British Comedy Guide
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2012 Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh comedy shows 2012

This tool lists all the comedy shows that were part of the 2012 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, listed by shortened titles - usually the comic's name.

  1. A Brief History of Scotland
  2. A Corpo Libero
  3. A Funny Thing Happened
  4. A Little Perspective with Imaan
  5. AAA Batteries
  6. AAA Stand-Up
  7. AAA Stand-Up Late
  8. Aaron Twitchen
  9. Abandoman
  10. Aberdeen, Glasgow, World
  11. Abigoliah Schamaun
  12. About Comedy
  13. Absolute Improv
  14. Absolute Improv Stories
  15. Absolute Stripping
  16. Adam Hess & Sean Mcloughlin
  17. Adam Hills
  18. Adam Kay
  19. Adam Larter
  20. Adam Strauss
  21. Adult History of Great Britain
  22. After Hours Comedy
  23. Afternoon Delight
  24. Aidan Goatley
  25. Aidan Killian
  26. Aizzah Fatima
  27. Al Murray: Olympic Quiz
  28. Al Murray: TOWIE
  29. Al Pitcher
  30. Alan Anderson
  31. Alan Bissett
  32. Alan Davies
  33. Alan Francis
  34. Alan Hudson
  35. Alan Sharp
  36. Alex Kealy & Patrick Morris
  37. Alex Keelan & Claire Mooney
  38. Alexis Dubus: Cars & Girls
  39. Alfie Brown
  40. Alfie Moore
  41. Ali Brice & David Bussell
  42. Ali Shahrukhi
  43. Alice Mary Cooper
  44. Alison Thea-Skot
  45. Alistair Barrie
  46. Alistair Green
  47. All About The Craic
  48. All in the Timing
  49. All Star Stand-Up Showcase
  50. All The Fun of the Unfair
  51. Allo Allo
  52. Almost Nothing to Do with Frogs
  53. Almost, Maine
  54. Alternative Fringe Shows
  55. Amused Moose: Final
  56. Amused Moose: Semi-Final
  57. Amused Moose: Showcases
  58. Amy Hoggart
  59. Amy Lamé
  60. Amy Wright
  61. And the Girls in Their Sunday Dresses
  62. And They Played Shang-A-Lang
  63. Andre King
  64. Andrew Bird
  65. Andrew Cox
  66. Andrew Doyle
  67. Andrew J. Lederer
  68. Andrew J. Lederer: Cold Chicken
  69. Andrew J. Lederer: Cold Comfort
  70. Andrew Lawrence
  71. Andrew Maxwell
  72. Andrew O'Neill
  73. Andrew O'Neill & Marc Burrows
  74. Andrew Ryan
  75. Andrew Watts
  76. Andy & Mike
  77. Andy and the Prostitutes
  78. Angela Barnes & Matt Richardson
  79. Angels in Heels
  80. Angus & Cameron
  81. Anna Morris
  82. Anne Edmonds
  83. Ant Smith
  84. Anthony King
  85. Anything But
  86. Apocalypse or Bust!
  87. Appointment With The Wicker Man
  88. Arguments and Nosebleeds
  89. Armada
  90. Armageddapocalypse
  91. Arnie Pie
  92. Art of Procrastination
  93. ArtWank!
  94. As Narrated By
  95. As You Like It (Cambridge Uni)
  96. As You Like It (Sedos)
  97. Asher Treleaven
  98. Ashley Frieze
  99. Ashley Strand
  100. Asli Akbay & Simon Lilley
  101. Assembly Gala
  102. Auntie Myra's Fun Show
  103. Aurora Winterborn
  104. Austentatious
  105. Austerity Pleasures
  1. Baby Wants Candy
  2. Baby With the Bathwater
  3. Back and to the Left
  4. Back To School
  5. Back to School Disco
