2010 Edinburgh Fringe
Dead Cat Bounce review

Ah, Dead Cat Bounce. I could start and end this review with just three simple words - go see them. And I would expect you to obey my command without hesitating, because there really is no need to explain - the Irish spoof rockband never fail to induce hilarity, consistently, and only once you've experienced it for yourself, do you realise how true that is.
The self-styled good-looking front man is backed by a chirpily cute keyboard player, rocking guitarist and bullied ginger drummer - all stereotyped in their roles and played to studied perfection. They allow you to laugh at things you wouldn't normally dream of - for example, they've got a hilarious song about picking up a midget and seeing how far you can run with it.
Over-enthusiastic Contraceptive Lady and Christians In Love induce similar fits of laughter, and there's a nice song about the ego of the lead singer. My favourite part were the cries of genuine distress from the audience during a staged tune about sacking the drummer. He is picked on all the way through, and comes into his own here with his comedy timing.
Spoof music acts come and go, but Dead Cat Bounce are who I want to see again and again. My only criticism is that I'd already heard much of the material. While it was still pant-puddlingly funny, I want new stuff, but they definitely deserve the full five stars.
Original, polished and perfectly crafted, DCB are a must-see. It is the only show of the festival which I cried in - yes, actually cried - because I was laughing so hard. A cult hit they maybe, but I shouldn't think it'll take long for them to achieve comedy rockstar status. Trust me, mega fame beckons... in a gust of dry ice and screeching guitar solos. But do come over to England more Dead Cat Bounce - and please don't sack the drummer!
Dead Cat Bounce... Too Fast For Love listing