British Comedy Guide

Brand, Ross and Sachs Page 18

Nick and Matthew, I am now going to bang your heads together.

*does so*

Oh ... bugger. They've morphed into one, like on that Lynx advert. :(

And one isn't entitled to expect broadcasters to work to any ethical standards ever?

Because that would be boring or square or nanny statish.

That's a bullies manifesto and not an especially entertaining one.

Quote: sootyj @ October 29 2008, 8:11 PM BST

And one isn't entitled to expect broadcasters to work to any ethical standards ever?

Because that would be boring or square or nanny statish.

That's a bullies manifesto and not an especially entertaining one.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, well done. Or not anyhting to do with what I was saying; one or the other.

Quote: Aaron @ October 29 2008, 8:11 PM BST

Nick and Matthew, I am now going to bang your heads together.

*does so*

'Gis a kiss handsome.

Andrew Sachs has more talent in his little finger than these two chavvy oiks put

Nothing could illustrate the talentless 'celebrity' fawning culture which we have inflicted on ourselves better than this situation.

I GUARANTEE you, totally and without reservation, that neither of this pair of charmers actually understands what it is that they have done wrong. They probably understand that they've stirred up a hornets' nest but they will be so self-obsessedly convinced of their own alleged lovability that there will be no comprehension of how or exactly why they should accept the reality of the situation.

Give idiots enough rope and they will eventually hang themselves. Pay big peanuts and you get big monkeys. Take whichever metaphor you like. The fact is that they represent the entertainment (a term which I use in its very loosest sense here) version of 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'.

A society gets not just the politicians but also the 'entertainers' it deserves...

Er. Okay.
Glad you've laid this whole thing to rest for us...

Quote: Aaron @ October 29 2008, 8:11 PM BST

Oh ... bugger. They've morphed into one, like on that Lynx advert. :(

Oooh, the sexy Lynx advert!

Quote: zooo @ October 29 2008, 8:17 PM BST

Oooh, the sexy Lynx advert!

You knows it sugar cheeks. Cool

Quote: zooo @ October 29 2008, 8:17 PM BST

Oooh, the sexy Lynx advert!


What do you call a Spanish builder?

Manuel labour.

Quote: Griff @ October 29 2008, 8:17 PM BST

That's a very unhelpful proverb.

Isn't it a (decent) play on the phrase you know meaning "only stupid people will work for you if you do not pay very much". In its new form it suggests that paying huge salaries leads to idiotic behaviour from people with a sense of their own invincibility. Whistling nnocently

Quote: Aaron @ October 29 2008, 8:22 PM BST


Two bodies slamming into one another?

Quote: zooo @ October 29 2008, 8:25 PM BST

Two bodies slamming into one another?


But two female bodies. Not your thing, I thought?

Well, no. But I can just use my imagination.

Quote: Griff @ October 29 2008, 8:26 PM BST

Hmmm. "You pay exactly the right amount of peanuts that are neither too big nor too small and you get great staff". I can see that one catching on.

Don't pay people obscenely large or obscenely small salaries. Sounds good to me.

Bloody figurative language. You don't get that it technical manuals.

I haven't read all this thread - it got a bit repetitive - but it seems there are two camps, and fans of Brand & Ross are much more likely to see it as a storm in a teacup. Nothing will persuade them that the behaviour of Ross and Brand was as objectionable as others suggest; nothing the former camp says has any hope of swinging the latter camp to their point of view.

I think Ross should go and watch his mate Gervais's episode of The Office, and ask himself how similar his behaviour was that of Finchy. Forget that these calls were to a relatively well-known actor. Making them to anyone was a horrible act of bullying, and I think Ross and Brand's contrite apologies at least acknowledge that - moreso it seems than many of their fans do.

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