2012 Edinburgh Fringe
'Wrong' Comedy With Bob 'Walshy' Walsh Plus Special Guests
Bob 'Walshy' Walsh is bringing his own brand of RAW SOUTH LONDON WRONGNESS to the greatest comedy show on earth. Dark, Sharp, Rude n Wrong Stand-Up Comedy' Great Guests Too! Join us!
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Date | Time | Venue |
4th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
5th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
6th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
7th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
8th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
9th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
10th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
11th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
12th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
13th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
14th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
15th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
16th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
17th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
18th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
19th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
20th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
21st Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
22nd Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
23rd Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
24th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
25th Aug 2012 | 22:00 | Buffs Club (38) |
User reviews
Well I was offended by this show. It was sold to me on the Royal Mile by a man who was shouting something about rude and blue and out of order comedy. I went for lunch and 2 hours later this rebrobate was still stood there handing out flyers. So I went along to the show in spite of this. I was expecting to be challenged of course, but was in no way prepared for the flyerer and Host Walshy Walsh, who the audience and the comics seemed to worship. The topics discussed were offensive to say the least. A Canadian chap, Hunter somebody, was utterly disgusting in his descriptions of various sex acts. Then another man hammered a nail into his nose and it started bleeding. I don't know if this was part of the act or not. I loved it. Please, please come back next year. You beautiful people.
This is a 'must see' show. After trawling the PBH Guide and viewing a fair few free shows of 2011 and 2012 hit upon this little gem completely by accident. Do not let this bundle of delights and surprises pass you by in 2012. A must see for this year. Bob 'Walshy' Walsh pounces onto the stage with such vigour and energy that drags you along by the scruff of the neck for the next hour, with the rough, ready and blue humour (of which real people can relate to)This does not fall down with the line up acts that followed including The High Priest - if this guy starts up a Sunday Church I for one would be there worshipping complete with hangover..followed by a bizzare yet extremely funny and entertaning duo called Griffin and Jones this is then rounded off by a comedian Matt Price whose dry and close to the bone humour just hits the spot! 'Walshy' wraps up the whole show with a big bow of straight to the point humour. Please beware this show does contain many reference to the word C**T of which made me squeal with delight -At last a comedy show I can relate too!! Hallelujah