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Quote: a plate @ 30th June 2023, 7:45 PM

Actually I can/could see Billy Bunter's pic! If I click on 'view original' it goes to his original post, with the pic still clearly visible to me...

Yes, I should perhaps have said that too, but who can and who can't see the pictures seems to be an obscure condition.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 31st July 2023, 3:37 PM

I had my final scan and have been told that my treatment has worked to the degree that they can operate to remove the tumour in the next two weeks . I will still need a colostomy but when you face a bag or a box its the best and only option, I was also told that it will be a surgeon and a robot that operate on me , I had no idea they used robots.
The reason behind my updates is so that I can express myself outside of my worried family and friends, its just helps me.

Them using the word ROBOT, they probably actually mean a WALDO, which would mean arms, 'fingers' & hand etc like a robot, but actually directly controlled by the hands of the surgeon. That way they can give the surgeon 'hands' which are smaller and more precise than his/her own flesh&blood hands.

These names were invented by science-Fiction writers long ago and have been drastically used wrongly by the general population since. For example the popular program "Robot Wars" should really be called "Waldo Wars" which I think personally actually sounds better.

I was at the hospital last week after a blood test showed my liver ALT reading is 860 and anything over 90 is considered abnormally high and could indicate a serious liver condition. My GP and the hospital consultant couldn't determine why the reading is so high so it's still a mystery but at least it's not something like cirrhosis. I eat a lot of sugar so am going to overhaul my diet and 'try' to start jogging every day.

Quote: Chappers @ 4th August 2023, 7:58 PM

Mine a 57 plate is apparently compliant which is lucky as I love in an outer London borough.

You LOVE in an outer London borough??? Hmmm!


Not really "complient" but "exempt"

However I think it has to be registered with the DVLA as a "historic vehicle" for which you have to go through all the paper/online rigmarole every year, but the road tax figure is £0.00. Basically it has to be 40 years old and not significantly altered from what it was when it left the factory.

If you haven't had it classed as a historic vehicle I expect that London's Mayor will still be after your £12.50 per day.

Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 13th August 2023, 3:48 PM

I was at the hospital last week after a blood test showed my liver ALT reading is 860 and anything over 90 is considered abnormally high and could indicate a serious liver condition. My GP and the hospital consultant couldn't determine why the reading is so high so it's still a mystery but at least it's not something like cirrhosis. I eat a lot of sugar so am going to overhaul my diet and 'try' to start jogging every day.

I had one of those tests and it was high, then I figured out I'd been eating a lot of junk - crisps and biscuits and my usual bread and cheese in the previous three days so the tip is before you have a liver function test don't binge on carbs or dairy food or have too much wine and you'll get a fairer gauge of your current liver health. Obviously a constantly overworked liver will cause it damage. I'm surprised I've still got one tbh, although I shouldn't say that really.

One surprise thing I found out was good for it was coffee, apparently this was wrongly assumed to be bad for it for until extensive studies found out it's actually one of the best things for it, as long as you don't add sugar which as you say is very bad for it. So for those coffee and croissant quaffing EU loving liberal lefties around these parts, your livers are good in shape even if your brains aren't.

Quote: alison blunderland @ 13th August 2023, 11:29 AM


I really don't know if this is supposed to be funny. It is at the very least insensitive.

Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 13th August 2023, 3:48 PM

I was at the hospital last week after a blood test showed my liver ALT reading is 860 and anything over 90 is considered abnormally high and could indicate a serious liver condition. My GP and the hospital consultant couldn't determine why the reading is so high so it's still a mystery but at least it's not something like cirrhosis. I eat a lot of sugar so am going to overhaul my diet and 'try' to start jogging every day.

I too have had an ultrasound. Gallstones and a "fatty liver". I've got to start eating healthily.

(we're all getting older).

Quote: billwill @ 13th August 2023, 3:53 PM

You LOVE in an outer London borough??? Hmmm!


Not really "complient" but "exempt"

However I think it has to be registered with the DVLA as a "historic vehicle" for which you have to go through all the paper/online rigmarole every year, but the road tax figure is £0.00. Basically it has to be 40 years old and not significantly altered from what it was when it left the factory.

If you haven't had it classed as a historic vehicle I expect that London's Mayor will still be after your £12.50 per day.

A 57 plate means 2007. For your info why don't you believe me? Why can't I love in an outer London borough? I live in one too.

Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 13th August 2023, 3:05 PM

Alison Blunderland seems to have an obsession.

Just got back from a car boot sale and was hoping to find some Viz or a HDMI to scart converter but no luck on both counts.

I ordered one of those off Amazon a few years back as my HDMI slots on the telly upstairs were rendered useless by a lightning strike
It works ok, although the picture can get a bit ropey from time to time

Quote: Chappers @ 14th August 2023, 8:05 PM

I really don't know if this is supposed to be funny. It is at the very least insensitive.

I too have had an ultrasound. Gallstones and a "fatty liver". I've got to start eating healthily.

(we're all getting older).

A 57 plate means 2007. For your info why don't you believe me? Why can't I love in an outer London borough? I live in one too.

Simples: When you said 57 plate I naturally assumed you meant a 1957 number plate.
The rest of my posting was really for the benefit of anyone here that has a real classic vehicle.

You can live & love where-ever you like, I don't care, but I presume you didn't proof-read your message, because its an odd turn of phrase.

My current status:


Quote: billwill @ 14th August 2023, 11:25 PM

Simples: When you said 57 plate I naturally assumed you meant a 1957 number plate.
The rest of my posting was really for the benefit of anyone here that has a real classic vehicle.

You can live & love where-ever you like, I don't care, but I presume you didn't proof-read your message, because its an odd turn of phrase.

I always poof read my posts!

Quote: alison blunderland @ 14th August 2023, 11:41 PM

My current status:


Another totally inappropriate post. Aaron! You need to ban himher/it.

What the hell is wrong with that??

Quote: lofthouse @ 16th August 2023, 6:22 PM

What the hell is wrong with that??

It's his feud with Herc - and not having heard from him for a while we don't know how he is.

Hardly warrants asking a mod to ban him/her

Quote: Chappers @ 16th August 2023, 8:50 PM

not having heard from him for a while we don't know how he is.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 16th August 2023, 9:19 AM

They had one of my questions on this week and one on the first episode of this current series, and now I've had an email to say they are ready for question pitches for Series 20, which will be broadcast next year.

So, I must be doing something right quiz-wise......................

I thought the timing of that post by Alison Blunderland was in poor taste but that seems to be the goal of everything they post so I ignored it.

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