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2014 Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh comedy shows 2014

This tool lists all the comedy shows that were part of the 2014 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, listed by shortened titles - usually the comic's name.

  1. A Drinker
  2. A Quartet of Chekhov Farces
  3. A Race of Robots
  4. A Slight Ache
  5. A TED Talk
  6. A to Z Improv
  7. AAA Batteries Not Included
  8. AAA Comedy Workshop
  9. AAA Stand-Up
  10. AAA Stand-Up Late
  11. Aaaaaaaaaargh!
  12. Aaron Spalding & Adam Underwood
  13. Abandoman
  14. Abbie Murphy
  15. Abi Roberts
  16. Abi Roberts: Musical CID
  17. Abigoliah Schamaun
  18. About 25% Ginger
  19. About Comedy Courses
  20. Absolute Cult
  21. Absolute Improv
  22. According To His Need
  23. ACMS
  24. Actors
  25. Adam Belbin
  26. Adam Blampied & Guy Kelly
  27. Adam Broomfield-Strawn
  28. Adam Drake & Charlie Lyons
  29. Adam Hess
  30. Adam Riches
  31. Adam Todd & Anna Cory
  32. Addison Cresswell Tribute
  33. Addy van der Borgh
  34. Adrienne Truscott
  35. Adrift
  36. Afraid of Michael Gove?
  37. Afterbirth
  38. Afterhours Comedy
  39. Afternoon Delight
  40. Agitación Senil
  41. AhhGee Podcast
  42. Ahir Shah
  43. Aidan Goatley
  44. Aidan Killian
  45. Al Donegan
  46. Al Hezb El Comedy
  47. Al Lubel
  48. Al Murray: Lock In
  49. Al Murray: Previews
  50. Al Murray: Saloon
  51. Alan Anderson
  52. Alan Davies
  53. Alan Hudson
  54. Alan Irwin
  55. Alan Power & Bisha K Ali
  56. Alasdair Tremblay-Birchall
  57. Alasdair Tremblay-Birchall: Lists
  58. Alastair Clark
  59. Alec Cox
  60. Alex Edelman
  61. Alex Horne
  62. Alex Horne: Percentages
  63. Alex Kealy
  64. Alex Love
  65. Alex Marion
  66. Alex the Mind Reader
  67. Alex Watts & Chloe Ward
  68. Alex Williamson
  69. Alexander Bennett
  70. Alexis Dubus
  71. Alexis Wieroniey
  72. Alfie Brown
  73. Alfie Moore
  74. Alfie Moore: Extra
  75. Ali Brice
  76. Alison Spittle
  77. Alistair Green
  78. Alistair Green: Jack Spencer
  79. Alistair Williams & Daryl Perry
  80. All at Sea
  81. All Made Up
  82. Alternative Walking Tour
  83. Alun Cochrane
  84. Amanda Kelleher
  85. American...ish
  86. Amused Moose Awards
  87. Amused Moose: Gangshow
  88. Amused Moose: Laugh Off
  89. Amy Abler
  90. Amy Gledhill & David Callaghan
  91. Amy Gordon
  92. Anatomy of the Piano
  93. And Now For Some Stand Up
  94. And They Played Shang-a-Lang
  95. Andrew Bird
  96. Andrew Doyle
  97. Andrew J Lederer
  98. Andrew Lawrence
  99. Andrew Learmonth
  100. Andrew Maxwell
  101. Andrew O Neill: Heavy Metal
  102. Andrew O'Neill
  103. Andrew Ryan
  104. Andrew Watts
  105. Andy de la Tour
  106. Andy Field
  107. Andy Zaltzman
  108. Andy Zapp & Ivor Dembina
  109. Angela Barnes
  110. Angie Belcher
  111. Angry Young Women
  112. Angus Dunican
  113. Angus Dunican: Bravery Test
  114. Anil Desai
  115. Anil Desai: Not Indian Enough
  116. Anna Andresen
