British Comedy Guide

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Make a luxury car out of them

your very own ROLLS Royce!

Ok I'm done

If you can't empathise turn your roll upside down


Being stared at through the door by wee fox which has eaten all we put out and needs more. Do I Angelic defrost some cooked chicken (b) open a tin of salmon (c) ignore it, heartlessly?

Ignore it! Give it leftovers again tomorrow.

Or, go and give him a little cuddle.

He's covered in ticks.

They are vermin.

Quote: zooo @ May 22 2011, 9:20 PM BST

Ignore it! Give it leftovers again tomorrow.

Or, go and give him a little cuddle.

It might have fleas. Indeed I have sen it scratching. And it runs away when we open the door.

Quote: sootyj @ May 22 2011, 9:22 PM BST

He's covered in ticks.

They are vermin.

No, no - they eat vermin. He is what stands between us and a plague of rats.

They don't eat rats, they eat cats.

Quote: sootyj @ May 22 2011, 9:26 PM BST

They don't eat rats, they eat cats.

Rats are for starters, though.

That's what they say. Never heard a real instance of that happening though, I think cats could easily see them off.
Now, human babies...

No babies here now - they're rapidly becoming old men!
Finally defrosted some chicken scraps which it ate. Then a female came along and I swear to you they kissed. It was very touching.

keewik!! You're funny. I like your fox updates. Although I think you may be going slightly mental. ;)

Going? Long gone.

Quote: zooo @ May 22 2011, 9:44 PM BST

keewik!! You're funny. I like your fox updates.


Just left my neighbors' house because they were getting ready to fry some freshly caught trout and I don't dig seafood. We'll gather again in a few hours to drink beer and watch Game of Thrones.

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