British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 4,008

Quote: Tuumble @ August 29 2011, 8:35 PM BST

I'm going on a two day feature writing course tomorrow. Staying in 'that London' with my good lady in the shadow of that London Eye. Will be nice to have some adult time without the kids. ;)


Thanks to misreading his satnav BCG's most hapless poster finds himself attending a copywriting course not in London. But in Mordor dark heart of Sauron's evil kingdom. Having mistaken his giant glowing red eye for the London eye.

What's worse his wife is furious that he's been sleeping with Shelob the giant spider demon. Having mixed her cave layer up with the travel lodge.

Poor fellow is left sharing a Hobbit hole with Frodo and an extremely jealous Sam Gamgee.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ August 29 2011, 9:07 PM BST

I like your style Shandaleer!

Nicknames that don't quite work are allowed tonight


A new thread is born...? ;)

Quote: sootyj @ August 29 2011, 8:13 PM BST

Well start the revoloution Nils type something funny?

I can't do it all myself.

I'm not even funny.

We're relying on you tonight Soots.

Nice to see masses of people on here again, possibly since the Ogre has gone.

It's like a carnival atmosphere on BCG tonight.

I knew it!
Bump it & they will come.

Ok Shooting Stars time, take a break people you've been great tonight.

:D The Wicked Witch of the N. West has gone!

Quote: Will Cam @ August 29 2011, 3:43 PM BST

Can anyone tell me when Teddy Paddletwat got banned? I assume it was for being a c**t?

It was a strange co-incidence that when he stopped posting in critque, others who had always praised his work, stopped posting at the very same time.

Really, please explain a bit more very interested about Paddalack being banned when how, what , suppose I do know why...

Quote: dellas @ August 30 2011, 8:42 AM BST

Really, please explain a bit more very interested about Paddalack being banned when how, what , suppose I do know why...

Just enjoy the arse-free BCG, Dellas.

Quote: chipolata @ August 30 2011, 9:06 AM BST

Just enjoy the arse-free BCG, Dellas.

You spoke too soon! *titter*

Quote: chipolata @ August 30 2011, 9:06 AM BST

Just enjoy the arse-free BCG, Dellas.

By co-incidence, they're giving away free arses with The Mail today.

:( Well who is Paddy Tadallack? or was that a joke, sorry for being thick.

What is the protocol when dealing with 'trolls'?

Quote: dellas @ August 30 2011, 9:35 AM BST

What is the protocol when dealing with 'trolls'?

"Do not feed the troll" is the classic advice. Just ignore them completely. But it's much easier to say than to do, for many people.

Angelic OK I gather that is sensible, but what if your not sure? can't we have an alert signal for foolish people?

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