It would be if you weren't trying to withhold that blowoff
Status report Page 4,502
Sorry AJGO not havin' it!, I suppose the black fish-nets and red stilletos just 'popped on too?'....
Quote: Shandonbelle @ June 2 2012, 10:03 AM BSTIt would be if you weren't trying to withhold that blowoff
It didn't work
Quote: Marc P @ June 2 2012, 9:46 AM BSTA mini crawl and ended up in Southampton!!!! Sounds like a professional here!
(So jealous of your outfit in that pic)
Quote: Shandonbelle @ June 2 2012, 9:56 AM BST
Just be thankful your Freudian slip wasn't on show AJGO.
Quote: dellas @ June 2 2012, 10:08 AM BST
Sorry AJGO not havin' it!, I suppose the black fish-nets and red stilletos just 'popped on too?'....
That's standard attire for flat-cap wearing. What do you think is being worn in the bottom half of Marc P's pic?
Quote: AJGO @ June 2 2012, 1:41 PM BST
That's standard attire for flat-cap wearing. What do you think is being worn in the bottom half of Marc P's pic?
You said you would never tell!!!
And where's the Southampton pic!!!
Quote: Marc P @ June 2 2012, 1:48 PM BSTYou said you would never tell!!!
And where's the Southampton pic!!!
(It's okay, they can never prove that we have squireskank parties)
On a psychotherapist's phone, probably being shown to patients as a warning of what could happen if they don't embrace the route to sanity
You want to get ahead get a hat!

Quote: Marc P @ June 2 2012, 10:01 AM BSTMind you a flat cap is a seriously sexy look!
I knew it reminded me of something !

What day are people supposed to do all this Jubilee celebrating on anyway? There's 4 days to choose from. Is there a particular one that is the actual Jubilee?
I don't get it.
Quote: zooo @ June 2 2012, 3:56 PM BSTWhat day are people supposed to do all this Jubilee celebrating on anyway? There's 4 days to choose from. Is there a particular one that is the actual Jubilee?
I don't get it.
The 60th anniversary of her queening it up was 6th February, but I guess they didn't want to celebrate the day her dad died. The weather might have been better than this weekend though.
Coronation day was 2nd June.
Hmm. So it's actually today, but there's zero Jubilee stuff on TV today, and all the fancy ceremonial stuff is later in the weekend. Complicated!
Suppose we can't expect anything straightforward from a woman with two birthdays.
To be fair she isn't responsible for the TV schedules.
Well maybe she should be!
Quote: zooo @ June 2 2012, 4:45 PM BSTthere's zero Jubilee stuff on TV today
She's been at Epsom all afternoon for the Derby, loads of coverage on BBC1, jubolox galore.
Watching Patrick Swayze in a 2004 film.
He doesn't look well.