Operation : Chris McGuire
Interior: An operating theatre. A patient lies on the table unconscious. He is surrounded by surgeons in surgical gowns busily working away.
Surgeon 1:
Surgeon 1:
Can you pass it to me...?
The Surgeon opens up the patient. And after a moment begins to root around inside the body cavity. He his arm descends right up to the shoulder. After a moment he pulls out an organ and removes it from the cavity splattering the others in blood. The other surgeons wipe their faces.
Surgeon 1:
Surgeon 2 & 3:
The Surgeon takes the Liver and places it into a big sack. He delves once more into the cavity and pulls out a pair of kidneys.
Surgeon 1:
Once more the kidneys are thrown into the sack.
The patient spasms and flatlines.
Surgeon 1:
That's not good! Does anyone have one of those dum dum things?
Dum Dum things?
Surgeon 1:
Yeah you know, you go ‘Stand back!' and then get it and go Dum Dum!
A Defibrilator?
Surgeon 1:
That's it!
Surgeon 2:
It's in the bag.
Surgeon 1:
Brilliant! Let's rock and roll...
All the surgeons leave the theatre dragging the back behind them.
At this point the camera pans to a sign on the wall: ‘Warning Thieves Operate in this Area'. The flatlining continues.