British Comedy Guide

2010 Edinburgh Fringe

Tripod review

Tripod Versus The Dragon. Copyright: Central Independent Television

This year's show sees our unlikely trio of intrepid Australian pals gathering together to celebrate the fantasy role-playing game and the escapism it provides from what can be a dull and kind of harsh life (if you're a certain kind of awkward teenager). The adventure involves the Tree of Knowledge, a beautiful but mysterious woman (so mysterious, in fact, that she is called by the name Something Something throughout the show), a dragon, and evil wizards who wear hats that you can't just go out and buy, you know, you have to earn them. Along the way Scod (a wizard), Yon (a priest), and Gatesy (a bard/warrior) learn about playing to the limits of their imagination, who their real friends are, and what it would be like if three hapless pals fell into some of the oldest myths there are.

It's all performed with an easy charm and the jokes at each others' expense never stray into the almost-bullying tone that sometimes characterise this kind of verbal slapstick. The songs are also far better and more serious than the lo-fi special effects and loose feel of the show indicates, and among the funny ones there are a couple of genuinely affecting show stoppers. The music is helped along by the singer Elana Stone, who nerds it up quite convincingly. It's a warm show that delivers laughs and real storytelling in equal measure.

Tripod Versus the Dragon would be a runaway family success if it was in an earlier time slot. Despite a few swears, it's mostly good clean fun - but older kids would probably enjoy the fact that it's on late and in a big old building like a castle, so the lateness of the start time shouldn't put families off.

Tripod Versus The Dragon listing

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