2011 Edinburgh Fringe
Barry & Stuart review

I could just say Barry & Stuart are "super-awesome" and leave it at that. But let me explain why these two conjurors are so special and make for not just a great festival act but a perfect evening's entertainment at any time, on any occasion. They have been scooping 4 and 5 star reviews from nearly every big-name critic on the circuit, so just why does everyone love this show and, indeed, the men in question so much?
Firstly, they are really funny. Not just the odd joke here and there during the magic to pass the time but natural, thoughtfully written and perfectly timed laughs throughout. Nothing is forced - their gags are delivered as smoothly as their sleight of hand tricks.
Secondly; they are always professional. They act, dress and behave like professionals while consistently keeping the magic and the laughs at high levels. There is no lull in proceedings; each minute is stronger than the last. They always take their work seriously, and the amount of dedication, creativity and love put into making this event the best it could be doesn't bear thinking about. Their presence on stage is great, and they are a genuine delight to be in the company of.
Who is the fastest in a race? How would you choose to die? and can these two enchanters really turn water into wine in front of your very eyes? Are they the new Messiahs?
If you like thrills, jumps, bafflement, astonished silence, raucous cheers of delight, a little blood and a bunch of expletives thrown in for good measure, Barry & Stuart deliver all. There is the one disturbing video scene so do be aware of that, otherwise just love this hour and carry on for the rest of life thinking "how did they do that?"
Both men are so engaging and charming that you're sad to see them leave at the end of the hour. But, wait... if you do have tickets for their sister show, The Tell, you will see them again and possibly have the chance to ask them some questions regarding The Show.
Frankly, I was staggered that they were willing to give away the secrets of so many years of hard work within the space of an hour. All credit to them for their bravery. One word of warning: if you do go, you may just have "an accident" in the last 5-10 minutes. If you're easily scared and don't want another mystery hurting your brain, do consider their advice to leave before this point. You may have nightmares, especially as this follow-up show finishes at 1am.
They are total gentlemen, willing to hang around and have pictures taken with fans and generally chat to people after The Tell too. I always respect any act that does this. It shows that they aren't just there for work, money or fame but performing for the actual Festival itself.
This is the only show of the Festival that I have awarded five stars to; and they deserve every one of them.
Barry and Stuart - Show and Tell: The Show listing