  117. Anna Emerson
  118. Anna Morris
  119. Another Fucking Variety
  120. Ant Dewson & Mark Silcox
  121. Anthony Scott
  122. Anthony Timmons
  123. Arabian Nights
  124. Arna Spek & Simone Keunen
  125. Arthur Smith
  126. Artificial Light
  127. Assembly Press Launch
  128. Assembly Rooms: Best of
  129. Atella the Pun
  130. Aunty Donna
  131. Austentatious
  132. Avenue Q
  133. Avenue Q School Edition
  134. Awkward Conversations...
  135. Axis of Awesome
  136. Aydin Isik and Mike McAlpine
  1. B.J. Novak
  2. Baba Brinkman
  3. Baby Wants Candy Improv
  4. Baby Wants Candy Musical
  5. Baby Wants Candy Workshops
  6. Bacchanalia
  7. Backstage in Biscuit Land
  8. Badgers & Braveheart
  9. Banana Collective
  10. Barely Regal
  11. Barnardo Comedy Benefit
  12. Barry Cryer & Colin Sell
  13. Barry Ferns
  14. Battle of the Superheroes
  15. BattleActs
  16. Bazaar & Rummage
  17. BBC Asian Network
  18. BBC Comic Fringes
  19. BBC Culture Studio
  20. BBC Next Big Thing
  21. BBC Presents
  22. BBC Presents: Cabaret
  23. BBC Presents: Edinburgh
  24. BBC Radio Comedy Award
  25. BBC: Sue Perkins
  26. Be-Dom
  27. Beard
  28. Beardyman
  29. Bearpit Podcast
  30. Bears In Space
  31. Beasts
  32. Beasts: Banquet
  33. Beath Stage Productions
  34. Bec Hill
  35. Bec Hill & Tom Goodliffe
  36. Becky Fury
  37. Ben Champion
  38. Ben Fairey
  39. Ben Fogg
  40. Ben Harris
  41. Ben Mepsted
  42. Ben Morgan & Robyn Perkins
  43. Ben Norris
  44. Ben Target
  45. Ben Verth
  46. Benny Boot
  47. Berlin Comedy
  48. Best Fest Daytime
  49. Best New Sketch Act
  50. Best Of Edinburgh
  51. Best of Irish Comedy
  52. Best of Oh So Funny
  53. Best of Singapore
  54. Best of SYTYF?
  55. Best of the Fest
  56. Best of Who's Available
  57. Beta Males
  58. Beth Vyse
  59. Beth Vyse: Going Dark
  60. Better Than USA?
  61. Beyond a Joke
  62. Biff Bash Bosh
  63. Big Bite Size Breakfast Show
  64. Big Bite-Size Plays
  65. Big Brass
  66. Big Value Show: Early
  67. Big Value Show: Late
  68. Big Value Show: Lunch
  69. Billy McGuire
  70. Birmingham Footnotes: Don't Mind Me
  71. Birmingham Footnotes: Plan
  72. Birthday Girls
  73. Bitesize Chekhov
  74. Black Faggot
  75. Presents...
  76. Blind Mirth
  77. Blofeld & Baxter
  78. Bloody Trams
  79. BLT
  80. Blues and Burlesque Happy Hour
  81. Blues and Burlesque Hotter Than Hell
  82. Bob 'Walshy' Walsh
  83. Bob Blackman
  84. Bob Graham
  85. Bob Slayer
  86. Bob Slayer & Tim Fitzhigham
  87. Bobby Mair
  88. Bobby Murdock
  89. Bonanza Festival
  90. Booze Bombs Haggis
  91. Boris & Sergey
  92. Born in the 90s
  93. Bottom's Dream
  94. Boyz Need Therapy
  95. Brave Macbeth
  96. Brendon Burns
  97. Brendon Burns & Colt Cabana
  98. Brendon Green
  99. Brent Weinbach
  100. Brian
  101. Brian Dunwoody
  102. Brianwrap Short Films
  103. Bridge Over Troubled Lager
  104. Bridget Christie
  105. Bridget Christie Minds the Gap
  106. Brief History of Scotland
  107. Brig Society
