2010 Edinburgh Fringe
Idiots Of Ants review

Are Idiots Of Ants the nicest young men in sketch comedy? Quite possibly, and this year sees them present yet another hour of all-out niceness for our delectation. In fact, they are so nice they can't even be sexist without profusely apologising for it (all in pursuit of a laugh, of course).
Ben, James, Elliot and Andy - clad in their iconic white shirts and black ties - attract a large following and it's easy to see why. Their sketches are fun and inoffensive (I mean this in the nicest way!), wrapped up in a big red bow of technology and visual effects.
Last year they were deservedly nominated in the Edinburgh Comedy Awards for what was a stunning show, so it's hard for me to remain objective with this previous knowledge. What it means is I couldn't help but compare this year's to last, and I definitely prefer last year's. But this isn't to say I didn't enjoy The Red Button. They've gone for the usual tried and tested IOA format: reversing male/female stereotypes, childish gags and a heavy dose of audience participation (the day I see an Ants show where a girl isn't serenaded on stage in some shape or form will have me questioning my sanity), all combined with smooth technology.
Innovative and different it may not be, but sometimes that's all you want from a gig - to be able to sit back and have a chuckle. Like being wrapped up in a warm blanket, having a good cup of tea or bumping into an old friend, Idiots Of Ants are familiar and cosy, and that's absolutely fine by me.
Idiots Of Ants: The Red Button listing