake
  106. Brett Goldstein
  107. Brickhead
  108. Bridget Christie
  109. bright ideas
  110. Bright Theatre
  111. Bristol Improv
  112. Bristol Revunions
  113. British Exist Theatre
  114. Brody & Chadwick
  115. Bronston Jones
  116. Bruce Fummey: Comedian
  117. Bruce Fummey: History of Scotland
  118. Brydie Lee-Kennedy
  119. Buckle Up
  120. Bump
  121. Bunch Of Comedians Walk Into A Bar
  122. Business School
  1. C presents
  2. C theatre
  3. C vibrant
  4. Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas
  5. Caimh McDonnell
  6. Calum MacInnes
  7. Cam Spence & Phoebe Walsh
  8. Cambridge Footlights
  9. Cambridge Footlights: Free
  10. Cambridge Impronauts
  11. Cambridge University ADC
  12. Cammy & Robin Sinclair
  13. Can't Spell Right
  14. Candy Gigi
  15. Canterbury Tales
  16. Captain Morgan 1
  17. Captain Morgan 2
  18. Captivate Theatre
  19. Cariad Lloyd & Paul Foxcroft
  20. Carl Donnelly
  21. Carl Donnelly & Chris Martin
  22. Carl Hutchinson
  23. Carmen Ali & Jake Pickford
  24. Carol Caffrey
  25. Caroline Mabey
  26. Cassie Atkinson & Oh Standfast
  27. Casual Violence
  28. Cat in the Hat
  29. Catherine Badwind
  30. Catriona MacLeod & Finn Anderson
  31. Cerys Nelmes
  32. Cerys Nelmes Fun
  33. Charles Booth
  34. Charlie Baker
  35. Charlie Dinkin
  36. Charlie Dupré
  37. Charlotte McDougall
  38. Charmian Hughes
  39. Charolais
  40. Cheaper Than Therapy
  41. Checkpoint 22
  42. Cheeky Irish Pups
  43. Cheekydinner
  44. Chella Quint
  45. Chicken
  46. Chisnail & I
  47. Chopping Chillies
  48. Chortle Student Awards
  49. Chris Barnes
  50. Chris Betts
  51. Chris Chopping & Frank Foucault
  52. Chris Coltrane
  53. Chris Coltrane Pronounce
  54. Chris Cook
  55. Chris Dugdale
  56. Chris Fitchew
  57. Chris Forbes & Cammy Sinclair
  58. Chris Js Wilson
  59. Chris Kent
  60. Chris Martin
  61. Chris Ramsey
  62. Chris Savage & Charlie Ralph
  63. Chris Stokes
  64. Chris Turner
  65. Chris Washington
  66. Christel Bartelse
  67. Christian O'Connell
  68. Christian Reilly
  69. Christian Schulte-Loh
  70. Christian Steel
  71. Christian Talbot
  72. Christina Bianco
  73. Christopher Cantrill
  74. Church Night
  75. Chutney Exhibition
  76. Cian Kinsella
  77. Citizen Puppet
  78. Civil Disobedience
  79. Claire Boyce Lenahan
  80. Claire Ford
  81. Claire Healy
  82. Clara Milly
  83. Clare Harrison
  84. Clare Plested
  85. Class Clowns
  86. Claus Reiss
  87. Clayton Jones
  88. Clown Funeral
  89. Cluedo
  90. Codpieces
  91. Codpieces Fatal Loins
  92. Cold Stone Jug
  93. Colin Cloud
  94. Colin Leggo
  95. ComComPod
  96. Comedians Theatre & Meathead
  97. Comedians Theatre Company
  98. Comedy Club 4 Kids
  99. Comedy Club 4 Kids: Grown-Ups
  100. Comedy Death
  101. Comedy In Conversation With
  102. Comedy in the Dark
  103. Comedy Manifesto
  104. Comedy Song Awards
  105. Comedy World War