  108. Bright Club
  109. Bristol Improv
  110. Bristol Revunions
  111. Bristol Revunions: Sweet Nothings
  112. Bronston Jones
  113. Bruce Fummey: No
  114. Bruce Fummey: Yes
  115. Bryan Lacey
  116. Brydie Lee-Kennedy
  117. Buffer
  118. Bunbury Is Dead
  119. Burger Van
  120. Butterfly in Shades of Blue
  1. Cabaret Nova
  2. Cabaret Roulette
  3. Café Ruse
  4. Caimh McDonnell
  5. Cal Wilson
  6. Calypso Nights
  7. Cambridge Footlights
  8. Cambridge Impronauts
  9. Can Stand Up Don't Want To!
  10. Can You Spare a Crime
  11. Can't Stay Away!
  12. Candy Gigi
  13. Canterbury Tales Remixed
  14. Captains of Industry
  15. Cardinal Burns
  16. Carey Marx
  17. Cariad & Paul
  18. Cariad Lloyd & Louise Ford
  19. Carl Donnelly
  20. Carl Hutchinson
  21. Carlo Jacucci
  22. Carly Smallman
  23. Carmen Ali & Ella Murray
  24. Caroline Mabey
  25. Carter & Ollerton
  26. Caspar Thomas
  27. Casual Encounters
  28. Casual Violence: Great Fire
  29. Casual Violence: Om Nom Nom
  30. Catface & Red24 Showcase
  31. Catriona Knox
  32. Celia Pacquola
  33. Cerys Nelmes: Pick 'n' Mix
  34. Chaplin
  35. Character Limit
  36. Charity Chuckle
  37. Charles Adrian Gillott
  38. Charles Booth
  39. Charlie Dupré
  40. Charlie O'Connor
  41. Charlie Ross: LOTR
  42. Charlie Ross: Star Wars
  43. Charmian Hughes
  44. Cheaper Than Therapy
  45. Cheekykita
  46. Cheese & Pickle
  47. Chelsea Manders
  48. Choose Your Own Adventure
  49. Chortle Student Awards
  50. Chris Boyd
  51. Chris Coltrane
  52. Chris Cook
  53. Chris Dangerfield
  54. Chris Griffin & Ross Leslie
  55. Chris Henry
  56. Chris Kent
  57. Chris Martin
  58. Chris Ramsey
  59. Chris Timoney
  60. Chris Turner
  61. Christian O'Connell
  62. Christian Reilly
  63. Christian Talbot
  64. Church of Zirconium
  65. Cinema Club
  66. Circus Incognitus
  67. Civil Rogues
  68. Claire Ford
  69. Claire Ford & Nicola Wilkinson
  70. Claire Rowley
  71. Clara Electra
  72. Clever Peter
  73. Clever Peter: Free
  74. Clive Anderson
  75. Clusterf**k
  76. Colin Cloud
  77. Colleen Ballinger
  78. Colm Finn
  79. Colm Tyrell
  80. Comedian's Comedian Podcast
  81. Comedy Allsorts
  82. Comedy Club 4 Kids
  83. Comedy Cow
  84. Comedy Death
  85. Comedy Gala
  86. Comedy In Conversation with
  87. Comedy in the Dark
  88. Comedy Reserve
  89. Comedy Roast
  90. Comedy Sans Frontieres
  91. Comedy Showdown
  92. Comedy Zone
  93. ComedySportz
  94. ComedySportz Unplugged
  95. Comfortable Chair Show
  96. Company
  97. Confession Box
  98. Confusions
  99. Conor Drum
  100. Conor O'Toole
  101. Contractions
  102. Coppers Uncovered
  103. Cormac Friel
  104. Cosmic Biscuit Theatre
  105. Cracker Jokes
  106. Craic Was Mighty
  107. Craig Campbell
  108. Craig Hill
  109. Cram & Williams
  110. Crap Music Rave Party
  111. Critical
  112. Croft & Pearce
  113. Cuban Brothers
  114. Cult of Comedy presents
  115. Cushion
  1. Jack and I
  2. Jack Barry & Annie McGrath
  3. Jack Dee
  4. Jack Gardner & Liberty Hodes
