British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 4,074

Quote: zooo @ September 28 2011, 4:56 PM BST

You jammy bugger. I've only been quoted twice in its whole history!

I've never been quoted at all which is inexplicable.


The only bright spot in a rubbish day was when Riley's lecturer started wittering on about SPVs. As Riley is of a certain age (older than Will Cam anyway) the SPVs that Riley thought of were those featured in Captain Scarlet...

Robyn is panicking about what she'll do after uni and her almost total lack of work experience. Eep.

You have twoooo jobssss right now! That's more than a lot of graduates.

I don't do my volunteering any more because of uni. The lady who I worked kind of for there said when I started that she'd write me a reference, so I really should write to her to ask for that. :/

Looking for a reliable job of sorts. I'm not asking for a lot of money. Just enough to pay the bills.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ September 28 2011, 9:14 PM BST

I don't do my volunteering any more because of uni. The lady who I worked kind of for there said when I started that she'd write me a reference, so I really should write to her to ask for that. :/

Better do. Was she old? She might forget you soon. ;)

She was about 65. She has a Blackberry!


Also I don't have a dissertation supervisor as of yesterday. :/

Boo, what happened to her/him?

One got pregnant and is taking early maternity leave, the other is semi-retired. No one is contacting me about it/responding to my attempts to contact them. :S

Well that's a bit shit.

We, luckily, had an awesome coordinator/secretary lady who sorted out problems like that. I wish I could still email her with all my (endless) questions, actually. But alas I am not a student anymore. :(

I am going to go and try to stalk the lady again tomorrow. I tried yesterday but she had just disappeared, having said to come to her with any problems after a big meeting the department had. :/

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