  6. Back to the Future Pantomime
  7. Bad Bread
  8. Bad Musical
  9. Bairns' Night
  10. Barbara Nice
  11. Barbershopera
  12. Barely Legal
  13. Barry Castagnola
  14. Barry Cryer & Ronnie Golden
  15. Barry Morgan
  16. Battle at Little Creek
  17. Battle Ducks
  18. BattleActs!
  19. BBC: Christopher Brookmyre
  20. BBC: Comedy at the Fringe
  21. BBC: Comedy Presents
  22. BBC: Comic Fringes
  23. BBC: Dilemma
  24. BBC: Festival Cafe
  25. BBC: John Finnemore
  26. BBC: Just A Minute
  27. BBC: Loose Ends
  28. BBC: MacAulay & Co
  29. BBC: Off the Ball
  30. BBC: Radio 2
  31. BBC: Radio 2 Arts Show
  32. BBC: Radio 2 New Comedy
  33. BBC: Richard Bacon
  34. BBC: Rory Bremner
  35. BBC: The Horne Section
  36. BBC: The Unbelievable Truth
  37. BBC: Wondermentalist
  38. BDOOL
  39. Be Fruitful and Multiply
  40. Beast Of The East
  41. BEASTS
  42. Bec Hill
  43. Becky Fury
  44. Ben Hustwayte & Jack Campbell
  45. Ben Mellor
  46. Ben Target
  47. Ben Verth
  48. Benjamin Crellin
  49. Benny Boot
  50. Berlin Expat Fun Show
  51. Best of Edinburgh Showcase
  52. Best of Scottish
  53. Best Of Scottish Comedy
  54. Best of the Fest
  55. Best of the Fest Daytime
  56. Best of Waterloo Comedy Club
  57. Best Scottish Comedian of Year
  58. Best Served Cold
  59. Beta Males: Midnight Movie
  60. Beth Vyse
  61. Betrayal of Penguins
  62. Big Bite Size Breakfast
  63. Big Comedy Gala
  64. Big In Dubai
  65. Big Sean, Mikey and Me
  66. Big Value Comedy Show Early
  67. Big Value Comedy Show Late
  68. Big Value Comedy Show Middle
  69. Big Value Comedy's Lunchtime Club
  70. Billy Kirkwood
  71. Billy Liar
  72. Billy The Mime
  73. Billy Watson
  74. Birmingham Footnotes: Drop Trousers
  75. Birmingham Footnotes: Lust For Glory
  76. Bitesize Chekhov
  77. Black Comedy
  78. Black Country Cider Lions
  79. Black Monday
  80. Blackcat
  81. Bless You In Advance
  82. Blind Date Ruined My Life
  83. Blithe Spirit
  84. Blues and Burlesque
  85. Blues Brothers
  86. Bob 'Walshy' Walsh
  87. Bob & Jim
  88. Bob Blackman Appreciation Society
  89. Bob Doolally
  90. Bob Downe
  91. Bob Graham
  92. Bob Slayer
  93. Bobby Carroll: Hungover Club
  94. Bobby Carroll: Low Voltage
  95. Bogan Bingo
  96. Bonnie Davies
  97. Boom Jennies
  98. Boris Nicoli
  99. Boris Sergey Adventure
  100. Botallack O'Clock
  101. Bottleneck
  102. Bourgeois & Maurice
  103. Bowling & Todd
  104. Brendon Burns
  105. Brian Mooney
  106. Bridget Christie
  107. Briefs
  108. Bristol Improv
  109. Bristol Revunions
  110. Britain's Got Fuck All Talent!
  111. Bronston Jones
  112. Building in There?
  113. Bungo Menebla!
  114. Byron Bertram
  1. Cabaret Whore
  2. Caimh McDonnell
  3. California Beach Bungalow
  4. Call Me!
  5. Cambridge Footlights
  6. Cammy Sinclair
  7. Cancer Time
  8. Candida
  9. CappellaJuice
  10. Car Crash Comedy
  11. Card Ninja
  12. Cardinal Burns
  13. Cariad Lloyd
  14. Carl Donnelly
  15. Carl Hutchinson
  16. Carl-Einar Hackner
