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Help me look for a comedy series, please!

Please help! I'm looking for the title of a TV series from the nineties. The main character is a single, somewhat chubby girl that contemplated on dates, parties and sexual life in today England, while rushing into series of not so promising relationships with all the wrong people in an attempt to have a good time and not be judged. It is a bit smarter, British version of The Sex and the City, aiming at bit younger people (and with less income, definitely). Every new episode had her at a new attempt at having a fulfilling contact with friends and guys.

I remember that her last name was Green, so the closing title song had that in some Hispanic. Let's imagine her first name to be Mandy (although it is most certainly not), the closing title song would be something like:

Mandy, Mandy Verde
la, la, la, ladi dada da (and then again)
Mandy, Mandy Verde...

It had a fast 'Latino' rhythm.



Sounds like "Linda Green" to me but I'm not certain.

Yes, sounds like Linda Green with Liza Tarbuck.

uz pipl gooood. very good. and fast, yes!

Ta ever so muchly.

That was my best effort at impersonating.

No I'm kidding, I'm just happy I finally found it. Very, very grateful!!! You're really good.

National Television in my country played this six or seven years ago, and I remember some stuff was funny, I just want to see would I still feel that way. I'm going to look for it and will be back latter to "properly" introduce.

Thanks once again


I think some shows are best left in the past!

I have the first series on DVD, but series 2 hasn't been released on DVD or video. :( Does anyone have a copy of the 2nd series they could transfer onto DVD or video for me? I would be extremely grateful. Thank you! x :D

I quite enjoyed this. It wasn't ha ha funny all the time but clever and amusing. Also as far as I can remember it was one of the last things I saw Liza Tarbuck acting in which is surprising because I thought she was good in the part.

Liza was also in Bonkers and Extras.

Liza Tarbuck was also very good in League of Gentleman. The Christmas special? Featuring the line dancing?

She is good in Clare In The Community, on Radio 4 on Tuesdays at 6:30pm.
This week was so funny!

i love this show, wish it was repeated on sky! I hope I can find the whole series 2 xxx

I like Liza Tarbuck. She's good on everything.

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