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I am nervous and I'm not even going in today...

People just keep posting Facebook statuses about it. :(

Quote: billwill @ May 22 2012, 2:29 AM BST

That's quite normal y'know. It just means your brain is filling up with experiences as you get older, so some things have to be shunted off to the brains's slow access 'backup' store.

It's okay, I've devised a brilliant plan for when I can't recall things. I, um, er...

Chip's outside the office flat on his back in the sun. He has to go back inside in a minute. :(

Did you fall over?

Quote: chipolata @ May 22 2012, 1:23 PM BST

Chip's outside the office flat on his back in the sun. He has to go back inside in a minute. :(

you don't like sun or the light. What is going on?

Quote: AJGO @ May 21 2012, 12:14 AM BST

I had a lovely pint at BCG drinks a wee while ago and I can't remember what it was called.

Apparently it was called Conqueror. Thanks Badge!
Really was a very nice pint, recommended.


Chip's out sunbathing again and has found a small bleached animal skull.

Quote: bigfella @ May 22 2012, 1:30 PM BST

you don't like sun or the light. What is going on?

Like Doctor Who regenerating, every time I come back to the BCG I'm slightly different.

Oh my goodness. If anyone is going outside, don't do it in black skinny jeans. Very hot

Eurgh I have to wear jeans atm because of my tattoo. I am gonna die tomorrow.

Quote: AJGO @ May 22 2012, 4:30 PM BST

Oh my goodness. If anyone is going outside, don't do it in black skinny jeans. Very hot

Worried I'm gonna be hotter than you?

Too late!

Normal jeans might be just okay enough that you don't actually die. I think it was the combination of black and skinny and jeans that did for me

Quote: sootyj @ May 22 2012, 4:32 PM BST

Worried I'm gonna be hotter than you?

Too late!

Daym, you know I can't compete with you bwoy. You too too hot

There's a bloody irritating dog doing non-stop barking in the street while it's owner yacks to somebody. Do you think they'd mind if I take a cleaver to it?

There's a bloody irritating dog doing non-stop barking in the street while it's owner yacks to somebody. Do you think they'd mind if I take a cleaver to it?

I was going to not drink today. But it might be The Day Summer Came and Went. Seems a shame not to have a pint in the sunshine. Hmm

I shall say my fond farewells now, thank you for the last three or four years. It's been emotional.

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