British Comedy Guide

Nerd News Page 36

Quote: Nil Putters @ September 8 2009, 8:49 PM BST

Apparently they're making a new A-Team movie. :( It'll feature some Ultimate Fighter named Rampage Jackson.

Why can't Mr T still be B.A. Baracus? Others reportedly cast for the movie are Liam Neeson as Hannibal and Bradley Cooper (who? he's been in a bunch of films I've never seen; looks the part anyway) as Face. Hopefully Liam Neeson won't be too flat. And who will be Murdock?

Murdock = Jim Carrey?

Noooooooo!! Not Rubber Face! :P

Jim Carrey is the obvious choice as Murdock. But would he agree? Would he be too expensive? At least not Ben Stiller or Will Ferrell or that actor who played Napoleon Dynamite.

Bradley Cooper is really cute, so I think he'll make a good Face.

Back to Nerd News, NASA have released these new photos from the Hubble, very cool.

Those amazing pictures we see like that are not actually photographs, more like an artist impression. I believe. But still very cool.

Bruce Lee Vs Iron Man

Quality. :D

Awesome! :D

Anybody seen Flashforward yet? Saw a trailer for it on Five last night and thought it looked okay.

Thank You for Saving Superman's House

First reaction: Toy Story 3

Non-spoilery review of Stargate Universe

Quote: Gavin @ September 10 2009, 12:10 AM BST

Bruce Lee Vs Iron Man

Laughing out loud

Quote: Gavin @ September 11 2009, 12:29 AM BST

Thank You for Saving Superman's House


Quote: Gavin @ September 11 2009, 11:41 AM BST

First reaction: Toy Story 3

Teary Teary Teary

Quote: Gavin @ September 11 2009, 12:46 PM BST

Non-spoilery review of Stargate Universe

Badass! I can't wait to see this. I watched the majority of Atlantis and I have to say it turned sour pretty quickly and SG1 was run into the dirt well after it was obviously dead.
I hope the best for this new show. I think it has a lot of promise.

Quote: Nil Putters @ September 8 2009, 8:49 PM BST

Guillermo Del Toro could be bring Deadman or Doctor Strange to the big screen before he continues The Hobbit. :)

They got it wrong. Sounds interesting though.

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