  106. Comedy Zoo
  107. Comedy, Craft Beer & Curry
  108. Panel Session
  109. Workshop
  110. ComedySportz
  111. Complete History of America
  112. Compose Mantis
  113. Conor Drum
  114. Conor O'Toole & Alison Spittle
  115. Corey White
  116. Cormac Friel
  117. Coughing Sheep
  118. Craig Campbell
  119. Craig Hill
  120. Croft & Pearce
  121. Cross Wire
  122. Curious Grin & Oxford University
  1. D.I.M.
  2. Damian Clark
  3. Damian Kingsley
  4. Damien Slash
  5. Dan & Phil
  6. Dan Clark
  7. Dan Fardell
  8. Dan Lees
  9. Dan Mitchell
  10. Dan Nicholas
  11. Dan Skinner & Alex Lowe
  12. Dan Willis
  13. Dan Willis & Obie
  14. Dan Willis Advanced Tactics
  15. Dana Alexander
  16. Dane Baptiste
  17. Daniel Bye
  18. Daniel Cainer
  19. Daniel Kitson
  20. Daniel Nils Roberts
  21. Daniel Sinclair
  22. Daniel Sloss
  23. Daniel Sloss: Extra
  24. Daniel-Ryan Spaulding
  25. Danielle Ward
  26. Danny Mellor
  27. Danny O' Brien
  28. Danny Ward
  29. Daphna Baram
  30. Daphne
  31. Dark Matter
  32. Darren Walsh
  33. Daryl Perry & Sunil Patel
  34. Dave Callan
  35. Dave Chawner
  36. Dave Griffiths
  37. Davey Connor
  38. David Brooks
  39. David Callaghan
  40. David Deery
  41. David Edwards
  42. David Elms
  43. David Mills
  44. David Mulholland
  45. David Naylor
  46. David O'Doherty
  47. David Sheeran
  48. David Tsonos
  49. David von Jones
  50. David, Tom & Sophie
  51. Daze of Olde
  52. Dead Duck Productions
  53. Deadpan Theatre
  54. Deanna Fleysher
  55. Dearly Beloved
  56. Death Actually
  57. Death By Pie
  58. Deborah Frances-White
  59. Defrosted
  60. Degrees of Error
  61. Demitris Deech
  62. Derby Day
  63. Derek Ryan
  64. Desiree Burch
  65. Desperately Seeking Sugar
  66. Detention
  67. Devious Comments
  68. Devlin Merridew
  69. Diane Chorley
  70. Diane Spencer
  71. Diary of a Madman
  72. Dickens Abridged
  73. Die Roten Punkte
  74. Dillie Keane
  75. Discount Comedy Checkout
  76. Distinguished Gentlemen
  77. Dj Kit E Kat
  78. Do's and Don'ts of Online Dating
  79. Doctor Bubble
  80. Doctor Synistra
  81. Does Age Matter
  82. Dog Play Dead
  83. Dom O'Keefe
  84. Dominic Berry
  85. Dominic Berry Downfall
  86. Don Biswas
  87. Don't Say That
  88. Doris, Dolly & The Divas
  89. Double Dipp
  90. Doug Segal
  91. Douglas Walker
  92. Downton Scabby
  93. Dr Death
  94. Dr Post Script
  95. Drake's Drummers
  96. Dream Sequentialists
  97. Dreamgun
  98. Drunk Not Wasted Comedy
  99. DULOG
  100. Durham Revue
  101. Dyer & Whitney
  1. Jack Barry
  2. Jack Campbell
  3. Jack Gleadow
  4. Jack Heal
  5. Jack Rooke
  6. Jack Samuel Warner
  7. Jacobs & von Jones
  8. Jäger Maestros Oompah Show
  9. Jake Baker And Friends
  10. Jake Bourke
  11. Jake Donaldson
  12. Jake Lambert & Dom Lister
  13. Jam Sandwich
  14. James & Seaburn
  15. James Acaster
  16. James Alderson
  17. James Bennison
