How do I pronounce Zebra?
That's how I pronounce Zebra with an extra dose of f**k you, you striped, whore, pony.
How do I pronounce Zebra?
That's how I pronounce Zebra with an extra dose of f**k you, you striped, whore, pony.
Quote: Jennie @ 28th April 2014, 1:11 PM BSTI just wish they would do the actual writing for me.
I can give you a start...'It was the best of times it was the worst of times.' That'll be £50 please which you can off set against your finders fee for my bike
Quote: Jennie @ 28th April 2014, 1:11 PM BSTI am on a writing retreat. Lovely old farmhouse, lots of sun, nice people (albeit novel writers) and space and time to write.
I just wish they would do the actual writing for me.
Cor, lovely.
Quote: Jennie @ 28th April 2014, 1:11 PM BSTI am on a writing retreat. Lovely old farmhouse, lots of sun, nice people (albeit novel writers) and space and time to write.
I just wish they would do the actual writing for me.
Oh, and it is quite obviously a Zeh-bra.
Lucky old you.
Why not write about a retreat where people go to write and use the real people with you as characters. Throw in some swinging, improbable murders and Police corruption and you have a primetime ITV show in the bag.
Or, have a crafty shit in a hat....
Quote: Will Cam @ 28th April 2014, 1:40 PM BSTLucky old you.
Why not write about a retreat where people go to write and use the real people with you as characters. Throw in some swinging, improbable murders and Police corruption and you have a primetime ITV show in the bag.
Oi! I'm on a money spinning gold mine of script consultancy here and there's you giving it away for free
I rape the cat of anyone who uses my services so it's not entirely free.
Quote: billwill @ 27th April 2014, 1:09 PM BSTSee a doctor.
Could be low blood pressure.
Do seem to have this. For as long as I can remember I a few times a year I get dizzy and go blind and tingly if I stand up quickly. I was actually an adult before I knew this wasn't really normal. Also each time I go to hospital they make a comment that I have low blood pressure. I think I'm only one or two above what is normal/safe.
I think I had slight touch of something, apparently a few people at work have had a similar thing in recent weeks.
*Have now finished oversharing/moaning.
Could also be related to diabetese.
Quote: reds @ 28th April 2014, 1:49 PM BST*Have now finished oversharing/moaning.
Good God Reds
What are you trying to do, break the whole god-damn internet!
Quote: sootyj @ 28th April 2014, 1:55 PM BSTCould also be related to diabetese.
is that Dita Von's sister?
Oh very good our Will.
Ben is getting hungry as he's watching Man vs Food.
Which one.
The Carnivore Chronicles compilation.
Quote: zooo @ 28th April 2014, 1:09 PM BSTDo you zeeebra people pronounce XYZ 'ex why zeee' as well?
No. It's: ex wy (no 'h') zed