  5. Jack Of Hearts
  6. Jack Samuel Warner & John Pendal
  7. Jacky Wood
  8. Jake Lambert & Dom Lister
  9. Jamaica Farewell
  10. James Acaster
  11. James Bannon
  12. James Bennison
  13. James Bran
  14. James Campbell
  15. James Christopher
  16. James Cook
  17. James Cook: Adventures
  18. James Dowdeswell
  19. James Freedman
  20. James Lovelock
  21. James Loveridge
  22. James Meehan & Will Duggan
  23. James Oliphant & Archie Maddocks
  24. James Rhodes
  25. James Ross
  26. James Veitch
  27. James Webster
  28. Jamie MacDonald
  29. Jamie McCarney
  30. Jana & Heidi
  31. Janey Godley
  32. Janice Connolly
  33. Jarred Christmas & Jack Hobbs
  34. Jason Byrne
  35. Jason Cook
  36. Jason Lewis
  37. Jason Patterson
  38. Javier Jarquin
  39. Jay Cowle
  40. Jay Foreman
  41. Jay Handley
  42. Jay Islaam
  43. Jay-Z & Me
  44. Jeff Leach
  45. Jeffrey Holland
  46. Jem Brookes
  47. Jen Brister
  48. Jenan Younis
  49. Jennifer Belander
  50. Jenny Bede & Brendan Murphy
  51. Jenny Collier
  52. Jerome Chandrahasen
  53. Jerry Sadowitz
  54. Jess Robinson
  55. Jessica Fostekew
  56. Jessica Sherr
  57. Jessie Cave & Emer Kenny
  58. Jester Jesters
  59. Jestia & Raedon
  60. Jim Campbell
  61. Jim Davidson
  62. Jim Holland
  63. Jimeoin
  64. Jimmy Carr
  65. Jo Burke
  66. Jo Caulfield
  67. Joanna Griffin
  68. Jocks & Geordies
  69. Jody Kamali
  70. Joe & Sal
  71. Joe Bains
  72. Joe Bor
  73. Joe Bor: Jasper Cromwell Jones
  74. Joe Munrow
  75. Joe Rowntree
  76. Joe Rowntree: Themeless
  77. Joe Wells
  78. Joel Dommett
  79. Joey Page
  80. John Bishop
  81. John Conway
  82. John D Slater
  83. John Hastings
  84. John Hastings Podcast
  85. John Kearns
  86. John Lloyd
  87. John McGuinness
  88. John O'Farrell
  89. John Robb
  90. John Robertson: Dark Room
  91. John Robertson: History
  92. John Robins
  93. John-Luke Roberts
  94. Johnny Kingshott
  95. Jojo Sutherland
  96. Joke Thieves
  97. Jollyboat
  98. Jon Bennett Meth Lab
  99. Jon Bennett: Pretending
  100. Jon Pearson
  101. Jon Pearson: 15 Min Wonders
  102. Jonathan Hearn
  103. Jonathan Sheehan
  104. Jonny & The Baptists
  105. Jonny Awsum
  106. Jonny Donahoe
  107. Jonny Freeman
  108. Jonny Lennard
  109. Jonny Pelham & George Zach
  110. Joseph Morpurgo
  111. Josh Howie
  112. Josh Ladgrove
  113. Josh Smith
  114. Josh Widdicombe
  115. Josie Long
  116. Joystick! Impro
  117. Joz Norris
  118. Jules Maxine
  119. Julia Sutherland
  120. Julian McCullough
  121. Juliette Burton
  122. Just a Minute
  123. Just Deserts
  124. Just the Tonic: Midnight
  125. Justin Hamilton
  126. Justin Moorhouse
  127. Justin Panks
  128. Juvenalia
  1. MacAulay & Co
  2. MacBraveheart
  3. Madame Senorita
  4. Maddy Carrick
  5. Maddy Carrick: Worst Birthday
  6. Mae Martin
  7. Maff Brown
  8. Mafia on Prozac
  9. Maggy Whitehouse
  10. Magic Egg
  11. Majk Stokes
  12. Making It!
  13. Malcolm Hardee Awards
  14. Man & His Ponderings
