Wednesday 20th January 2016 7:08pm
14,722 posts
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 20th January 2016, 5:34 PM GMT
A motorway is any section of road with a legal order applied to it which bans pedestrians (except by permission), holders of provisional motorcycle or car licences, riders of motorcycles under 50 cc, cyclists, horse riders, certain slow-moving vehicles and those carrying oversized loads (except by special permission), agricultural vehicles, and powered wheelchairs/powered mobility scooters. No stopping is permitted (except in traffic or emergencies).
That sounds very similar to our interstate highway system.
Quote: Chappers @ 20th January 2016, 5:40 PM GMT
Surely a Highway. I suppose the Yanks couldn't get anywhere without them.
Sounds about right, but you can ride bicycles along most highways that aren't interstates, and many highways are divided (dual carriageway) but not part of the interstate system.
Yeah, we need a lot of highways and interstates to get around. We have 320 million people spread across 6 time zones, so we need high-speed (up to 85 MPH), wide roads to get from Point A to Point B. Texas is 3x the size of the UK, so we have some huge highways (and the traffic jams to go with them). A stretch of Interstate 10 in Houston is 26 lanes wide. It's practically a parking lot at rush hour.