  17. Casablanca: Gin Joint Cut
  18. Casual Violence: Kick In Teeth
  19. Casual Violence: Om Nom
  20. Catch Comedy
  21. Catie Wilkins
  22. Catriona Knox
  23. Cecilia Delatori & Alice Frick
  24. Celia Pacquola
  25. Centralia
  26. Chapel Street
  27. Charlie Baker
  28. Charlie Chuck
  29. Charlie Ross
  30. Charmian Hughes
  31. Cheap Laughs
  32. Checkley & Bush
  33. Cheese-Badger
  34. Chicken Bones Teenage Soup
  35. Chilly Gonzales
  36. Chopper
  37. Chortle Fast Fringe
  38. Chortle Student Awards
  39. Chris & Paul
  40. Chris Boyd
  41. Chris Brain
  42. Chris Coltrane
  43. Chris Conroy & Gareth Waugh
  44. Chris Corcoran & Elis James
  45. Chris Dangerfield
  46. Chris Difford & Norman Lovett
  47. Chris Dugdale
  48. Chris Henry
  49. Chris Kent
  50. Chris Martin
  51. Chris McCausland
  52. Chris Ramsey
  53. Chris Stokes
  54. Christian Reilly
  55. Christian Schulte-Loh
  56. Christiane O'Mahony & Steve Bennett
  57. Clair Myychael
  58. Claire Benjamin
  59. Claudia O'Doherty
  60. Climb Mount Everest
  61. Clinton The Musical
  62. Clovis Van Darkh
  63. Coalition
  64. Colin Mars
  65. Colm McGlinchey
  66. Comedy Brass
  67. Comedy Club 4 Kids
  68. Comedy Cup 2012
  69. Comedy Film Nights
  70. Comedy Gala
  71. Comedy Hangover
  72. Comedy Manifesto
  73. Comedy Picnic
  74. Comedy Playhouse: Balloon
  75. Comedy Playhouse: Shopping
  76. Comedy World War 2
  77. Comic Collection
  78. Comic Strip
  79. Company
  80. COMX
  81. Confessions Grindr Addict
  82. Connor & Beaumont & Patrick
  83. Conor Drum
  84. Conor O'Toole
  85. Convicted
  86. Cover
  87. Cracking Yolks
  88. Craig Deeley & Rachel Sambrooks
  89. Craig Hill
  90. Craig Ricci Shaynak
  91. Croft & Pearce
  92. Crunch the News
  93. Custard Chucker
  94. Cytko Mutch & Fordyce
  1. Dab & Tench
  2. Damian Kingsley
  3. Damien Crow
  4. Dan Crane
  5. Dan Mitchell
  6. Dan Nightingale
  7. Dan Schreiber & Tom Davis
  8. Dan Willis: A Comedian's Life
  9. Dan Willis: Control Alt Delete
  10. Dan Willis: Ferris Bueller
  11. Dan Willis: Life 101
  12. Dan Wright
  13. Dana Alexander
  14. Dancing About Architecture
  15. Daniel Kitson: No Title
  16. Daniel Kitson: Wonder
  17. Daniel Simonsen
  18. Daniel Sloss: Extra Shows
  19. Daniel Sloss: The Show
  20. Daniel-Ryan Spaulding
  21. Danielle Ward
  22. Danny Bhoy
  23. Danny Buckler
  24. Danny McChrystal
  25. Danny McLoughlin
  26. Danny O'Brien
  27. Danny Ward & Mark Simmons
  28. Daphna Baram & Peyvand Khorsandi
  29. Darkness Rising
  30. Dating George Orwell
  31. Daughter Marry A Weegie
  32. Dave Baucutt
  33. Dave Cohen
  34. Dave McNeill
  35. David Burke
  36. David Francis
  37. David Hasselhoff
  38. David Longley
  39. David Mills
  40. David Mulholland
  41. David O'Doherty: 403 Masterworks
  42. David O'Doherty: Seize The...
  43. David Trent
  44. David Whitney
  45. Dead Cat Bounce
  46. DeadBadgers
  47. Deadley Medley
  48. DeAnne Smith
  49. Dearly Departed
  50. Death of Chatterton