  18. James Bennison Murder Mystery
  19. James Bran: Badminton
  20. James Bran: Choice
  21. James Campbell
  22. James Christopher
  23. James Dowdeswell
  24. James Farmer
  25. James Hamilton
  26. James Loveridge
  27. James Meehan & Will Duggan
  28. James Ross
  29. James Sherwood
  30. James Veitch
  31. James Wilson-Taylor
  32. Jamie Griffin
  33. Jamie Kilstein
  34. Jamie MacDonald
  35. Jamie Wood
  36. Jane & Lizzy
  37. Jane Austen's Forgotten Stories
  38. Janey Godley
  39. Janine Evans-Pollard
  40. Janne Raudaskoski
  41. Jarlath Regan & Jason Byrne
  42. Jarred Christmas
  43. Jarred Christmas & Jack Hobbs
  44. Jason Byrne
  45. Jason Neale
  46. Javier Jarquin
  47. Jay Foreman
  48. Jay Handley
  49. Jay Lafferty
  50. Jayde Adams
  51. Jeff Green
  52. Jem Brookes
  53. Jen Carnovale
  54. Jena Friedman
  55. Jenny Bede
  56. Jenny Collier
  57. Jeremy Kyle Does Shakespeare
  58. Jerry Sadowitz
  59. Jess Robinson
  60. Jessica Fostekew
  61. Jessica Sherr
  62. Jessie Cave
  63. Jim Alsbalstian
  64. Jim Brewsky
  65. Jim Davidson
  66. Jim Higo & Miki Higgins
  67. Jim Slips
  68. Jim Smallman
  69. Jim Smith
  70. Jim the Magician
  71. Jimeoin
  72. Jimmy Bird
  73. Jimmy Mccoy
  74. Jimmy McGhie
  75. Jinni Lyons
  76. Jo Brand
  77. Jo Brand: Talking Comedy
  78. Jo Burke
  79. Jo Caulfield
  80. Jo Coffey
  81. Jo Romero
  82. Jo-Jo Bellini
  83. Joan Babs Shelagh
  84. Joanna Neary
  85. Joby Mageean
  86. Jody Greig
  87. Jody Kamali
  88. Joe Davies
  89. Joe Fairbrother
  90. Joe Foster & Mike Cox
  91. Joe Hart
  92. Joe Lycett
  93. Joe Rowntree
  94. Joe Wenborne
  95. Joel Creasey
  96. Joel Dommett
  97. Joey Page
  98. John Hastings
  99. John Henry Falle
  100. John Lennon: In His Own Write
  101. John Lloyd
  102. John McKeever
  103. John Osborne
  104. John Otway
  105. John Pendal
  106. John Robertson: Let's Redecorate!
  107. John Robins
  108. John Ross
  109. John Scott
  110. John Turner
  111. John-Luke Roberts
  112. Johnny Kingshott
  113. Joke Thieves
  114. Jollyboat
  115. Jon Cozart
  116. Jon Gjerde
  117. Jon Pearson
  118. Jon Ronson
  119. Jonathan Grant
  120. Jonathan Hearn
  121. Jonathan Meades
  122. Jonathan Williams
  123. Jonny & the Baptists
  124. Jonny Awsum
  125. Jonny Fluffypunk
  126. Jonny Pelham
  127. Jordan Brookes
  128. Joseph Morpurgo
  129. Joseph Murphy
  130. Josh Jeffery & Craig Bevan
  131. Josh Widdicombe
  132. Josh Widdicombe: WIP
  133. Joshua Ladgrove
  134. Journey to the Centre of Dead
  135. Joy Carter
  136. Joz Norris
  137. Jules Munns & Heather Urquhart
  138. Julia Sutherland
  139. Julian Deane
  140. Juliet Meyers
  141. Juliette Burton
  142. Juliette Burton: Happy Hour
  143. Jurassic Park
  144. Just a Minute
  145. Just the Tonic
  146. Just the Tonic: Midnight Show
  147. Justin Moorhouse
  148. Justin Panks
  1. Mackenzie-Spencer & Andrew Strano
  2. Madame Magenta
