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Good news Lofthouse. Hopefully Teddy will get the same.

Fingers crossed 🤞

Thanks mate

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 3rd September 2023, 6:44 PM

In hospital tomorrow and have my op on Tuesday so if all goes well I will be home in under a week,

Here's to a quick and complete recovery!

Quote: lofthouse @ 4th September 2023, 11:49 AM

Doc gave me the all clear this morning

Great news!

Cheers buddy 🤓

Someone rammed into the back of my car yesterday while I was turning right.
I've had a headache for 24 hours and whiplash is taking effect today.

I reported it to my insurance and they were very nice.
They said their garage would call me to take it away to repair and a hire car firm would call me to pick me up to get the hire car.
Guess who called first?
A 'where's there's blame there's a claim solicitor. LV must tip them off.

I hope you gave him explicit instructions as to what he could do with his business.

It was a she lol. She waffled for 5 minutes from a script before I could get a word in.
I un-politely declined.

My poor papap


Great news re people recovering from ops

My local radio station has a competition every morning around 6.30 called Hitbit. They play a fraction of the intro of a hit song and you have to name it. I was the first one through (and won absolutely nothing) after they played the distinctive zing at the start of one of the best songs of the 1990s - Common People by Pulp.

They really were one of the best bands of the Britpop era. The lyrics are so thought provoking by one of the greatest lyricists of the time.

You mean there were songs in the 1990s?

What happened to Teddy??

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 5th September 2023, 9:14 AM

Someone rammed into the back of my car yesterday while I was turning right.
I've had a headache for 24 hours and whiplash is taking effect today.

I reported it to my insurance and they were very nice.
They said their garage would call me to take it away to repair and a hire car firm would call me to pick me up to get the hire car.
Guess who called first?
A 'where's there's blame there's a claim solicitor. LV must tip them off.

Sorry to hear that and hope you recover soon. I've not suffered whiplash before but I know it can be very painful. The problem with them calling you out the blue is that it's too soon after the incident to properly assess an injury claim and the caller was probably not even legally trained and just there to get more details. In this day and age it's unprofessional to cold call like that. They could be a legitimate partner of LV who are given your details to follow up or a bedroom run scam it's impossible to know from a random phone call. I always ask cold callers to put it in an email so there's a epaper trail and I can look at the email headers.

I'm ok Tarby. But you are right, I've been bombarded by 'claim' companies - even one from his insurance company.
Their common line goes 'we will take a smaller percentage of your award than our competitors.
On principle, no one is going to line their pockets from my pain and suffering.

Bastard leeches - sick and tired of seeing the advert for claiming damages for using diesel fuel. Dregs of humanity

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