I knew YOU would laugh!
Status report Page 517
What can I say? I have an image to uphold.
What, the one with you in a deer stalker, shooting hippies running about in the wild as you laugh and down cider shouting "TARQUIN, GET THE MORMONS READY NEXT!!!!"?
Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ March 14 2009, 6:54 PM GMTWhat, the one with you in a deer stalker, shooting hippies running about in the wild as you laugh and down cider shouting "TARQUIN, GET THE MORMONS READY NEXT!!!!"?
Ruby you and your fantasies. I told you I don't do hats
I really want a deer stalker.
Lily Allen's been going round wearing a white furry hat, that's a bit tooooo massive, But I want one kind of like it.
Did she just take everything out of a bunny?
There is this guy in our town who wears a deer stalkers, a jacket WITH hankie in pocket, a big tash, and a cane. He is a legend. The great moment was when I was stood next to him in Tesco getting a paper and he took out....
He rocks.
Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ March 14 2009, 6:32 PM GMTI have always found for some bizzare reason "Hippies" are always the closed minded ones pushing their views on others. The ones I meet anyway. Very wierd.
In their defense (and my gf's) she can't go anywhere without people asking stupid questions. Normally she doesn't mind answering them though. Most of em can come across as arrogant and appear to be pushing their ideals onto others. But can anyone honestly say they don't do that with their own believes?
I encourage people to try veggie food, but that's probably because I enjoy food and cooking as a whole. I can't understand people who refuse to try new stuff and experience different tastes.
Quote: zooo @ March 14 2009, 6:56 PM GMTLily Allen's been going round wearing a white furry hat, that's a bit tooooo massive, But I want one kind of like it.
Retro fashion outlets are probably the best route. I like babygirl in the US.

Quote: Leevil @ March 14 2009, 7:01 PM GMTI can't understand people who refuse to try new stuff and experience different tastes.
Like meat?
Quote: Leevil @ March 14 2009, 7:01 PM GMTIn their defense (and my gf's) she can't go anywhere without people asking stupid questions. Normally she doesn't mind answering them though. Most of em can come across as arrogant and appear to be pushing their ideals onto others. But can anyone honestly say they don't do that with their own believes?
I encourage people to try veggie food, but that's probably because I enjoy food and cooking as a whole. I can't understand people who refuse to try new stuff and experience different tastes.
Oh don't get me wrong, I don't mind if that's your choice and it is a two way street. Hippy baiting is a chav sport for example but there are a few who are a little on the rude side
Veggie food is nice.
Quote: zooo @ March 14 2009, 7:03 PM GMTLike meat?
Like a shoe?
I don't do leather. I know that sounds crazy from a meat eater but I have always hated the smell of it and it's not always taken from animals used for meat. I'm also very anti animal testing for cosmetics and get very scary about it sometimes but I try not to push it on others. Although I get an urge to scream "SCUM" at Body shop every time I pass it since they sold out to Loreal who have one of the worse records in the world of inhumane treatment of animals.
But that's a Roo thing.
Quote: Leevil @ March 14 2009, 7:08 PM GMTLike a shoe?
I have eaten many a shoe.
*I* am broad minded...
Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ March 14 2009, 7:12 PM GMTI don't do leather. I know that sounds crazy from a meat eater
I still occasionally eat food with red food dye in it and very rarely have had foods with levels of meat at something like 3% (Gravy, Instant soups/rice/ect). I'm not the best vegetarian in the world .
But, whilst I can, whilst I live with my vegan girlfriend, who cooks the most amazing food, every night and nothing is dying to achieve it, then why not?
I'm even considering going vegan soon, because it can be done. I'm finding meat/dairy food being replicated amazingly easy.
It's hard to talk about it, without sounding arrogant, which is a shame and quite repressive. I don't like the thought of animals dying, just to enjoy a meal for 10 minutes. It's a great feeling knowing nothing suffered, it's (mostly) healthier and it's satisfying to rustle it up with some simple vegetables.
Quote: zooo @ March 14 2009, 7:15 PM GMTI have eaten many a shoe.
*I* am broad minded...
That explains the Aaron thing then. (No offence Aaron)