  3. Madame Senorita
  4. Maddy & Horse
  5. Maddy Anholt
  6. Madman Marathon Man
  7. Mae Martin
  8. Maff Brown
  9. Magic Den
  10. Magic Porridge Pot
  11. Make 'em Ups
  12. Malcolm Doherty
  13. Malcolm Drinkwater
  14. Malcolm Hardee Awards
  15. Man Called Monkhouse
  16. Manchester Medics Revue
  17. Mancunian Rhapsody
  18. Manwatching
  19. Marc Gassot
  20. Marc Jennings
  21. Marc Jennings & Stephen Buchanan
  22. Marcus Brigstocke
  23. Margaret Thatcher
  24. Maria Shehata
  25. Mark Craig
  26. Mark Dean Quinn
  27. Mark Doheny & Ian Perth
  28. Mark Felgate
  29. Mark Forward
  30. Mark Maier
  31. Mark Nelson
  32. Mark Palmer
  33. Mark Ritchie
  34. Mark Silcox
  35. Mark Simmons
  36. Mark Smith
  37. Mark Steel
  38. Mark Stephenson
  39. Mark Thomas
  40. Mark Thomas: Talking Comedy
  41. Mark Watson: Flaws
  42. Mark Watson: WIP
  43. Markus Birdman
  44. Marny Godden
  45. Marriage
  46. Martha McBrier
  47. Martin Croser
  48. Martin Kiszko
  49. Martin Mor
  50. Martin Mor: Free
  51. Martin Mor: Happy People
  52. Marvellous Mechanical Mesmerist
  53. Mary Bourke
  54. Masai Graham
  55. Masai Graham: Naughty Jokes
  56. Massaoke
  57. Massive Dad
  58. Mat Ewins
  59. Mathilda Gregory
  60. Matt Abbott
  61. Matt Fong & Nick Banks
  62. Matt Forde
  63. Matt Henry
  64. Matt Parker
  65. Matt Price
  66. Matt Reed
  67. Matt Rix & Izzy Rees & Paul Richards
  68. Matt Winning
  69. Matthew Collins: Doubts
  70. Matthew Collins: Time
  71. Matthew Crosby
  72. Matthew Ellis
  73. Matthew Giffen
  74. Matty Grey
  75. Mawaan Rizwan
  76. Max & Ivan
  77. Max Emmerson Productions
  78. Maxine Jones
  79. May I Have the Bill Please?
  80. Maydays
  81. MDs Medical Revue
  82. Me, as a Penguin
  83. Meet Here
  84. Meg Travers
  85. Megan Ford
  86. Mel Moon
  87. Melanie Gall
  88. Melvin Brown
  89. Men Coconuts
  90. Men With Coconuts
  91. Mervyn Stutter
  92. MGA Academy
  93. Michael Brunstrom
  94. Michael Che
  95. Michael Hill
  96. Michael J Dolan
  97. Michael Legge
  98. Michael Legge & Caroline Mabey
  99. Michael Stranney & Olaf Falafel
  100. Michelle Brasier
  101. Michelle De Swarte
  102. Michelle McManus
  103. Mick Ferry
  104. Mickey D
  105. Mickey Sharma
  106. Mickey Sharma: Comedian
  107. Micky Bartlett
  108. Mid-Brow
  109. Mike Fish
  110. Mike Hatchard
  111. Mike Wozniak
  112. Miles Allen
  113. Milo McCabe: Genesisocide
  114. Milo McCabe: Troy Hawke
  115. Milton Jones
  116. Mind the Gap
  117. Minor Delays
  118. Minority Report
  119. Minotaur Theatre
  120. Miranda Dawe & Jim Daly
  121. Miranda Kane
  122. Mischler & More
  123. Miss Behave
  124. Missing Hancocks A
  125. Missing Hancocks B
  126. Mister Meredith
  127. Mitch Benn
  128. Mitch Benn: BBC Show
  129. Mixtape
  130. MJ Hibbett & Steve
  131. Mo Gilligan & Kae Kurd
  132. Mo Shapiro
  133. Moby Alpha
  134. Moj Taylor