  15. Marc Burrows
  16. Marcel Lucont
  17. Marcus Distilius
  18. MargOH Channing
  19. Mark Cooper-Jones
  20. Mark Davison
  21. Mark Dolan
  22. Mark Grist & MC Mixy
  23. Mark Nelson
  24. Mark Ravenhill
  25. Mark Restuccia
  26. Mark Simmons
  27. Mark Thomas
  28. Mark Watson
  29. Mark Watson: Games
  30. Markus Birdman
  31. Marlon Davis
  32. Martin Croser
  33. Martin Mor
  34. Martin Pilgrim
  35. Mary Bourke
  36. Masai Graham
  37. Massive Dad
  38. Mat Ewins
  39. Mat Ricardo
  40. Mat Wills
  41. Mathilda Gregory
  42. Matt Cosgrove
  43. Matt Forde
  44. Matt Forde: Independence
  45. Matt Henry
  46. Matt Price
  47. Matt Roper
  48. Matt Rutter & Tim Lynskey
  49. Matt T Woodward & Scott Jeffery
  50. Matt Winning & Lolly Adefope
  51. Matthew Collins
  52. Matthew Finlayson
  53. Matthew Highton
  54. Matthew Perret
  55. Matty Grey
  56. Mawaan Rizwan & Seda Yildiz
  57. Max Dickins
  58. Maxine Jones
  59. McNeil & Pamphilon
  60. McQueen
  61. MegaGames
  62. Melanie Hall and Susan Carcary
  63. Melon, Coffee, Duck
  64. Men With Nectar Points
  65. Mervyn Stutter
  66. Michael Brunström
  67. Michael Downey
  68. Michael Fabbri
  69. Michael Griffiths
  70. Michael J Dolan
  71. Michael Legge & Robin Ince
  72. Michael Mittermeier
  73. Mick Ferry
  74. Mickey Sharma
  75. Micky Bartlett
  76. Midsummer Night's Dream
  77. Midsummer Night's Dream Rock Musical
  78. Mik Artistik's Ego Trip
  79. Mike Belgrave
  80. Mike Lawrence
  81. Mike Newall
  82. Mike Shephard
  83. Mike Wilkinson
  84. Miles Allen
  85. Milking It For Charity
  86. Milner & Rowan
  87. Milo Edwards & Archie Henderson
  88. Milo McCabe
  89. Mind The Gap
  90. Ministry Comedy
  91. Minor Delays
  92. Miranda Hennessy
  93. Miranda Kane
  94. Miranda Kane: Coin-Operated Girl
  95. Miss Androus
  96. Miss Behave
  97. Miss Fletcher
  98. Miss Hope Springs
  99. Mitch Benn
  100. Mitch Benn: 37th Beatle
  101. Mo McKenna
  102. Mock Tudor
  103. Mojo
  104. Molland & Sullivan
  105. Monkey Poet: Shit Flinging
  106. Monster Stand-Up Show
  107. Morgan & West
  108. Morning Gloryville
  109. Mr B the Gentleman Rhymer
  110. Mr Kirby
  111. Much Ado About Muffins
  112. Much Ado About Nothing
  113. Murder She Didn't Write
  114. Musical Comedy Awards
  115. My Fair Lady
  116. My Rabbi
  117. Mysteries of the Unknown
  118. MyWay
  1. R-Evolution Comedy
  2. Rachael Clerke
  3. Rachel Fairburn
  4. Rachel Parris
  5. Rachel Stubbings
  6. Racing Minds
  7. Radio 1 Comedy
  8. Rahul Kohli
  9. Rail Replacement Service
  10. Randy Ross
  11. Rants Bantz & Comas
  12. Rat Induction
  13. Rat Pack Comedy
  14. Rats!
  15. Ray Fordyce
  16. Ray Peacock
  17. Rayguns Look Real Enough
  18. Raymond Mearns
  19. Real Inspector Hound
  20. Real MacGuffins
  21. Really Terrible Orchestra
  22. Rebecca Humphries
  23. Red Bastard
  24. Red Herrings
  25. Red Jungle Fowl
  26. Red Redmond
  27. Reduced Shakespeare
  28. Reduced Shakespeare: Comedy
  29. Referendum & Dumber
