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2013 Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh comedy shows 2013

This tool lists all the comedy shows that were part of the 2013 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, listed by shortened titles - usually the comic's name.

  1. A A and A
  2. A Body to Die[t] For
  3. A Boy Who Cried Wolf
  4. A Laughing Matter
  5. A Little Bit of Dickens
  6. A Matter of Life and Death
  7. A Midsummer Night's Dream
  8. A Note of Dischord
  9. A Pile of Wit
  10. A Sim, J Thomson & J Millar
  11. A Tiny Gang
  12. A to Z Improv Comedy
  13. A Writer's Lot
  14. A Young Man Dressed As a Gorilla... 5
  15. AAA Batteries Symposium
  16. AAA Stand-Up Late
  17. Aaaaaaaaaargh! Isn't Alphabetised
  18. Aaron Twitchen
  19. Abandoman
  20. Aberdeen Unprepared
  21. Aberdeen vs Glasgow
  22. Abigoliah Schamaun
  23. About Comedy
  24. Absolute Improv Stories
  25. Actors Nightmare
  26. Ad-Lib
  27. Adam and Eve
  28. Adam Belbin
  29. Adam Buxton
  30. Adam Drake
  31. Adam Hess & David Elms
  32. Adam Hess, David Elms & Chris Turner
  33. Adam Hills
  34. Adam Kay
  35. Adam Kay: Amateur Transplants
  36. Adam Larter & Ali Brice
  37. Adam Strauss
  38. Adam Strauss: Montane Vole
  39. Addy van der Borgh
  40. Adrienne Truscott
  41. Adventures Of Moleman
  42. Afterhours Comedy
  43. Afternoon Delight
  44. Ahir Shah
  45. Aidan Goatley: 10 Films
  46. Aidan Goatley: On the Mend
  47. Aisling Bea
  48. Akmal
  49. Al Lubel
  50. Al Murray
  51. Al Murray: Compete For The Haggis
  52. Alan Committie
  53. Alan Hudson
  54. Alan Irwin
  55. Alan Sharp
  56. Alastair Clark
  57. Albert Einstein...
  58. Alex Horne
  59. Alex Kealy
  60. Alex Maher
  61. Alex Williamson
  62. Alexander Bennett
  63. Alexander Oliver & Alexis Wieroniey
  64. Alexei Sayle
  65. Alexis Dubus
  66. Alfie Brown
  67. Alfie Moore
  68. Alice Lashman
  69. Alistair Barrie
  70. Alistair Greaves & Si Beckwith
  71. Alistair Green
  72. Alistair Green is Jack Spencer
  73. Alistair McGowan
  74. All Or Nothing
  75. All That Malarkey
  76. Almond Roca
  78. Alternative Comedy Experience
  79. Alternative Comedy Memorial Society
  80. Alternative to Culture
  81. Amazing Charity Gala
  82. American Gun Show
  83. Amnesty Secret Comedy Podcast
  84. Amused Moose Awards Final
  85. Amused Moose Gangshow
  86. Amused Moose Laugh Off Final
  87. Amy Abler
  88. Amy Hoggart
  89. Amy Wright
  90. An Actors Lament
  91. An Anonymous Life
  92. An Evening With Samantha
  93. Anatomy of the Piano
  94. And They Played Shang-a-Lang
  95. Andrew And Pony
  96. Andrew Lawrence
  97. Andrew Maxwell
  98. Andy Field
  99. Angry Beards
  100. Angus Barr
  101. Angus Dunican
  102. Anil Desai
  103. Ant Dewson
  104. Antonello Taurino
  105. Apocalypso!
  106. Ardal O'Hanlon
  107. Around Miss Julie
  108. Arthur Smith
  109. Arthur's Seat Gala
  110. As Narrated By
  111. Assassins
  112. Assembly Gala Press Launch
  113. At It @ 6.15
  114. At Wits End
  115. Atella the Pun
  116. Austentatious
  117. Austerity Pleasures
  118. Avenue Q
  1. B Winterton, R McCann & T Drans
  2. B&B A Beacon Of Light
  3. Baby Wants Candy Improvised Muscial
  4. Baby Wants Candy Workshops
  5. Baby Wants Candy: Graduation
  6. Back from the Future
  7. Baconface
  8. Bad Bread
  9. Barnardo's
  10. Barry Brennan
  11. Barry Castagnola
  12. Barry Ferns