  135. Molland & Sullivan
  136. Molland & Sullivan: Freedom
  137. Monkey Barrel
  138. Monkey Poet: Spageage
  139. Monster Stand-Up Show
  140. Morgan & West Kids
  141. Morgan & West Scoundrels
  142. Morro & Jasp
  143. Mr B
  144. Mr Susie
  145. Much Ado About Nothing
  146. Munch
  147. Murray Porter
  148. Murray Porter & Friends
  149. Murray Porter: Improv
  150. Museum After Hours
  151. Musical Comedy Awards
  152. Muswell Hill
  153. My First Laugh
  154. My Friend Mr Laurel
  155. Myrtle Throgmorton
  156. Mysteries From The Past
  1. Sad Faces
  2. Sajeela Kershi
  3. Sally & Jon
  4. Sally-Anne Hayward
  5. Saltire
  6. Sam & Helen
  7. Sam Brady
  8. Sam Carrington
  9. Sam Gore
  10. Sam Kissajukian
  11. Sam Nicoresti & Tom Burgess
  12. Sam Savage
  13. Sam Simmons
  14. Samantha Baines & Helen Sorren
  15. Samantha Pressdee
  16. Sameena Zehra
  17. Sandra Thomas
  18. Sara Mason
  19. Sarah & Stu
  20. Sarah Bennetto
  21. Sarah Blanc
  22. Sarah Callaghan
  23. Sarah Franken
  24. Sarah Kendall
  25. Sarcasticus
  26. Scarecrows Wedding
  27. Scarlet Shambles
  28. Scarlett Belle
  29. Scary Little Girls
  30. Scattered
  31. Scott Bennett
  32. Scott Redman
  33. Scottish Comedian of the Year
  34. Scottish Comedy Festival
  35. Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppets
  36. Scruffy Penguin
  37. Scurochiaro
  38. Seamus O'Rourke
  39. Sean Cullen
  40. Sean McLoughlin
  41. Sean Murphy
  42. Sean Nolan
  43. Sean Turner
  44. Secrets of Us
  45. Seda Yildiz & Mawaan Rizwan
  46. Set List
  47. Seussical
  48. Seven Torments of Craig & Amy
  49. Sex Rated G
  50. Seymour Mace
  51. Seymour Stiffs
  52. Shaggers
  53. Shakespeare for Breakfast
  54. Shakespeare for Kids
  55. Shakespeare in the Garden
  56. Shakespeare Shorts
  57. Shambles
  58. Shane Todd
  59. Shape of a Sandwich
  60. Shaun Buswell
  61. Shazia Mirza
  62. Sheeps
  63. Shelf
  64. Shellshock
  65. Ship Of Fools
  66. Shit of the Fringe
  67. Shit-Faced Shakespeare
  68. Shit-Faced Showtime
  69. Short Circus
  70. Short Com
  71. Showbiz Repeat Until Funny
  72. Showstoppers
  73. Sid Singh
  74. Signature Pictures
  75. Silky
  76. Silky Tribute Act
  77. Simon Caine
  78. Simon Caine: Club Set
  79. Simon Donald
  80. Simon Hofmeister
  81. Simon Munnery
  82. Simon Munnery: Fylm
  83. Simon Slack
  84. Simone Keunen
  85. Sing for Your Life
  86. Single Comedians Trying To Impress You
  87. Siro-A
  88. Sketch Club
  89. Sketch Club 7
  90. Sketch Thieves
  91. Sketchorama
  92. Slamprov!
  93. Sleeping Trees
  94. Slipper Room NYC
  95. So That's What We Voted For?
  96. So You Think You're Funny
  97. So You Think You're Funny: Best Of
  98. So You Think You're Funny: Final
  99. Social Club
  100. Society of Strange
  101. Sofie Hagen
  102. Soho Comedy
  103. Songruiner
  104. Sooz Kempner
  105. Sooz Kempner: Sondheim
  106. Sophie Pelham
