British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 4,047

Sheringham: The Town That Never Sleeps

*hits the forum like you would an old TV on the blink*

Where is everyone?

Ellie is loving her new job.

Second day and she's already slacking off.


Hello, Ellie. What's your new job?


Fluffers don't slack off by definition.

I expect they're doing the lesbikon scene.

Quote: Leevil @ September 16 2011, 3:27 PM BST

Hello, Ellie. What's your new job?

Office Manager but in a comedy company. :D

Cool. Are you going to share which comedy company?

(moo, perhaps?)

I hope she doesn't tell, then for once I can feel smug for knowing a secret.

Quote: Nil Putters @ September 16 2011, 3:38 PM BST

I expect they're doing the lesbikon scene.


Quote: Leevil @ September 16 2011, 4:47 PM BST

Cool. Are you going to share which comedy company?

(moo, perhaps?)

No, shouldn't really.

Quote: zooo @ September 16 2011, 4:50 PM BST

I hope she doesn't tell, then for once I can feel smug for knowing a secret.



So I've been designing posters for local comedy nights just as something to do. Some of them are a bit naff but I think I'm getting better. Do you reckon there's any money in me setting up a website and advertising myself to do cheap poster/flyer design? I have an okay looking portfolio now I think from the ones I've done free.

how are you going to charge? paypal?

It's worth a try. Websites are piss cheap to make. Advertising them is a lot harder. How would you go about that?

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