Friday 20th July 2012 12:29pm
North London
6,162 posts
Quote: lofthouse @ July 20 2012, 11:24 AM BST
Surely she'd just go round and round in circles?
Actually she need not. Next time you go swimming try doing it with only one arm & you might be surprised.
Or you might drown, depending on how good a swimmer you are.
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 20 2012, 1:09 AM BST
Quite upset with the responses I got from BBC, ITV and Channel 4 News to my complaints about the Olympics.
I had just one simple request - Could they not show the paralympians on the early evening news as the limbless ones are putting me off my dinner - and the midget swimmer lady freaks my shit - though the wheelchair rugby ones are okay - but please, no blind people if their eyes are all weird. Normal looking magoos, fine, but the crossed eyed gross ones with a milky eyeball, no way.
But did they show me any sympathy? No, apparently I'm the bad guy.
Is nothing safe from Carpark's acid reign?