  107. Sophie Rose
  108. Southampton Jesters
  109. Southampton Outtakes
  110. Space Carrots
  111. Space Monkeys
  112. Spank
  113. Spanktacular
  114. Sparrow-Folk
  115. Spencer Jones
  116. Spillikin
  117. Spontaneous Sherlock
  118. Spring Day
  119. Spur of the Moment
  120. St George
  121. St George Medics Revue
  122. Stand Up & Slam
  123. Stand Up Against MND
  124. Stand Up For Shelter
  125. Stand Up to Stand Out
  126. Stand Up Tragedy
  127. Stand-Up Philosophy
  128. Stanley Penny-Farthing
  129. Ste Johnston & Dave Jackson
  130. Steel & Lambert
  131. Stella Graham
  132. Stephanie Laing
  133. Stephanie Tisdell
  134. Stephen Bailey
  135. Stephen Carlin
  136. Stephen K Amos
  137. Stephen K Amos Talk Show
  138. Stephen K Amos Talking Comedy
  139. Stephen Tobolowsky
  140. Steve Bennett
  141. Steve Bennett: Fringe
  142. Steve Bugeja
  143. Steve Hall
  144. Steve McLean
  145. Steve N Allen
  146. Steven Boyce
  147. Stewart Francis
  148. Stewart Lee
  149. Sticky Biscuits
  150. Stompy
  151. Stories in Theatre
  152. Storm in a Teacup
  153. Story Pocket Theatre
  154. Story Pocket Theatre: Storyteller
  155. Strange Face
  156. Strangely & Claire Healy
  157. Strawberries in January
  158. Streetbeat
  159. Stroke Association
  160. Struan Logan & Hari Sriskantha
  161. Stu Richards
  162. Stuart Black
  163. Stuart Black Lemsip
  164. Stuart Bowden
  165. Stuart Goldsmith
  166. Stuart Laws
  167. Stuart Laws Late
  168. Stuart Murphy & Garry Dobson
  169. Submarine
  170. Subtext Theatre
  171. Sue Perkins Big Night Out
  172. Suitcase Dreams
  173. Sunday Assembly
  174. Sunday Brown
  175. Sunset Five
  176. Super Serious Show
  177. Super Shaggers
  178. Super Villain
  179. Supertown
  180. Susan Calman
  181. Susan Harrison
  182. Susan Harrison & Andrew Gentilli
  183. Susie McCabe
  184. Suzanne Lea Shepherd
  185. Suzy Bennett
  186. Sweeney Todd Panto
  187. Sweetness and Light
  188. Swing By Around 8
  189. Swingerella and friends
  190. Sy Thomas
  1. T-Dance
  2. Tai Paschall
  3. TalkSimple Productions
  4. Tamar Broadbent
  5. Tania Edwards
  6. Tanyalee Davis
  7. Tartan Ribbon Benefit
  8. Tate Postmodern
  9. Tats Nkonzo
  10. Teatime Monkey Tails
  11. Teatrul Foarte Mic
  12. TedFest Toilet Duck
  13. Terrible Tale of the Twiddly Widdlie
  14. Terry McHugh
  15. Terry Pratchett's Eric
  16. Tessa Waters
  17. Test Tube Comedy
  18. Tez Ilyas
  19. That Pair
  20. That Pair & Twisted Loaf
  21. That's Not Funny! debate
  22. The Addams Family
  23. The Backrow Presents
  24. The Bad Arm
  25. The Bastard Queen
  26. The Bench
  27. The Big C
  28. The Blues Brothers
  29. The Buzztones
  30. The Canterbury Tales
  31. The Cherry Orchard
  32. The Cheshire Cats
  33. The Colour Ham
  34. The Comedy of Errors
  35. The Cupboard
  36. The Dark Room
  37. The Dead Secrets
  38. The Dispute
  39. The Dock Brief