  30. Referendum Review
  31. Refresh
  32. Relatively Speaking
  33. Return to the Forbidden Planet
  34. Rhys James
  35. Rhys Mathewson
  36. Rhys Nicholson
  37. Ria Lina
  38. Ria Lina: Offensive Charm
  39. Rice N Peas N Caviar
  40. Rich Wilson
  41. Richard Brown
  42. Richard Carnaby
  43. Richard Gadd
  44. Richard Hanrahan & Hari Sriskantha
  45. Richard Herring
  46. Richard Morton and Reg Meuross
  47. Richard Pulsford
  48. Richard Todd &d Thomas Ward
  49. Richard Tyrone Jones
  50. Richard Tyrone Jones: Crap Time Lord
  51. Richard Young and Sam Strange
  52. Rick Kiesewetter
  53. Rick Molland
  54. Rik Carranza
  55. Riptide
  56. Ro Campbell
  57. Ro Campbell: Demons
  58. Rob Auton
  59. Rob Coleman
  60. Rob Deb
  61. Rob Deering
  62. Rob Deering: Beat This
  63. Rob Mailloux & Bobby Mair
  64. Rob Mailoux
  65. Rob Pybus
  66. Rob Rouse
  67. Robert Cohen
  68. Robert Jagerhorn
  69. Robert Lewellyn
  70. Robert Newman
  71. Robert White
  72. Robin & Partridge
  73. Robin Cairns
  74. Robin Ince
  75. Robot Presents
  76. Robyn Perkins
  77. Rock Trial
  78. Rocky Horror Night
  79. Roger Swift & Patrick Draper
  80. Roland Gent
  81. Romesh Ranganathan
  82. Ron Lynch
  83. Ronan Linskey
  84. Ronnie Golden
  85. Rory O'Hanlon
  86. Rory O'Keeffe
  87. Rosie Holt
  88. Rosie Wilby
  89. Royal Holloway
  90. Ruaraidh Murray
  91. Rubberbandits
  92. Ruby Darlings
  93. Ruby Wax
  94. Rumours
  95. Russ Haynes
  96. Russ Haynes & Matt Francis
  97. Russ Mulligan
  98. Russell Grant
  99. Russell Hicks
  100. Russell Hicks: Breakdown
  101. Russell Kane
  102. Russell Kane: Smallness
  103. Rut
  104. Ruth E Cockburn
  105. Ryan Coffey
  106. Ryan Good
  107. Ryan Millar
  1. Sadia Azmat
  2. Sahar Mirhadi & Dan O'Gorman
  3. Sailor
  4. Sam Avery
  5. Sam Brady
  6. Sam Carrington & Gavin Sorohan
  7. Sam Larner
  8. Sam Simmons
  9. Samantha Hannah & Zahra Barri
  10. Sameena Zehra
  11. Sammy J
  12. Sara Joy Hunter & Sarah Short
  13. Sara Pascoe
  14. Sarah Bennetto
  15. Sarah Bennetto: Storytellers
  16. Sarah Callaghan
  17. Sarah Campbell
  18. Sarah Cassidy
  19. Sarah Kendall
  20. Sarah Profit
  21. Sarah-May Philo
  22. Saucy Songs and Merry Melodies
  23. Saughtonhall Amateur Drama
  24. Scat On A Hot Tin Riff
  25. Scotland Pick
  26. Scotland Stands Up
  27. Scots Double Bill
  28. Scott Capurro
  29. Scottie Road the Musical
  30. Scottish Comedian of Year
  31. Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppets
  32. Scribble
  33. Sean Brightman
  34. Sean Hegarty
  35. Sean McLoughlin
  36. Sean Morley
  37. Sean Nolan
  38. Sean O'Dee & Duncan Fraser
  39. Sean Turner
  40. Seann Walsh
  41. Seated Reservations
  42. Secret Wives of Andy Williams
  43. See You Next Thursday
  44. Self Sabotage
  45. Semi-Toned
  46. Sensing Humour in English
  47. Separate But Equal
  48. Set List
  49. Seussification
  50. Seymour Mace
  51. Sh*t Faced Shakespeare
  52. Shaggers
  53. Shakespeare Avengers
