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Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 18th December 2023, 7:13 AM

Well, that's cheered me up no end, with the "It's later than you think" line.............. 😟

Old joke, but what the heck - "I remember Doris Day before she was a virgin"

I bought my first pair of reading glasses today. Everything has been blurry for the last few weeks but now I can read again I can get stuck in to the new Alan Partridge book.

Ah, I remember the day too. I was trying to read some instructions and complaining that they made the writing too small.
The man with me jokingly took his glasses off and put them on me.
Blimey, the writing was crystal clear.

I started looking through the Christmas Radio Times to see what I needed to watch.

It used to be so easy. Now there's so many stations to look at I got as far as the first Saturday evening before I lost interest.

I was at the Lilac Centre today to get my chemo tablets for the next round. It is run in conjunction with the NHS and McMillan, the place is spotless and the staff are amazing . A lot of the nurses had done their hair Lilac not out of vanity like the millions of half wit pouting influencers, but as yet another step in making the place even more friendly and welcoming. But make no mistake they are professional to the core and caring in the extreme and a credit to themselves, while I waited (10 minutes) A trolly came round with free tea, coffee, Christmas cake and mince pies.
I can not praise these people enough and I can assure anyone who donates to McMillan that their money is well spent and their contributions help people in their darkest hour.
On the way out I wished everyone of them a merry Christmas including the cleaners as they are all doing an amazing job.,

Well said, good to see you're on the mend. Good to see grey hair is now a fashion statement with the youth.

I'm doing a lot of cracking up tonight but not to Here we go.

Have a stinking head cold, which means I can't breath easily, despite shoving dollops of Vick up me hooter - hence sitting here at my PC at 3 in the morning

Still feeling like shit 🥵🥶

It's going around Herc - even up here in the Shires.
All my family are poorly with it. Christmas dinner in on hold.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 23rd December 2023, 10:04 AM

Christmas dinner in on hold.

Bloody hell, that is serious

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 23rd December 2023, 3:04 AM

Have a stinking head cold, which means I can't breath easily, despite shoving dollops of Vick up me hooter - hence sitting here at my PC at 3 in the morning

Well, here I am at now 2 in the morning. Still feeling like death warmed up and unable to breath clearly - the COPD doesn't help.

And my wife had a really bad day yesterday, which I couldn't help her with too much (won't go into the messy details), but thank heavens for her carer, who stepped into the breach and sorted her out, and to be honest, I was in tears at her generosity, which I rewarded financially with, as I told her, no arguments from her. When you have a good carer, they are worth their weight in gold.

This is without doubt the worse Christmas I have ever known.

Been blasted a bit by this chemo lost a tooth and have a bloodshot eye. But all in all I have been having a go on that Twitter late to the game I know but it's enjoyable and it keeps my editing eye (The Good one) on t\its toes.
Today I'm having a lazy one hopping between the FA cup and some dude in a suit who is a knocking bet to have Derringer either in his waistcoat or his boot. Who Is trying to second guess Rory Callhoun while surrounded by Apaches, It won;t end well for the dude.

Eek, lost a tooth and a bloodshot eee. Nasty stuff that chemo.
There's always collateral damage and a bit of blue on blue going on.

They know what they are doing though. Get well soon Paddy.

Nice Swan Stephen I'm alright it's just murder finding a dentist to get a few falsies as it's as important to me as a wig for those who go bald. My McMillian nurse is on the case so with any luck I'll be the spitting image of Bernie Winters by next week.

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