zooo-oooo, why did you let me see that site?! Now I want too many things, especially the glowing bangles that were around when I was little and for some reason everyone's mum thought if you chewed it you'd die
Status report Page 3,993
Hee, sorry! I want pretty much everything on that site.
There was a big spider in the living room earlier. It's a sign autumn's coming as the creepy crawlies starting coming in.
Quote: zooo @ August 23 2011, 6:22 PM BSTI want a new iPod, my one's really old.
And, because I'm quite sad, I kind of want this http://www.firebox.com/product/3955/Harry-Potters-Wand-with-Illuminating-Tip
Methinx for it to work, each wizard/witch has to make their own wand and activate it.
But even those are playthings.
Here's the real stuff from the most ancient magic book "The Key of Solomon"
The staff (see Figure 68) should be of elderwood or cane;10 and the wand (Figure 69) of hazel,11 in all cases the wood being virgin, that is of one year's growth only. They should each be cut from the tree at a single stroke, on the day of Mercury, at sunrise. The characters shown should be written or engraved thereon in the day and hour of Mercury.12
This being done, thou shalt say:-
ADONAI, most holy, {EL, most strong},13 deign to bless and to consecrate this wand, and this staff, that they may obtain the necessary virtue, through thee, O most holy ADONAI, whose kingdom endureth unto the ages of the ages. Amen.
13. So Aub24 and Ad. 10862 (Lat. "EL potentissime"), which matches the wording in Book 1, chapter 8. This also agrees with the names "EL GIBOR" on the crown. Sl. 1307 reads "Adonay sanctissimo et potentissimo." -JHP
After having perfumed and consecrated them, put them aside in a pure and clean place for use when required.
Well that's not what happens in Harry Potter!
Quote: zooo @ August 23 2011, 11:46 PM BSTWell that's not what happens in Harry Potter!
Aye, but Harry Potter is fiction, the Key of Solomon is real.
IT IS REAL. *covers ears and runs away*
Here is mine, very plain: cut from my Hazel tree with a single blow & stripped & carved with a spiral by me.
You can't normally see the aura so I had to add that to the photo.

Carving done with a BRASS knife, so that it was not tainted by Iron.
Quote: chipolata @ August 23 2011, 11:14 PM BSTThere was a big spider in the living room earlier. It's a sign autumn's coming as the creepy crawlies starting coming in.
And I just gave my second bobowler of the week its freedom.
Big as a babby's 'yed it was.
Quote: billwill @ August 24 2011, 12:19 AM BSTHere is mine, very plain: cut from my Hazel tree with a single blow & stripped & carved with a spiral by me.
You can't normally see the aura so I had to add that to the photo.
Carving done with a BRASS knife, so that it was not tainted by Iron.
By the gods, Bill, I didn't take you for a Wiccan! When the barman threw us out of the gay bar in Manchester, you could've hexed him!
Quote: keewik @ August 24 2011, 12:33 AM BSTBy the gods, Bill, I didn't take you for a Wiccan! When the barman threw us out of the gay bar in Manchester, you could've hexed him!
I'm not really a Wiccan, but I do get curious about weird phenomena & try to study them to some extent.
I do have a number of 'real' magic books (including The Key of Solomon) to complement my vast collection of Science Fiction. I bought a very strange book last year called "The Magician's Tables"
Our trip to Manchester is all a blur to me now, were we all really thrown out of a gay bar or was that just you girls? Aha a memory is trickling back, it was in the evening when we walked through that pedestrian area.
*drunkenly swings fists at own shadow*
Quote: Leevil @ August 24 2011, 3:20 AM BST*drunkenly swings fists at own shadow*
Watched QI last night, then read some 100 years of solitude before I went to sleep- had very odd dreams about QI contestants living in a village and marrying each other and getting shot.
You're all dicks for ignoring my chameleon.