  54. Shakespeare for Breakfast
  55. Shakespeare in the Garden
  56. Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors
  57. Shambles
  58. Shappi Khorsandi
  59. Shaun Buswell
  60. Shazia Mirza
  61. Sheeps
  62. Shelby Bond
  63. Shellshock!
  64. Sheriff of Nottingham
  65. Shhh - Improv Silent Movie
  66. Shipping Forecast
  67. Shirley & Shirley
  68. Shit of the Fringe
  69. ShitStorM
  70. Shitting in Narnia
  71. Short & Curly
  72. Show Off
  73. Show Pony
  74. Showstopper
  75. Siblings
  76. Sid Singh
  77. Sid Wick
  78. Signal Failure
  79. Silky
  80. Silky: Show or Kids
  81. Silly Boys
  82. Simon Amstell
  83. Simon Caine
  84. Simon Feilder
  85. Simon Jay
  86. Simon Munnery
  87. Single Comics Trying To Impress
  88. Sister Amnesia
  89. Six Steps to Joy
  90. Sketch Appeal
  91. Sketch Bingo
  92. Sketch Show Can't Be Named
  93. Sketch Transfer Day
  94. Sketchorama
  95. Skimprov
  96. Slap & Giggle
  97. Sleeping Trees Treelogy
  98. SmART Attack
  99. Smile & Nod
  100. Smoking Kills
  101. Snakes The Musical
  102. Snoutology for Beginners
  103. Snow White
  104. So This Is Earth
  105. So You Think You're Funny
  106. Soften the Grey
  107. Soho Comedy Club
  108. Sol Bernstein
  109. Something Will Happen Here
  110. Sooz Kempner
  111. Sophie Pelham
  112. Sophie Willan
  113. Sophie Wu
  114. SOS Save Our Spaces
  115. Spaghetti (North) Western
  116. Spank!
  117. Spanktacular
  118. Spark, the Goblin Wizard
  119. Spencer Brown
  120. Spencer Jones
  121. Spitfire
  122. Split Note Sessions
  123. Splooge Adventures
  124. Spork Conspiracy
  125. Spring Day
  126. Squidboy
  127. St Andrews Revue
  128. St. George's Medics' Revue
  129. Staggered
  130. Stand Late Show
  131. Stand Up For Shelter
  132. Stand-Up @ Le Monde
  133. Stand-Up Showdown
  134. Stand-Up Tragedy
  135. Staple/face
  136. Starting Tomorrow
  137. Steen Raskopoulos
  138. Stefan Danziger & Carmen Chraim
  139. Stephanie Laing
  140. Stephen Bailey
  141. Stephen Carlin
  142. Stephen Dinsdale
  143. Stephen Frizzle
  144. Stephen K Amos
  145. Stephen K Amos: Talk Show
  146. Steve Day
  147. Steve N Allen
  148. Steven Vickers
  149. Stewart Lee
  150. Story Shakespeare
  151. Strudelhead
  152. Stu Richards & Sarah Mills
  153. Stuart Black
  154. Stuart Goldsmith
  155. Stuart Laws
  156. Stuart Mitchell
  157. Stuck
  158. Succeed in Business
  159. Sully O'Sullivan
  160. Sunna Jarman
  161. Suns of Fred
  162. Superfluous
  163. Superglad
  164. Surname & Surname: Bang
  165. Surname & Surname: Last Year
  166. Susan Calman
  167. Susan Murray
  168. Susanna Hislop
  169. Susannah Hewlett & Hannah Eaton
  170. Sushi Tap Show
  171. Susie McCabe
  172. Suzi Ruffell
  173. Sweater Curse
  174. Swiss Cheese
  175. Sy Thomas
  176. SYTYF? Final
  1. Take A Comedian Out
  2. Tamar Broadbent
  3. Tamer Kattan & Toby Muresianu
  4. Tania Edwards
  5. Tartan Ribbon
  6. Tea & Jamboree
  7. Tedfest
  8. Teenage Dirtbag
  9. Terror