  13. Barry From Watford
  14. Barry on Arthur's Seat
  15. Barry's Audio Tour of the Fringe
  16. Bath Time
  17. BattleActs
  18. Bear Goes Walkabout
  19. Bear Pit Comedy Podcast
  20. Beard Envy
  21. Beardyman
  22. BEASTS
  23. Bec Hill
  24. Bec Hill & Tom Goodliffe
  25. Been To Bruno Mars And Back
  26. Beijing Cake
  27. Below the Belt
  28. Ben Champion
  29. Ben McFarland & Tom Sandham
  30. Ben Moor
  31. Ben Norris
  32. Ben Van Der Velde
  33. Ben Van der Velde & Andrea Hubert
  34. Ben Verth
  35. Bench Bites
  36. Benefit
  37. Benjamin Crellin
  38. Benjamin Partridge
  39. Benny Boot
  40. Benny Davis
  41. Berlin Expats
  42. Bespoke Comedy
  43. Bespoke Overcoat
  44. Best Edinburgh
  45. Best Fest
  46. Best Fest Daytime
  47. Best Irish Comedy
  48. Best Kept Secrets
  49. Best New Sketch Act Final
  50. Best of Waterloo Comedy
  51. Beta Males in... Superopolis
  52. Beth Vyse
  53. Beyond Therapy
  54. Big Comedy Gala
  55. Big Comedy Lunch
  56. Big Daddy vs Giant Haystacks
  57. Big Spoon, Little Spoon
  58. Billy McGuire
  59. Birmingham Footnotes
  60. Birthday Girls
  61. Bishop's School
  62. Bitches Box
  63. Bite the Bullet
  64. Bjorn Gustafsson
  65. Black Rubix Theatre
  66. BLAM
  67. Blank Slates
  68. Blind Mirth
  69. Blues Brothers
  70. Bo Burnham
  71. Boadicea of Britannia Street
  72. Bob & Jack
  73. Bob and Jim
  74. Bob Blackman Appreciation
  75. Bob Doolally
  76. Bob Graham
  77. Bob Skeldon
  78. Bob Slayer
  79. Bobby Finn
  80. Bobby Gould in Hell
  81. Bobby Mair
  82. Bog Standard Britain
  83. Bollywood Rejects
  84. BonBon
  85. Bonk
  86. Book of Blakewell
  87. Book Of Face
  88. Book Of Questions
  89. Bookshop Comedy Encore
  90. Bookshop Midnight Mayhem
  91. Boris & Sergey
  92. Boris & Sergey II
  93. Born Too Late
  94. Boss of It All
  95. Boy Who Kicked Pigs
  96. Boy With Tape On His Face
  97. Boys
  98. Brain Without a Body
  99. Break-Up of Cause and Effect
  100. Breakfast Club
  101. Brendon Burns
  102. Brendon Burns & Colt Cabana
  103. Brethren Of Levity
  104. Brett Goldstein
  105. Brian Higgins
  106. Brian Mooney
  107. Bridget Christie
  108. Briefs
  109. Bright Club
  110. Bristol Improv Presents
  111. Bristol Revunions
  112. Britain's Got Fuck All Talent
  113. Broadsquad
  114. Broken Windows
  115. Bronston Jones
  116. Bruce Fummey: Afro Celtic Angst
  117. Bruce Fummey: Gaelic
  118. Bruce Fummey: Jacobites
  119. Buckinghams Finest
  120. Bunker Trilogy
  121. Byron Bertram
  1. Cabaret Nova
  2. Cambridge Footlights
  3. Cambridge Footlights: Free
  4. Cameron Davis
  5. Can You Put This In The Bin For Me?
  6. Can't Buy Me Love
  7. Canadians of Comedy
  8. Captain Alan
  9. Captain Morgan
  10. Carey Marx
  11. Cariad & Paul
  12. Carl Donnelly
  13. Carl Hutchinson
  14. Carl Lawrence & Bobby Murdock
  15. Carly Smallman
  16. Caroline Hardie
  17. Caroline Rhea
  18. Caroline Rhea & Mr Clown
  19. Cassetteboy vs DJ Rubbish
  20. Casual Violence: House Of Nostril
  21. Casual Violence: Om Nom
  22. Cat Police
  23. Catherine Semark
  24. Catriona Knox
  25. CatSoup
  26. Cecilia Delatori
  27. Champ
  28. Charabang!
  29. Charles Booth
  30. Charlie Baker
  31. Charlie Brown
  32. Charlie Chuck
  33. Charlie Smith
  34. Charmian Hughes
  35. Chastity Butterworth
  36. Cheaper Than Therapy
  37. Cherry On Top
  38. Chortle Student Final
  39. Chris Barnes
  40. Chris Coltrane
