Trodd en Bratt - Festival Diary

There are many differences between us (the double act Trodd en Bratt). Ruth Bratt is small, Lucy Trodd is massive. Bratt is dating, Trodd is married with a baby. Bratt is very experienced at everything, Trodd likes their poster.
The main difference is SIZE... which means that our festival experiences vary. So let us take you through our first 5 days at the Free Fringe through the eyes of one large and one small comedian...
Day 1. Bratt flies in comfortably (but terrified - she always imagines death on planes) from Naples after holiday with fella. Trodd squeezes herself into a train (sobbing about missing her child) with her not so giant husband, and wonders why public furniture isn't bigger. We get to Maggie's Chamber, our new festival home. The space holds about 100 people and presents a tunnelled roof, meaning that Bratt has no problems gliding about the stage but Trodd has a good deal more awkwardness to cope with and a few more jokes have to be worked into the sketches because of it.
Day 2. We are resigned to the fact that we DO actually have to flier and put up posters: wishing really hard DOES NOT MAKETH AN AUDIENCE APPEAR. Trodd can feel smug and useful with her height. Day 2 of the festival and the only spaces for posters are up high! Well done you, Trodd. Bratt deals with any at pavement level - you'll be able to know who has mounted the poster by its altitude. Bratt though, has the advantage of being able to dart out of the way of jugglers, actors flyering in their pants, white-faced mime acts, students lying on the floor playing guitar, Korean body-suited artistes. Trodd makes friends with them all.
Day3. Great! The Free Festival promotional t-shirts have arrived. Trodd's has been painstakingly sewn together from 14 shirts, Bratt's has been shrunk in the wash to fit. Now we look presentable, people will surely come to our show. Trodd's lack of experience makes her an eager flyerer - she chats with people, smiles, is charming and relaxed. Bratt's soul has been worn down over 10 years on the Royal Mile in August and she fixes on a rictus grin and thanks people when they are rude. The sight of Trodd's face over the crowds between them makes it all ok though. This double act stuff is much better than going solo.
Day 4. Perhaps we are relaxing a little too early but we go to see 2 other free festival shows. Trodd gets moved to the back for obscuring too many people's view with her massive head. Bratt has a massive laugh for one so tiny. A pick-me-up cafe stop before our show, Bratt cannot see over the counter so Trodd does the ordering. Bratt only drinks tea so it's easy to order for her. Trodd orders Bratt a tea in an espresso cup, so there is no wastage and orders herself a pint of tea. Refreshment commences. Happiness ensues.
Day 5. And the rain finally came. We'd been lucky up until now, Bratt's ok initially, as Trodd gets all the raindrops first and shields her. But the rain is relentless and Bratt's kagoule has to be reclassified from 'waterproof' to 'water absorbent'. We take solace in a sushi restaurant and Trodd eats Bratt's leftovers as we see the posters float by in the street river outside.
Trodd en Bratt perform daily in 'Well Done You' at 5:45pm at Maggie's Chamber, Free Sisters, Cowgate. It's a free show - so definitely go see them! Listing
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