  51. Deborah Frances-White
  52. Deborah Frances-White: Voices
  53. Dec Munro
  54. Deirdre and Me
  55. Demitris Deech
  56. Denis Krasnov
  57. Denise Scott
  58. Dennis Alexander
  59. Departure Lounge
  60. Derek Ryan
  61. Des Bishop
  62. Des Clarke
  63. Devvo Dole Queue Hero
  64. Diane Fitton & Joe Bains
  65. Diane Spencer
  66. Dickson Telfer
  67. Dirty Barbie
  68. Dirty Great Love Story
  69. Dirty Thirties
  70. Discount Comedy Checkout
  71. Dissecting Comedy
  72. Do Not Adjust Your Stage
  73. Do The Right Thing
  74. Do You Still Throw Spears
  75. Dodger's Comedy
  76. Dogshit Johnson
  77. Doom The Musical
  78. Dorothy Squires
  79. Doug Segal
  80. Dr Brown: Befrdfgth
  81. Dr Brown: Singing Tiger
  82. Dr Ettrick-Hogg
  83. Dracula
  84. Drennon Davis
  85. Durham Revue
  86. Dylan Moran
  1. Lach Up the Anti
  2. Lach's Antihoot
  3. Ladies and Gentlemen
  4. Ladies Live Longer
  5. Lady Carol
  6. Lady Celeste
  7. LadyBusiness
  8. Ladystache
  9. Land Of Nod
  10. Lappin, Dunican & Clutterbuck
  11. Lara A King
  12. Larkin About
  13. Larry Dean & James Alderson
  14. Last Days Judas Iscariot
  15. Last Minute Club
  16. Late 'n' Live
  17. Late Night Bun Fight
  18. Late Night Gimp Fight
  19. Late Night Laughs
  20. Late Night Shack Show
  21. Laughing Horse Pick of the Fringe
  22. Laughing Horse Selection
  23. Laughing Horse's Funny Fillies
  24. Laughter Lung
  25. Laura Levites
  26. Lauren Shearing & Sarah Pearce
  27. Laurence Clark
  28. Laurence Tuck & Dan McKee
  29. Lead Pencil
  30. Leads & Stern
  31. Lee Fenwick
  32. Leeds Tealights
  33. Legion Of Doom
  34. Leo Kearse & Stephen Bailey
  35. Les Clochards
  36. Les Dennis
  37. Les Impossibles
  38. Lesley Evans
  39. Let's Abduct Mother Theresa
  40. Letters Boxes Other Things
  41. Lewis Charlesworth & Pete Phillipson
  42. Lewis Schaffer: Alternative Fringe
  43. Lewis Schaffer: Free Festival
  44. Liam Grahame Olsen
  45. Liam Mullone
  46. Liam Withnail & Owen McGuire
  47. Life Death Eric Argyle
  48. Lights Camera Improvise
  49. Lili la Scala
  50. Lingua Frank
  51. Lionel Richie: Arthur's Seat
  52. Lionel Richie: Arthur's Seat Gala
  53. Lionel Richie: Audio Tour
  54. Lionel Richie: Barry Ferns
  55. Lionel Richie: Comedy Mob
  56. Listen The River
  57. Little Women, Big Salary
  58. Live At The Electric
  59. Lloyd Langford
  60. Logic for a 5 Year Old
  61. Lol-ocaust
  62. LOLd on a Minute!
  63. LOLympics Live
  64. London Is Funny
  65. Long and Short
  66. Lord Nelson
  67. Lost Voice Guy & Jeff Lantern
  68. Lou Sanders
  69. Loughborough Players
  70. Louise Ford
  71. Love & Langton
  72. Love All
  73. Love and Understanding
  74. Loves I Haven't Known
  75. Lucy Cox
  76. Lucy Porter
  77. Luggage Room
  78. Luisa Omielan
  79. Luke & Harry
  80. Luke Benson
  81. Luke Capasso
  82. Luke Graves
  83. Luke Milford
  84. Luke Toulson
  85. Luke Wright
  86. Lunch
  87. Lust in Translation
  88. Lynn Ruth Miller
