Wednesday 25th June 2014 4:47pm [Edited]
North London
6,162 posts
Quote: Nogget @ 25th June 2014, 1:38 PM BST
If you'd set the start price for that amount as an auction, do you think it wouldn't have given you such a reasonable price?
No I think it would not. But initially I did not know what was a reasonable price. If you merely set a high starting price and no-one bids, you are not getting any information back, whereas Offers can be made at any figure which is valuable information.
Part of the reason for using Best Offer is that eBay charge the seller to set a reserve price on an item, whereas there is no charge (now) for using Best Offer instead.
Secondly once you put it on action you are obliged to sell to the highest bidder, whereas on Best Offer you can change your mind & refuse them all.
However the main reason is that often you have no real idea what an item is worth, so setting an absurdly high Buy-it-Now and inviting offers is a way of finding out, without any actual obligation to sell. You/I could then put it on auction starting at the best offer received, the offering person would then probably take the first bid and the auction would determine if the competitive nature was enough to raise the price.
Quote: Gordon Bennett @ 25th June 2014, 2:14 PM BST
Billwill, your sewing machine reminds me of Rod Taylor's legendary time machine. Beautiful!
It is indeed beautiful, I think the gold decorating is real gold leaf; it was love at first sight about 12 years ago
, but I feel it has to go to a better place than a corner of my bedroom.
It was probably made between 1900-1910.
I had checked that it worked OK but I couldn't do any serious sewing job as I only had a single sewing needle and I did not find a source of them. Had I broken the needle I would have been stumped in the middle of a sewing task.