  10. Terry McHugh
  11. Tessa Waters
  12. Tez Ilyas & Gary Tro
  13. That Sinking Feeling
  14. That Thing Is Comedy
  15. The 3rd Sector
  16. The Actor's Nightmare
  17. The Alchemist
  18. The Awkward Silence
  19. The Babysitters
  20. The Bastard Children
  21. The Bastard Queen
  22. The Beta Males
  23. The Birdmann
  24. The Blank Slates
  25. The Blazers
  26. The Blue Tits
  27. The Blues Brothers
  28. The Boy in Blue
  29. The Breakfast Club
  30. The Canterbury Crawl
  31. The Canterbury Tales
  32. The Circus
  33. The Cleek
  34. The Clinic
  35. The Colour Ham
  36. The Comedy of Errors
  37. The Cowboy Max Show
  38. The Cuban Brothers
  39. The Dirty Talk
  40. The Electra Project
  41. The Estate
  42. The Grandees
  43. The Grandees: BaBoom!
  44. The Hat Pack
  45. The Improverts
  46. The Improveteers
  47. The Jest
  48. The Last Motel
  49. The LipSinkers
  50. The Man
  51. The Matchmaker
  52. The Next Big Thing
  53. The Noctambulist
  54. The Nualas
  55. The Odyssey
  56. The One-Eyed Men
  57. The Onion of Bigotry
  58. The Pin
  59. The Post Show
  60. The Reviewers
  61. The Room
  62. The Sorcerer's Tale
  63. The Thinking Drinkers
  64. The Tight Six
  65. The Trip
  66. The Usherettes
  67. The Vikings
  68. The World Mouse Plague
  69. Theo Shack & Rory Fraser
  70. These Is You're Lifes
  71. Thick Richard & Lydia
  72. Thinking of Leaving Facebook
  73. Thinking Standing Up
  74. This Arthur's Seat...
  75. This Is Your Trial
  76. This Way Madness Lies
  77. Thom Tuck
  78. Three Children
  79. Three Shot Mockery
  80. Thünderbards
  81. Tickled Pig
  82. Tickled Pig: So Hot
  83. Tiernan Douieb
  84. Tiffany Stevenson
  85. Till Death
  86. Tim Clare
  87. Tim FitzHigham
  88. Tim Key
  89. Tim Renkow
  90. Tim Vine
  91. Tina T'urner Tea Lady
  92. Titanic
  93. Titty Bar Ha Ha
  94. TJ McDonald
  95. Tobias Persson
  96. Toby
  97. Toby Williams
  98. Tom Allen
  99. Tom Appleton
  100. Tom Binns
  101. Tom Craine
  102. Tom Deacon
  103. Tom Glover & Cerys Nelms
  104. Tom Goodliffe
  105. Tom Holmes & James Shakeshaft
  106. Tom Neenan
  107. Tom O'Mahony
  108. Tom Price
  109. Tom Rhodes
  110. Tom Rosenthal
  111. Tom Rosenthal: WIP
  112. Tom Shillue
  113. Tom Short & Will Hutchby
  114. Tom Stade
  115. Tom Toal
  116. Tom Webb: Megadudes
  117. Tomas Ahlbeck
  118. Tomás Ford
  119. Tommy Cooper Show
  120. Tommy Rowson
  121. Tony Jameson
  122. Tony Law
  123. Tony Roberts
  124. Tony Vino & Andy Kind
  125. Too Cool to Care
  126. Too Much Light
  127. Top of the Flops
  128. Tragedy of Tragedies
  129. Travesti
  130. Treasure Island
  131. Trevor Feelgood
  132. Trevor Lock
  133. Trevor Meaney
  134. Tricity Vogue: Songs
  135. Trinity College Dublin
  136. Twice as Nice Comedy
  137. Twilight Region
  138. Twins
  139. Twins Macabre
  140. Twisted Edge Comedy
  141. Twisted Loaf
  142. Two More Liars
  143. Twonkey's Restaurant

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