  89. Lynne Truss
  1. Mace & Burton: Heartbreak Hotel
  2. Mace & Burton: Rom Com Con
  3. Machine
  4. Madeleine Culp
  5. Mae Martin
  6. Maff Brown
  7. Magic Faraway Cabaret
  8. Magnus Betnér
  9. Magpie & Stump
  10. Malcolm Hardee Awards Show
  11. Man Feelings
  12. Marc Burrows
  13. Marcel Lucont: Cabaret
  14. Marcel Lucont: Gallic Symbol
  15. Marcus Brigstocke
  16. Marcus Ryan
  17. Marek Larwood
  18. Maria 1968
  19. Marie Connolly
  20. Mark Cooper-Jones
  21. Mark Davison
  22. Mark Doheny
  23. Mark Little
  24. Mark Nelson
  25. Mark Restuccia
  26. Mark Stephenson
  27. Mark Thomas
  28. Mark Watson: Edinborolympics
  29. Mark Watson: The Information
  30. Markus Birdman
  31. Marlon Davis
  32. Maroon Balloon
  33. Martha McBrier
  34. Martin Dockery
  35. Martin Mor
  36. Martin Ward & Phil Porter
  37. Martin Wyatt & Jason Strickland
  38. Mary Bourke
  39. Massimo
  40. Massive Horse
  41. Mat Ewins
  42. Mat Ricardo
  43. Matt & Ian Improv
  44. Matt Forde
  45. Matt Price
  46. Matt Roper
  47. Matt Tiller
  48. Matt Welcome
  49. Matt Winning
  50. Matthew Crosby
  51. Matthew Finlayson
  52. Matthew Highton
  53. Matthew Kelly The Musical
  54. Max & Ivan
  55. Max Dickins
  56. Max Fletcher
  57. Max Fletcher & Nick Davies
  58. Maxwell Golden
  59. McNeil & Pamphilon
  60. Me and Mr C
  61. Me Pregnant!
  62. Meat
  63. Medicine Show
  64. Men Mars Women Venus
  65. Merry Wives Osaka
  66. Mervyn Stutter's Pick of the Fringe
  67. Michael Blomquist & Matt Payton
  68. Michael Downey
  69. Michael Hughes
  70. Michael Legge
  71. Michael Mittermeier
  72. Michael Pope
  73. Michael Redmond
  74. Michael Winslow
  75. Michael Workman
  76. Michael Workman & Tommy Little
  77. Michelle de Swarte
  78. Michelle Wormleighton
  79. Mick Foley
  80. Mick Miller & Jimmy Cricket
  81. Middle Aged Man Uncertainty Theory
  82. Midnight Hour
  83. Midsummer Night's Dream
  84. Mike McShane
  85. Mike Sheer
  86. Miles Of Smiles
  87. Milo McCabe
  88. Miss London
  89. Mister Meredith
  90. Mitch Benn
  91. Mixed Doubles
  92. Molly Wobbly
  93. Monkey Poet Murder Mystery
  94. Monkey Poet Potty Mouth
  95. Monkey Toast
  96. Monsters Got Talent
  97. Monsters Of Comedy
  98. Monumental Information
  99. Mood For Laughter
  100. Mooney, Ayton & Barratt
  101. Morgan & West: Clockwork Miracles
  102. Morgan & West: Scoundrels
  103. Morven Smith
  104. Mostellaria (The Haunted House)
  105. Mozart: The Impresario
  106. Mr B
  107. Mr Braithwaite
  108. Mr Snot Bottom
  109. Mr Vinegar
  110. Muck Comedy
  111. Mugging Chickens
  112. Munfred Bernstein
  113. Musical Comedy Awards
  114. My Elevator Days
  115. My Wrestle Mania
  1. Sad Faces
  2. Sajeela Kershi
  3. Sally-Anne Hayward
  4. Salt and Pepper
  5. Sam Brady
  6. Sam Fisher
  7. Sam Fletcher
  8. Sam Simmons
  9. Samantha Mann
  10. Sameena Zehra
  11. Sammy J & Randy
  12. Sandi Toksvig
  13. Sandro Monetti
  14. Sara Pascoe
  15. Sarah Archer
  16. Sarah Jones
