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2011 Edinburgh Fringe

Edinburgh comedy shows 2011

This tool lists all the comedy shows that were part of the 2011 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, listed by shortened titles - usually the comic's name.

  1. A Betrayal of Penguins
  2. A Free Pro-Zach
  3. A Girl, a Ghost...
  4. A Mid-Semester Night's Dream
  5. A Mixed Bag
  6. A Rotten Little Story
  7. A Visit From Miss Prothero
  8. AAA Batteries
  9. AAA Stand-Up
  10. Abacus Danger
  11. Aberdeen vs Glasgow
  12. Abi Roberts
  13. Abie Philbin Bowman
  14. About Comedy: Stand-up Course
  15. Absolute Improv
  16. ACME Stand-Up
  17. Ad-Libertines
  18. Adam Crow
  19. Adam Larter
  20. Adam Riches
  21. Adventures in Comedy
  22. After Hours Comedy
  23. After Lunch Laugh Lounge
  24. Age of Treason
  25. Agent Stylist & PA Wanted
  26. AGM
  27. Agonise Problem Page
  28. Ahir Shah
  29. Aidan Bishop
  30. Aidan Goatley
  31. Aidan Killian
  32. Aisle16 R Kool!
  33. Al Murray
  34. Al Murray Late Night
  35. Aladdin
  36. Alan Anderson
  37. Alan Sharp
  38. Albert Lymes
  39. Alex Horne
  40. Alex Horne Taskmaster
  41. Alex Marion
  42. Alfie Brown
  43. Alfie Joey
  44. Ali Cook
  45. Alison Thea-Skot
  46. Alistair Greaves
  47. Alistair Green
  48. All Over Your Face
  49. All the Fun of the Unfair
  50. Alun Cochrane
  51. Alzheimer's the Musical
  52. Amateur Transplants
  53. Amused Moose Comedy Awards Final
  54. Amused Moose Laughter Awards Semi-Final
  55. Amused Moose Showcase
  56. Amy Abler
  57. An Austrian an Italian
  58. And The Award Goes To...
  59. Andi Osho
  60. Andrea's Got Two Boyfriends
  61. Andrew Bird
  62. Andrew Doyle
  63. Andrew Lawrence
  64. Andrew Maxwell
  65. Andrew Maxwell Fullmooner
  66. Andrew O'Neill
  67. Andy Parsons
  68. Andy Zaltzman
  69. Angelos Epithemiou
  70. Anil Desai
  71. Anthony Chapman
  72. Anyone For A Witch Hunt?
  73. Anything to Declare?
  74. Apocalypse Later?
  75. Application for Life
  76. Apply Within
  77. Arguments & Nosebleeds
  78. Armageddapocalypse: The Explosioning
  79. Arnica 9CH
  80. Arthur Smith
  81. Artisan
  82. As Drawn on FaceTube
  83. Asher Treleaven
  84. Ashley Frieze
  85. Asian Provocateurs
  86. Aslan The Lockdown
  87. Asli & Ashley
  88. Assembly Gala Press Launch
  89. Attention Deficit Let's Go Ride Bikes!
  90. Auntie Netta
  91. Ava Vidal
  92. Axis of Awesome
  1. Sadia Azmat
  2. Sally Outen
  3. Sally-Anne Hayward
  4. Sam Brady
  5. Sam Simmons
  6. Sammy J
  7. Sammy J & Randy
  8. Samurai Grandma
  9. Sanderson Jones
  10. Sanity Valve
  11. Sara Pascoe
  12. Sarah Archer
  13. Sarah Millican
  14. Sarah-Louise Young
  15. Scene of the Titans
  16. School of Night
  17. Scott Agnew
  18. Scott Capurro
  19. Scott Capurro's Position
  20. Scottish Sperm
  21. Seann Walsh
  22. Secretary Bird
  23. Set List Standup Without a Net
  24. Sex Lies & Eurovision
  25. Seymour Mace
  26. Shaggers
  27. Shakespeare for Breakfast
  28. Shakespeare the Brit
  29. Shane & Eddie
  30. Shane Matheson
  31. Shappi Khorsandi
  32. Sharron Matthews
  33. Shawn Hitchins
  34. Shazia Mirza
  35. Sheep Ahoy
  36. Sheeps
  37. Shhh...
  38. Shinoxcy
  39. Shirley & Shirley
  40. Shmozle
  41. Showstopper
  42. Shurl
  43. Sid Wick & James Bennison
  44. Sii Me
  45. Silly Beggar Comedy Affair
  46. Simon Donald
  47. Simon Munnery
  48. Simply the Jest
  49. Singapore
  50. Singles Collection
  51. Sink or Spin
  52. Sketchatron: Nano
  53. Skitch Tease
  54. Skittles
  55. Slightly Dangerous Comedy Occasion
  56. Slim
  57. Smut
  58. Snippets - Late Night Comedy Feast
  59. So On & So Forth
  60. So You Think You're Funny?
  61. SomeNews
  62. Something Completely Improvised
  63. Sophie Alderson
  64. Sophie Gatacre
  65. Sophie Walsh-Harrington
  66. Spaghetti Lolognaise
  67. Spank!
  68. Spanktacular!
  69. Special Reserve Comedy Benefit
  70. Spent
  71. Spielpalast Cabaret
  72. Spring Day
  73. Spring Fever
  74. Squirrel Party
  75. Stand Up and Be Counted
  76. Stand Up For Freedom
  77. Stand Up, Fall Down
  78. Steeple Sinderby
  79. Stephen Carlin
