British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 4,488

Ooooh. Sod him then.

Quote: AJGO @ May 30 2012, 1:07 AM BST

Type and the truth shall be upon you my child

(The literary stuff, not the fanfiction)

Laughing out loud

To Chappers 4,30pm ok , might as well deliberately baffle. Smarmy

Quote: AJGO @ May 30 2012, 12:36 AM BST

AJGO has been mauled by mozzies. Every single time I so much as venture outside for the briefest of sojourns during summer. Why me?

Your hat provides them with shade whilst they bite you??

I looked at that form for Mastermind and thought who in the world has four specialist subjects?
I mean four subjects that you can say you have total in depth knowledge about.
My first was, The novels of Ian Fleming
And my second was, The life and times of Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Gerolamo Umberto Volta. Known as Volta for short - the inventor of the battery (although now recently disputed) - and where the word volt comes from.

I could not think of 3 and 4 so did not enter any. Maybe that will disqualify me. We shall see.

Today is my 3rd exam in 3 days.

One more to go tomorrow.


Quote: TopBanana @ May 30 2012, 11:11 AM BST

Today is my 3rd exam in 3 days.

One more to go tomorrow.


whats the exam on TB?

Quote: Gavin @ May 30 2012, 1:02 PM BST

whats the exam on TB?

I'm betting potatoes.

You say potatoes, I say potatoes.

Quote: TopBanana @ May 30 2012, 11:11 AM BST

Today is my 3rd exam in 3 days.

One more to go tomorrow.


What exactly is this exam in?

Quote: Marc P @ May 30 2012, 4:22 PM BST

You say potatoes, I say potatoes.

I say you're stalking me.

Clearly it's not a rectal exam.

Quote: Booo @ May 30 2012, 4:25 PM BST

I say you're stalking me.

Prove it in court, lady!

Quote: Marc P @ May 30 2012, 4:26 PM BST



Hang on a minute... Booo.... Zooo

Is there something going on here?

Booo is just zooo with a moustache.

As I bloody suspected! :)

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