  40. The Famous Spiegeltent
  41. The Final Act
  42. The Flying Ship
  43. The Full Irish
  44. The Game's Afoot
  45. The Genius of Dickens
  46. The Good Doctor
  47. The Gospel Inquiry
  48. The Graduettes
  49. The Guest Speaker
  50. The Happy Accidents
  51. The Hideout
  52. The Hollywood Canteen Hereafter
  53. The Honky Bonks
  54. The Horne Section
  55. The International Stud
  56. The Jest
  57. The King of Monte Cristo
  58. The Last Kill
  59. The Last Laugh
  60. The Line That Picked Up 1000 Babes
  61. The Lost Girls
  62. The Man
  63. The Misfit Analysis
  64. The Nina Variations
  65. The Noise Next Door: Afternoon
  66. The Noise Next Door: Lock-In
  67. The Nursery: Classes
  68. The Orchid & the Crow
  69. The Origin of Species
  70. The Pin
  71. The Pleasance
  72. The Private Ear
  73. The Quentin Dentin Show
  74. The Rat Pack
  75. The Rhum Plants
  76. The Room
  77. The Room Musical
  78. The Rules
  79. The School of Night
  80. The Seuss Odyssey
  81. The Stand
  82. The Stand: Rising Stars
  83. The Storybook Musical
  84. The Tall Women
  85. The Taming of the Shrew
  86. The Travelling Sisters
  87. The Usherettes
  88. The Wee Man
  89. The Worry Monster
  90. The Wrestling
  91. Theatre SanTuoQi
  92. These Troubled Times
  93. Thierry Alexandre
  94. Thinking Drinkers
  95. This Arthur's Seat
  96. This Is Your Trial
  97. This Will End Badly
  98. Thom Tuck
  99. Thomas Clifford Show
  100. Three Chords Co
  101. Threesome
  102. Thünderbards
  103. Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew
  104. Tiernan Douieb
  105. Tiff Stevenson
  106. Tik-sho-ret Theatre
  107. Tim Dingle
  108. Tim FitzHigham
  109. Tim Key
  110. Tim Renkow
  111. Timmy Drain
  112. Timmy Failure
  113. Tina C
  114. Tiny Horse Comedy
  115. Titanic Orchestra
  116. Titty Bar Ha Ha
  117. Tobacco Tea Theatre
  118. Tobias Persson
  119. Toby Adams
  120. Tokyo Tapdo
  121. Tom Allen
  122. Tom Ballard
  123. Tom Binns
  124. Tom Binns Club
  125. Tom Dowling & Kieran Ahern
  126. Tom Glover & Luke Honnoraty
  127. Tom Neenan
  128. Tom Parry
  129. Tom Stade
  130. Tom Toal
  131. Tom Toal Prequel
  132. Tom Ward & Andy Storey
  133. Tommy Tiernan
  134. Tony Jameson
  135. Tony Jameson Become
  136. Tony Jameson Podcast
  137. Tony Law
  138. Total Comedy
  139. Totes Inappropes
  140. Touretteshero
  141. Tower Traipsing Troglodytes
  142. Trainspotting
  143. Transit Cabaret
  144. Trash Test Dummies
  145. Trestle Masks
  146. Trevor Lock
  147. Trevor Noah
  148. Tricnic
  149. Tricorn Improv
  150. Trine Munk
  151. Tripped
  152. Trudelights
  153. Trygve Wakenshaw
  154. Trygve Wakenshaw Nautilus
  155. TSOLT
  156. Twayna Mayne
  157. Twelfth Night
  158. Twin Primes
  159. Twins
  160. Twisted Loaf
  161. Two From Texas
  162. Two Sore Legs
  163. Two Thirds Of A Trio

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