  80. Stephens & Thomas
  81. Steve Day
  82. Steve Gribbin
  83. Steve Hall
  84. Steve Pretty
  85. Steve-O
  86. Stewart Lee
  87. Stirling & McLoughlin
  88. Stitches
  89. Storytellers' Club
  90. Strong & Wrong
  91. Stuart Goldsmith
  92. Stück / Piece
  93. Suddenly Shakespeare
  94. Suitcase Royale in Zombatland
  95. Super Crazy Fun Fun
  96. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
  97. Susan Murray
  1. T Time
  2. Taketh Me Away
  3. Taking the Piff
  4. Tam O'Shanter
  5. Tango with Panto
  6. Tania Edwards
  7. Tara Flynn
  8. Tartan Ribbon Comedy Benefit
  9. Technodelic Comedy Show
  10. Tempus Incognit
  11. Terry Alderton
  12. The 39 Steps
  13. The Adventurers Club
  14. The Antics
  15. The Baby Diary
  16. The Behemoth
  17. The Best of Scottish Comedy
  18. The Big Value Comedy Show - Middle
  19. The Bitch Doctors
  20. The Boom Jennies
  21. The Boy With Tape On His Face
  22. The Broken Windows Policy
  23. The Bus
  24. The Calpol Flashbacks
  25. The Card
  26. The Comedy Reserve
  27. The Comedy Zone
  28. The Commedia Cinderella
  29. The Continental Quilt
  30. The Dead!
  31. The Dog-Eared Collective
  32. The Dumb Waiter
  33. The Durham Revue
  34. The Earl & the InstruMentalist
  35. The End of the World
  36. The End of the World Show
  37. The Fringe Comedy Academy: Class of 2011
  38. The Fudge Shop
  39. The Games
  40. The Girl Who
  41. The Good Doctor
  42. The Good, the Bad and the Cuddlier
  43. The Hamiltons
  44. The Hamwehads
  45. The Ice Fishing Play
  46. The Improlympians
  47. The Improlympians: 3s Company
  48. The Improverts
  49. The Improveteers
  50. The Improvised Musical
  51. The Inflatables
  52. The Kingsley & I
  53. The Lastminute Comedy Club
  54. The Late Show
  55. The Lift
  56. The Lunchtime Club
  57. The Magical Faraway Tree
  58. The Man of Mode
  59. The Man Who Was Nearly There
  60. The Many Mental Minds of Dr Jackson
  61. The Matchmaker
  62. The Maybe Pile
  63. The Mess
  64. The Michael Farcical Show
  65. The Midnight Hour
  66. The Naked Busker
  67. The Noise Next Door
  68. The Nose
  69. The Overcoat
  70. The Oxford Imps
  71. The Oxford Revue
  72. The Pajama Men
  73. The Perils of Love
  74. The Queen's Speech
  75. The Quotidian Revue
  76. The Real MacGuffins
  77. The Room
  78. The Scat Pack
  79. The Segue Sisters
  80. The Showcase Show
  81. The Silky Pair
  82. The Smiley Show
  83. The Squiffy Journals
  84. The Stand Late Show
  85. The Sundaes
  86. The Thinking Drinker's Guide
  87. The Three Englishmen
  88. The Tiger's Bones
  89. The Tim Bat Trick Show
  90. The TinaMarinas Being Gorgeous
  91. The Top Secret Comedy Club
  92. The Tourists
  93. The Two Wrongies
  94. The Ultimate Quiz Show
  95. The Unbelievable Truth
  96. The Under Dogs
  97. The Warm Up Show
  98. The Wee Man
  99. The World of Shrimpology
  100. The Wrestling
  101. They Came With Outer Script - Free
  102. Things That Go...
  103. This is Soap
  104. Thom Tuck
  105. Thomas Hardie & Co
  106. Those Bloody Teenagers
  107. Those Two
  108. Three Blokes Tell Jokes
  109. Three Men Roast - Free
  110. Three@TheFringe
  111. Tiernan Douieb
  112. Tiffany Stevenson
  113. Tim Clare
  114. Tim FitzHigham
  115. Tim Key
  116. Tim Vine
  117. Timetraveller's Guide
  118. Timewaster
  119. Timothy
  120. Titan Knight
  121. Titus!
  122. To Hold an Apple
  123. Tobias Persson
  124. Toby
  125. Todd Barry
  126. Tokyo Game
  127. Toll
  128. Tom Allen
  129. Tom Bell
  130. Tom Deacon
  131. Tom Goodliffe
  132. Tom Green
  133. Tom Lenk
  134. Tom Price
  135. Tom Rosenthal
  136. Tom Stade
  137. Tom Toal & Joe Wells
  138. Tom Webb
  139. Tomorrow's Stand-Up Today
  140. Tony Bournemouth
  141. Tony Law
  142. Tony Littler
  143. Top of Our Heads
  144. Totally Tom
  145. Totty Galore
  146. Tour Guide
  147. Toybox
  148. Transformer
  149. Travelers
  150. Trevor Browne
  151. Tricity Vogue
  152. Trog & Clay
  153. Truly Medley Deeply
  154. Turn Back the Clock
  155. Tweeting Beauty
  156. Two O'Clock Live
  157. Two's Company, Three's a Crowd

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