  41. Chris Cross
  42. Chris Dangerfield
  43. Chris Fitchew
  44. Chris Griffin & Patrick Mulholland
  45. Chris Henry Isn't Musical
  46. Chris Henry Stands Up
  47. Chris Kendall
  48. Chris Kent
  49. Chris Martin
  50. Chris Mayo
  51. Chris Ramsey
  52. Chris Stokes
  53. Chris Tavner
  54. Christian O'Connell
  55. Christian Reilly
  56. Christian Schulte-Loh
  57. Christian Talbot
  58. Clair Myychaels
  59. Claire Dowie
  60. Claire Ford & Nicola Wilkinson
  61. Claire Healy
  62. Clare Harrison
  63. Claudia O'Doherty
  64. Claus Damgaard
  65. Claus Reiss
  66. Clown for Hire
  67. Colin Geddis
  68. Colin Hoult
  69. Colour Ham
  70. Come Blow Your Horn
  71. Comedian Rap Battle
  72. Comedian's Comedian Podcast
  73. Comedy and Cupcakes
  74. Comedy Club 4 Kids
  75. Comedy Countdown
  76. Comedy Death
  77. Comedy Gala 2013
  78. Comedy Grit
  79. Comedy On The Bridge
  80. Comedy Reserve
  81. Comedy World War
  82. Comedy Zone
  83. Comedy, Evolved
  84. ComedySportz
  85. Company Man
  86. Concrete Duvet
  87. Confused in Syracuse
  88. Cookstown Sizzling
  89. Cormac Friel
  90. Cougar Pammy
  91. Cow Play
  92. Craig Campbell
  93. Craig Hill
  94. Crimes Against Comedy
  95. Crunch the News
  96. Crying Duck
  97. Cuckoo Nest
  98. Curse of Elizabeth Faulkner
  99. Cynthia Levin
  1. Madame Chabane
  2. Maddy's Many Mouths
  3. Mae Martin
  4. Magpie & Stump
  5. Major Tom
  6. Making Faces
  7. Making News
  8. Making of Something Awesome
  9. Malcolm Hardee Comedy Awards
  10. Malcolm Head
  11. Man Feelings
  12. Mango's Late Night Fandango
  13. Manos Kanellos
  14. Marcel Lucont
  15. Marcel Lucont: Cabaret
  16. Marcus Brigstocke: Je m'accuse
  17. Marcus Brigstocke: Unavailable
  18. Mark Davison
  19. Mark Dean Quinn
  20. Mark Dolan
  21. Mark Olver
  22. Mark Restuccia
  23. Mark Smith
  24. Mark Stephenson
  25. Mark Thomas
  26. Markus Birdman
  27. Marlon Davis
  28. Marriage Proposal
  29. Martin Croser
  30. Martin Mor
  31. Mary Bourke
  32. Mary Bourke & Simon Clayton
  33. Masters of Drip
  34. Mat Ewins
  35. Mat Ricardo
  36. Matt and Ian
  37. Matt Forde
  38. Matt Gibson
  39. Matt Green
  40. Matt Lacey
  41. Matt Nagin
  42. Matt Okine
  43. Matt Price
  44. Matt Richardson
  45. Matt Stevens & Glenn Moore
  46. Matt Thomas
  47. Matthew Finlayson
  48. Matthew Highton
  49. Maureen Younger
  50. Max & Ivan
  51. Max Dickins
  52. Max Fletcher
  53. Maxine Jones
  54. Maydays
  55. McDaniel & Callaghan
  56. McNeil & Pamphilon
  57. Meal Ticket
  58. Medicine Showdown
  59. Meet: Nicky Bligh
  60. MegaGames
  61. Mel Buttle
  62. Melmoth the Wanderer
  63. Men Who Stare At Jokes
  64. Mervyn Stutter
  65. MI4 Espionage
  66. Michael Avern
  67. Michael Che
  68. Michael Fabbri
  69. Michael Griffiths
  70. Michael J Dolan
  71. Michael Legge
  72. Michael Mittermeier
  73. Michael Piper
  74. Mick Ferry
  75. Midlands Showcase
  76. Midnight Hour
  77. Midnight Madness
  78. Midwife Crisis
  79. Mike Levy
  80. Mike Newall
  81. Mike Shephard
  82. Mike Wozniak
  83. Milk The Laughs
  84. Milo McCabe
  85. Milton Jones
  86. Minnie & Mona Play Dead
  87. Miracles Etc
  88. Miranda Kane
  89. Miserable Lesbians
  90. Miss Behaves Game Show
  91. Mitch Benn
  92. Mitch Feral
  93. Mixed Doubles
  94. Monkey Poet
  95. Monkey Poet: Love Hurts
  96. Monster Stand-Up Show
  97. Morag and Keats
  98. Moraletry