  17. Sarah Kendall
  18. Sarah Ruhl
  19. Sarfraz Manzoor
  20. Saskia's Surprise Party
  21. Scales of the Unexpected
  22. School Night
  23. School Of Comedy
  24. Scotch Broth
  25. Scott Agnew
  26. Scottish Comedy FC
  27. Scottish Comedy Festival: Late Show
  28. Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppets
  29. Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppets: Nits
  30. Sean Hegarty & Tom O'Mahoney
  31. Sean Hughes
  32. Sean Hughes Stands Up
  33. Seann Walsh
  34. Seeing Double: Figures
  35. Seeing Double: Vision
  36. Servant to Two Masters
  37. Set List
  38. Sex Ed Musical
  39. Seymour Mace
  40. Sh!t Theatre
  41. Shaggers
  42. Shakespeare Abridged
  43. Shakespeare for Breakfast
  44. Shane Browne
  45. Shane Dundas
  46. Shappi Khorsandi
  47. Sharron Matthews
  48. Sheeps
  49. ShellShock!
  50. Ship Of Fools
  51. Shirley and Shirley
  52. Shlomo
  53. Shopping Centre
  54. Short & Curly
  55. Showstoppers
  56. Showstoppers Family Matinees
  57. Silky
  58. Simon Amstell
  59. Simon D Heaven & Harry Bentley
  60. Simon Donald
  61. Simon Evans
  62. Simon Munnery: Fylm-Makker
  63. Simon Munnery: La Concepta
  64. Simon Munnery: Pick Of MS
  65. Simply The Jest
  66. Sinful
  67. Sir Dickie Benson
  68. Sir Gawain, the Yellow Knight
  69. Sitcom Double Bill
  70. Slap & Giggle: Redrawn
  71. Slap & Giggle: Retrial
  72. Slapdash Galaxy
  73. So You Think You're Funny?
  74. So You Think You're Funny?: Best of
  75. Soap Box
  76. Soddin Flodden
  77. SOS Courtship
  78. Sound & Fury: Doc Faustus
  79. Sound & Fury: Testaclese
  80. Sound of the Baskervilles
  81. Spank!
  82. Spanktacular!
  83. Sparkleshark
  84. Sploshy
  85. Spook Circus
  86. Spring Day
  87. Square Eye Pair
  88. St Andrews Blind Mirth
  89. St Andrews Revue
  90. Stan Skinny
  91. Stand Up for Freedom
  92. Stand Up, Woman
  93. Stand-Up at the Jekyll & Hyde
  94. Stay At Home Dad
  95. Stella Graham
  96. Steph Lane & Cerys Nelmes
  97. Stephanie Laing & Martin Croser
  98. Stephen Bailey & Zoe Iqbal
  99. Stephen Carlin
  100. Stephen Frizzle
  101. Stephen K Amos
  102. Steve Gribbin
  103. Steve Shanyaski
  104. Steven Davidson
  105. Steven Halcrow & Jamie Andrew
  106. Stewart Lee
  107. Storytellers' Club
  108. Strange Hungers
  109. Strawberry Sauce
  110. Stu & Garry
  111. Stuart Black
  112. Stuart Goldsmith
  113. Stuart Goldsmith Podcast
  114. Stuart Laws
  115. Stuart Mitchell
  116. Subliminal Nonsense
  117. Suburban Cynic
  118. Sugar & Vice
  119. Suggs
  120. Sundaes
  121. Super Crazy Fun Fun
  122. Super Serious Show
  123. Superbard
  124. Susan Calman
  125. Susan Harrison
  126. Suzi Ruffell
  127. Swamp Juice
  128. Swordy-Well
  1. Ta Daaa!
  2. Tackety Boot
  3. Tale of Nada
  4. Tales From The Unaccepted
  5. Tam O'Shanter
  6. Tamika Campbell
  7. Tania Edwards
  8. Tape Face Boy
  9. Tartan Ribbon
  10. Tartuffe
  11. Tax Deductible Theatre
  12. Taylor Glenn
  13. Tea with the Old Queen
