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Quote: Lazzard @ 12th July 2023, 4:21 PM

It's been reported - and plod do take it very seriously, for the very reasons you outlined.
This time of year a lot pf people put their horses out at night, to avoid the flies.
Looks like our lot are going to have to switch back to nights in the stable.
My youngest lad - a big strapping 18 yr old - is in pieces, as he spent the most time looking after them than anyone else.

The absolute bastards - f**king brainless idiots who need stringing up. Sorry (am I? No.) to go OTT, but this is such a heinous crime.

We'll have to agree to disagree on the stringing up aspect - but a (genuine) ten year stretch would seem about right.

I'll compromise then, with a 10 inch stretch of the neck

Not to go overboard, but I'd be happy with life in jail for anyone who violently attacks any living thing just for fun. They're too dangerous to be living in society.

I've never been a flog them and hang them merchant as it expresses genuine outrage but offers no a solution as executions would never be ratified in this country. But from a practical standpoint devoid of hyperbole. I can honestly say that if someone's getting tooled up to slash animals in the dead of night then there is no place for them in society. So whether it be psychiatric or penal they have to be removed for the good of all possibly including themselves.
So for me its a find them , nick them , convict them in a court bang them up and then monitor them on release if they get a determined sentence as opposed to a mental health order.

I know I get accused of being a Woke Leftie bu I actually do believe there is a role for long sentences as a deterrent.
A lot of crime is either driven by mental illness, the heat of the moment or poverty - in these cases, I'm not sure a deterrent serves much purpose.
You can't help being mad, losing control or being dirt poor.
But if it's something you might do for 'kicks' or, just out of sheer cussedness, then the threat of genuinely going inside for a fair amount of time would, I believe work.
It just wouldn't be worth it.
Fly-tipping , for instance.
It's just plain c**tish - but if you thought you might do a bit of bird, you probably wouldn't risk it.

Teddy, Lazard as always you make some good points. But doesn't it boil down to self awareness ? Those that know they have a condition "madness" , can do something about it, those that don't invade Poland or the Ukraine, or mask it with denial ? Everyone is different , but we're all born thinking we're the norm.

That's the story behind Catch 22. As far as a gauge for acceptable behaviour that has to fall within the laws set down. So if they think that it is normal to attack defenceless animals they can deal with that through their own morality, while society can deal with it through the courts. You can be who you want in this world and I support that notion, but you have to act inside the law.

Sadly an early sign of psychopaths is they torcher insects / animals just out of morbid fascination and then escalate. An animal alone in a field is faceless to them. It's consequences that stop them. Diagnose them early before they progress onto loves ones , like pony's and kindergartens.

Hope you're doing well Teddy. Good to see you posting. I might re-watch catch 22 now.

I find it repellent to even read about it so God knows how you and your family feel.

Slightly better this morning.
She's eating - which is a good sign.
Which also means she's getting her meds down her.
And her little friend (another Shetland) seems less concerned about her mate - she was frantic yesterday.
We're all hoping she's dodged a bullet (well, an injection, technically).
But thanks all for your concern.

Bless her, and please give her this 🥕 from me. 🙂

Glad she's on the mend



Disgusting scum for doing that. I'm relieved she is doing better and I hope the police catch those responsible. Nothing makes my blood boil more than incidents like that partly because of what they have done and the impact it has and partly because the likelihood is they will get off with a slap on the wrist and that's if they are prosecuted which takes up time and money the RSPCA don't have. Even the most severe cases of prolonged abuse and neglect result in a few months prison time at most when it should be a few years. I couldn't be an RSPCA inspector because I would end up in handcuffs on my first day.

Had my best haul on the Premium Bonds (for July) - 1 x £100, 1 x £50 and two £25s

"Things can only get better..............."

I hope I haven't jinxed myself 😯

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