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Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 18th June 2023, 8:53 AM

Yes, EVs are the future.............

I detect a fellow cynic there Herc ;-)

I nipped down to Cornwall a fortnight ago for the scattering of the sister-in-law's ashes on the coastal path at Tintagel, one of her favourite walks. Stuck £52 worth of diesel in me little Nissan Note at Launceston Tesco just off the A30. Took me all of 10 minutes including the queue at the pumps.

Back up the M5/M42 to Derby then a couple of weeks of the usual pottering around shopping etc. Still showing the tank about 1/4 full :-)

And living in a cul-de-sac near an Infants/Junior school I don't have to worry about claims from 'busy mums' dropping their little brats off and tripping over the charging lead.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 15th June 2023, 9:14 AM

My car insurance has gone up £70! (£280 to £350 fully comp.) It has never leapt up that much before. I only drive about 500 miles a year, never leaving the county.

It's happening everywhere. They blame inflation, the cost of repair and replacement parts, the increase in auto prices, etc. Mine is $2024 (£1578) per year, although I expect our policies to differ.

I drive almost 400 miles weekly, and that's only commuting to the office and back. Some of my friends drive 1500+ miles per week.

Father's Day today

I bet Boris got about 9 cards?

And thats just the ones he knows about

Quote: fasty @ 18th June 2023, 2:20 PM

I detect a fellow cynic there Herc ;-)

Whatever made you think that. 😁

Quote: DaButt @ 18th June 2023, 3:05 PM

It's happening everywhere. They blame inflation, the cost of repair and replacement parts, the increase in auto prices, etc. Mine is $2024 (£1578) per year, although I expect our policies to differ.

I drive almost 400 miles weekly, and that's only commuting to the office and back. Some of my friends drive 1500+ miles per week.

Sure is a rootin' tootin' mighty big country you got there, boy Phut............ding 🤠

Postie turns up with brown , serious looking envelope marked HMRC...

Oh shit....WTH is this



Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 18th June 2023, 4:29 PM

Sure is a rootin' tootin' mighty big country you got there, boy Phut............ding 🤠

Texas is huge...and hot as Hell.


Welllllll doggies !

Ooh, I'm in Mexico.

I'm San Antonio - or thereabouts

Quote: zooo @ 19th June 2023, 2:48 PM

Ooh, I'm in Mexico.

I'd suggest leaving ASAP. That part isn't very safe. :)

Quote: Lazzard @ 19th June 2023, 3:05 PM

I'm San Antonio - or thereabouts

That makes two of us.

Farage refused a bank account.
Rwanda deemed unlawful.
Privileges Committee comes down hard on the Back Boris Brigade.
And I saw "Dame Judy Dench Live" followed by a lovely lunch in Ludlow.
Pretty well a perfect day.

Yep , whether it'a Boris lying to the Houses of Parliament, or trying to violate the human rights of asylum seekers- this government just doesn't accept the law when it makes rulings

Maybe now Farage has had his bank accounts closed down, he can get on twitter and beg his moronic supporters to donate money to him- just like his mate the tangerine imbecile

Quote: Lazzard @ 29th June 2023, 4:14 PM

Rwanda deemed unlawful.

Does the United Nations know about this? Will it be removed from the map?

Quote: Chappers @ 29th June 2023, 8:47 PM

Does the United Nations know about this? Will it be removed from the map?

They're getting out the Tipex as we speak .

They know its unworkable and they knew the courts would block it

It's part of the game

Lol on tonight's QT the presenter asked the mostly tory voting audience how many of them support the Rwanda plan....


Not one hand raised

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