  99. Morgan and West
  100. Mother F
  101. Moving Family
  102. Mr B The Gentleman Rhymer
  103. Mr Methane
  104. Mr Winchester
  105. Mrs Green
  106. Mrs Manning
  107. Mrs Moneypenny Returns
  108. Much Ado About Nothing
  109. Murder She Didn't Write
  110. Music Show Wedding
  111. Musical Comedy Awards
  112. My Name Is Sue
  113. My Pregnant Brother
  114. Myf Warhurst
  115. Mykal MakIntyre
  116. Myra DuBois
  1. Sad Faces Threw a Party
  2. Safe
  3. Sailor Beware
  4. Sally-Anne Hayward
  5. Sam Avery
  6. Sam Brady
  7. Sam Fletcher
  8. Sam Lloyd
  9. Sam Lloyd: For Sale
  10. Sam Quinn
  11. Sam Savage
  12. Sanders and Co
  13. Sanderson Jones & Pippa Evans
  14. Sandi Toksvig
  15. Sara Pascoe
  16. Sarah Bennetto & James Dowdeswell
  17. Sarah Campbell
  18. Sarah Hendrickx
  19. Sarah Millican
  20. Say It Again, Sam
  21. Scary Little Girls
  22. School Night
  23. Scotland Pick of the Fringe
  24. Scott Agnew
  25. Scott Capurro
  26. Scott of the Antarctic
  27. Scottish Comedian of the Year
  28. Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppets
  29. Scroobius Pip
  30. Sean Brightman
  31. Sean Hughes
  32. Sean McLoughlin
  33. Seann Walsh
  34. Set List
  35. Sex Guru
  36. Sex Lives of Others
  37. Sex, Drugs & Toilet Rolls
  38. Sexual Freaky Friday
  39. Seymour Mace
  40. Shaggers
  41. Shakespeare for Breakfast
  42. Shane Mauss
  43. Shawn Hitchins
  44. Shelby Bond
  45. Shirley Gnome
  46. Shit of the Fringe
  47. Shit-faced Shakespeare
  48. Short & Curly
  49. Short And Swede
  50. Short Com
  51. Showcase From Manillaroad
  52. Showstoppers
  53. Showstoppers: Family Hour
  54. Sign of Four
  55. Silky
  56. Silky: Nut Allegory
  57. Simon Amstell
  58. Simon Donald
  59. Simon Evans
  60. Simon Hoggart
  61. Simon Lilley
  62. Simon Munnery
  63. Simon Weekes & Tom Baker
  64. Simply the Jest
  65. SingleMarriedGirl
  66. Sion James
  67. Sitcom Trials
  68. Six O'Clock Club
  69. Six Wives of Henry VIII
  70. Slap & Giggle
  71. Slapdash Galaxy: 3D
  72. Slaughterhouse Live
  73. Sleeping Beauty & the Spinner
  74. Sleeping Trees' Odyssey
  75. Slightly Fat Features
  76. Small Steps in Random Directions
  77. So You Think You're Funny?
  78. Sock Puppet
  79. Soddin' Flodden
  80. Sofa Specific
  81. Soho Comedy Club
  82. Solfatara
  83. Something Fishy
  84. Something There That's Missing
  85. Songs For Cynics
  86. Soup
  87. South Downs
  88. Spank
  89. Spanktacular
  90. Speed Mating
  91. Splatter
  92. Split Shift
  93. Spontaneous Shakes
  94. Spring Day
  95. Squidboy
  96. St Andrews Revue
  97. Stand Late Show
  98. Stand Up, Woman
  99. Stand-Up Tragedy
  100. Staple/Face
  101. Stella Graham
  102. Stephen Bailey & Gary John Senior
  103. Stephen Carlin
  104. Stephen Frizzle
  105. Stephen Frizzle: Harry
  106. Stephen Hill
  107. Stephen K Amos: Talk Show
  108. Stephen K Amos: Work In Progress
  109. Steve Bennett
  110. Steve Bugeja
  111. Steve Davis & David Kurk
  112. Steve Richards
  113. Stewart Lee
  114. Strangeways
  115. Stu and Garry
  116. Stuart Bowden
  117. Stuart Laws
  118. Sugar & Vice
  119. Sugar and Honey Cook-Along!
  120. Suman Biswas
  121. Suman Biswas: Free
  122. Sunday Fundraiser
  123. Susan Calman
  124. Susie McCabe
  125. Suzy Bennett
  126. Sword and I
  127. Sy Thomas
  128. Sympathy Pains
  129. Synagogue Slut

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