British Comedy Guide

Did you get that thing I sent ya?


JON TO HIMSELF: Oh Christ, here comes Jane. That video she sent me was bloody awful, how can she find that funny? I really like her though...

JANE: Hi Jon! Did you get that email I sent ya earlier?

JON: Errr...yeah I did...

JANE: How funny was THAT?

JON: Hehe pretty funny yeah...

JANE: Took me totally by surprise! (While Laughing) I did that thing where tea comes out your nose!

JON: Took you by surprise? How could you not...

JANE (Interrupting): Yeah! It was pretty ordinary up until that bit but then down he goes! I almost fell off my chair!

JON: Jane I'm sorry but...they hung that can you possibly find that funny?

JANE AFTER PAUSE: Did you watch it all the way to the end?

JON: No...I closed it was horrible...

JANE: Watch it again...

JON: Jane...I...

JANE: Please...skip forward to where they're all celebrating on the the guy dancing at the back

JON: ...Ok


JON: He fell off! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA That. Is. Brilliant!

JANE: I told ya!

JON: Hahahahehe...blimey...say Jane, you wouldn't wanna go for a drink would ya?

JANE: Yeah Ok, you should see the Guantanamo one's I have saved on my phone!

Thats a pretty funny idea; I'm not sure that you've got it all there yet, but there's a very funny sketch in there.

Aye is an initial draft I wrote on the train home, popped into my head :)

My last effort was a bit quite lengthy so I wanted to keep it short, but I think the middle needs to be fleshed out a bit more...

I like this, clever idea and funny.

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