Yacob Wingnut
Sunday 21st December 2008 6:31pm [Edited]
772 posts
Quote: Griff @ December 20 2008, 6:13 PM GMT
All I know is when David Bishop went on a similar workshop a couple of years ago and then wrote up the sketch writing notes on his blog, he got a massive bollocking from the BBC... so I probably will go a bit "Fight Club" on this one, sorry Dan. There's no massive secret anyway, it's not like they said "Use the code word 'badger' and we'll buy it every time."
Sounds a bit harsh. I was going to write about a writers' meeting I had and submit the article to Chortle. I thank God I didn't now. (Though if he brought up sketch ideas which were pitched during the meeting he deserved it)
Am I the only one terrified about offending the Beeb somehow? Can I take notes about what sketches get recorded on Friday without incurring some kind of wrath?
Oh, and yes, Gareth Edwards is lovely (as is Victoria Lloyd as far as I can tell).
Quote: Griff @ December 21 2008, 9:41 AM GMT
I don't know David personally but I enjoy reading his blog. But he did get into a spot of bother from writing up a BBC sketch workshop he went to. Mind you, he practically took it down in shorthand and reproduced it word for word. (I remember, because I managed to print off and save the notes before he was asked to take them down.)
OK, reading that post, my (thankfully unwritten) article wouldn't have been anything close to that detailed.