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Good luck too.

Quote: beaky @ 22nd July 2023, 8:39 AM

Meeting a couple of people from Hat Trick for a coffee early August - let's see if something comes of it (apart from having a nice chat)

Hope it goes well - nice to hear that someone on this forum is getting results

Quote: Lazzard @ 22nd July 2023, 8:47 AM

Good luck.
And well done for getting a TV Exec out in August.

Well, quite! I was astonished.
Thanks for the good wishes, chaps.

Nice swan Beaky I hope it goes well for you. Just remember to order tall lattes not those little shots ones otherwise you will have to talk dead fast.

I'll remember that, Teddy!

If you could also fork out for a crescent of digestives on a side plate as well then not only will you look flash it would give you ample time to to outline how you see the second series going , Good luck mate

Crescent of Digestives - Love it!

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 20th July 2023, 7:44 PM

With a worryingly "big" birthday fast approaching, I've just had to re-apply for my driving licence for the first time since I passed my driving test aged 18.

I've never had a photo licence so assumed I would have to mess about at a photo booth or, worse, try to take my own photo on-line. But, no. It turns out that the DVLA computer talks to the Passport Office computer and they are going to use my passport photo. Who would've thought it?

Well I applied for my new driving licence on Wednesday and it arrived on Saturday. Can't say fairer than that.

Now (talking of forthcoming "big" birthdays) I get a text from my GP surgery (yes they still exist; GP surgeries - not texts) asking me to make an appointment for a pneumococcal vaccination. Haven't they injected me with enough over the past few years? I suppose a shingles one is next on the agenda.

I had my final scan and have been told that my treatment has worked to the degree that they can operate to remove the tumour in the next two weeks . I will still need a colostomy but when you face a bag or a box its the best and only option, I was also told that it will be a surgeon and a robot that operate on me , I had no idea they used robots.
The reason behind my updates is so that I can express myself outside of my worried family and friends, its just helps me.

That's excellent news. My daughter, two of my cousins, and a few of my friends all had colostomy surgery, and they all live(d) completely normal lives. Glad you're on your way to recovery.

Robotic surgeries are becoming commonplace; I think most hysterectomies are done that way now. Wait until they infuse the robots with AI - then the real fun begins.

Good news mate

Best of luck with Florence Nightingdroid! 🤖

Really pleased, Teddy.

Thanks folks x

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 31st July 2023, 3:37 PM

I had my final scan and have been told that my treatment has worked to the degree that they can operate to remove the tumour in the next two weeks . I will still need a colostomy but when you face a bag or a box its the best and only option, I was also told that it will be a surgeon and a robot that operate on me , I had no idea they used robots.
The reason behind my updates is so that I can express myself outside of my worried family and friends, its just helps me.

Good luck Teddy.


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