  14. Teach Me
  15. Ted & Co
  16. Teddy
  17. Teeth in Eggcups
  18. Tenderpits
  19. Tennyson Hanbury
  20. Terry Alderton
  21. Tessa Waters & Kai Smythe
  22. Test Tube Comedy
  23. The 7:15pm Stand Up Show
  24. The Aspidistras
  25. The Axis of Awesome
  26. The Beta Males: Space Race
  27. The Big Lunch
  28. The Blanks
  29. The Boy Friend
  30. The Bravery of Miss Anne
  31. The Broken Windows Policy
  32. The Brother
  33. The Clap
  34. The Colour Ham
  35. The Comedy Reserve
  36. The Comedy Showcase
  37. The Comedy Zone
  38. The Death Of Comedy
  39. The Dog-Eared Collective
  40. The Expeditionary Force
  41. The Ferret's Live Podcast
  42. The Good, the Bad and the Alien
  43. The Half
  44. The Harmonettes
  45. The Harri-Parris
  46. The High Priest
  47. The History Girls
  48. The Horne Section
  49. The Human Condition
  50. The Hungry Bitches
  51. The Impenetrable Click
  52. The Improvised Musical
  53. The Intervention
  54. The Joke Circus
  55. The Joy of Sketch
  56. The Lad Himself
  57. The Late Show
  58. The Man Who
  59. The Night Porters
  60. The Noise Next Door
  61. The Not Quite Quartet
  62. The One-Eyed Men
  63. The Pajama Men
  64. The Pigeon Hole Presents
  65. The Pin
  66. The Pride
  67. The RH Experience
  68. The Shambles
  69. The Sidcup Family Portrait
  70. The Silky Pair
  71. The Six O'Clock Club
  72. The Society of Ethical Cat Burglars
  73. The SomeNews Live Show
  74. The Special Reserve Comedy Benefit
  75. The Stand Late Show
  76. The Suggestibles
  77. The Temps
  78. The Three Englishmen
  79. The Top Secret Comedy Club
  80. The Tourists
  81. The Two O'Clock Show
  82. The Under Dogs
  83. The Yarn
  84. The You, Me, the Witch Makes 3
  85. They Came With Outer Script
  86. This Is Soap
  87. This Show Isn't Shite
  88. This Way Up
  89. Thom Tuck: Flips Out
  90. Thom Tuck: Straight-To-DVD
  91. Thomas Nelstrop
  92. Three Cities
  93. Three Half Pints
  94. Three Unwise Men
  95. Through The Looking Screen
  96. Tiffany Stevenson
  97. Tim & Pat Show
  98. Tim FitzHigham
  99. Tim Honnef
  100. Tim Key
  101. Tim Lee
  102. Tim Roast
  103. Tim Vine
  104. Titanic Sinks Titswilly
  105. Toby Hadoke
  106. Tom Balmont & Abigail Collins
  107. Tom Bell
  108. Tom Corrandi
  109. Tom Cottle
  110. Tom Deacon
  111. Tom Flanagan
  112. Tom Goodliffe
  113. Tom Lauri
  114. Tom Sandham & Ben McFarland
  115. Tom Stade
  116. Tom Webb
  117. Tomas Ahlbeck
  118. Tommy Holgate
  119. Tommy Mackay
  120. Tonight at 8:30
  121. Tony Jameson & Katie Mulgrew
  122. Tony Law
  123. Totally Tom
  124. Totally Wired!
  125. Tragedie of MacClegg
  126. Tranquillity Serenity Calm
  127. Treasure in Clay Jars
  128. Treasure Island
  129. Trevor Browne
  130. Trevor Lock
  131. Trevor Noah
  132. Tribute
  133. Tricity Vogue
  134. Trodd en Bratt
  135. Trouble in the Tolbooth
  136. Truth
  137. Turtle Canyon
  138. Twentysomething

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