Aunty Donna's tips for online comedy success

Australian sketch comedians Aunty Donna have been making waves with their highly successful YouTube channel. To celebrate their non-virtual real-life live Edinburgh debut, they offer 5 helpful hints on how you can make it big online!
Make content
This is SUPER important. If you're not actually making videos, no one is going to watch them. It's all well and good to have an idea for a great YouTube clip, but if you don't actually film, edit and upload your videos, people just aren't going to see them.
Click bait titles
Click bait is not a dirty term! Give your links enticing titles that people can't help but click on such as: 'You won't believe what happens next...', 'In three simple steps find out how...' or, 'Check out my adorable cat...'
Your video doesn't necessarily even need a cat, in fact DON'T put cats in there, but place the word 'cat' into your title and before you know it you'll be sipping champagne and toasting to your online success.
Go viral
It is important that you go viral. You should be doing whatever it takes to appease the internet gods so that your video goes HUGE online. Share your post on Facebook, hashtag specific trends, make relevant content, perform a Cherokee rain dance, speak passages from ancient voodoo scripture, execute mass human sacrifices and you'll soon have anywhere between 100 to even 500 likes on Facebook. BAM!
Hot babes
People love seeing hot babes in videos so start replacing things in your clips with hot babes. Does that character need to be a guy, or could he be changed to a smoking hot babe? Yes, that's a nice hat stand in the background, but maybe replace it with a super sexy babe in heels? Does that hot babe need to wearing a dress, or could she be wearing another hot babe?
Jump on bandwagons
Picture this. You've just had a lovely date with an alternative but cute girl. You bought her flowers, took her out for burgers, and held her hand during the Anne Frank bit in The Fault in our Stars. You're walking arm in arm down a beautiful moonlit street when, all of a sudden from around the corner, pulled by a team of oxen, comes super famous rock and roll band Puddle of Mudd playing on the back of a wagon. You push the girl to the kerb, jump on the wagon and rock out to She Hates Me. This is the metaphorical key to becoming an internet sensation.
Aunty Donna runs from 30th June to 25th August (not 13), at 10pm at the Gilded Balloon. Listing
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