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Quote: zooo @ 9th June 2017, 10:50 AM

Because of a toilet? That's the thing that's happened recently that makes you think the country's f**ked...?

I think he meant that he was annoyed that the council could not find money to maintain public toilets for the bulk of the population but magically produced money to build a transgender toilet.

Is the correct answer Bill.

Finally bought a 1Tb portable hard drive (and got a great deal as it goes, John) to make another backup disk as I only had one which would have left me snookered if that failed. I spent yesterday creating a copy of about 350Gb of data on to the new drive and am now going to put it in storage at the folks house and re-sync it every few months.

Also came 3rd out of 90 in an online poker tourney last night. When I got to the final table of 9 I had the smallest stack of everyone but I did a sneaky trick of lying low while the others went all in and knocked each other out.

Ben is rocking a beard.

Quote: Ben @ 28th June 2017, 11:18 PM

Ben is rocking a beard.

Is that Scouse?

Quote: Ben @ 28th June 2017, 11:18 PM

Ben is rocking a beard.

Oooo Ben's got one of those beard hammock / net things.

Quote: Ben @ 28th June 2017, 11:18 PM

Ben is rocking a beard.

Beards need rocking to sleep? That's proper weird.

Ben is still bearded even after a quick trim on Friday. He only wishes he'd grown one years ago.

My beard joke....

I suffer from pogonophobia which is the fear of beards, so that means I can never go and see Mumford and Sons, I'm hopping mad.

Found a purse on the bus to work this morning and despite my best efforts I've not reunited it with the owner yet. It contains 3 x £20 notes and about a tenner in change with a driving licence and bank card. I called the bus company lost property and left my details so if she contacted them they could give her my mobile number and even called a landline I found on Companies House which I thought could be her parents (same surnames and address) but there was no answer and I didn't want to keep ringing. In the purse were a few days of bus receipts to the same stop I get so I assume she works in the same area but there was also a rail ticket valid only for today to London Stansted so she must have been going on holiday today which would explain the absent mindedness purse dropping-on-bus disaster. Poor thing has lost her purse and would have had to buy a new rail card to get to the airport but hopefully I can get in touch with her soon to let her know the purse is safe.

Also saw a woman walking a dog and cat on a park this morning. Either that or the cat didn't know them but was really trusting because the woman was throwing a ball that the dog was running off to fetch and the cat was just lay next to them sunbathing. It was one of those smile to myself and think 'life isn't so bad pre 9AM after all' moments.

This could be the beginning of a romance for you. Cards belong to what will.turn out to be the love of your life.

Quote: keewik @ 7th July 2017, 11:06 PM

This could be the beginning of a romance for you. Cards belong to what will.turn out to be the love of your life.

:) I did think that and the age difference doesn't make it impossible but I also know that going down that path is doomed.

I'm not going to go there and just want to return the purse. If there is an offer of a reward I'll probably just ask for a book token or new diary.

I got fired from my job for accepting a gift. Not allowed to accept gifts from residents. Not even gifts worth zero dollars, such as for instance, a small plastic bag with a couple of sea shells in it. It's a cruel world. I think they just wanted to get rid of me. Ah well, I'm still going to the fringe next month so I'm happy. I get to have my quarter life crisis a bit early I guess. Not sure what kind of job I'll go for next, but I'm hoping for somewhere where I'm both paid like and treated like a proper human being. I loved the residents at my job but management was an utter nightmare.

Now to collect unemployment while selling all my stuff I don't need like books and video games and things to make a bit of extra money for the trip. I'm not really too upset about getting fired. I was on suspension for a week before getting fired (over the shells....yeah, that's really all they had on me) and had my total mental breakdowns while waiting to hear whether they were going to fire me. Now that I'm fired I feel fine.

Oh dear Davida, I am so sorry and that seems so cruel and unfair, but like you hint there was probably some other reason festering in the background and they were just looking for the least excuse to sack you.
Seems to me you are better off without people like that. Keep your chin up and think nice Edinburgh thoughts................................and consider living in the UK while you are over here. :)

Whaaaaat? Those absolute f**kers. Angry
*whispers* I agree with Herc, just stay here once you get to Scotland. No one'll mind.

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