British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 3,678

Having been bored of this place I checked out Chortle and came across a post be a certain Nat Wicks, who's only made 140 posts on there, as opposed to 7000 odd on here as I recall. It referenced an article she wrote, so I checked it out and have to admit, I thought her attempt at a dark joke was quite funny, made me laugh anyway.

Though so did the post satirising her article. Tut tut for criticising Frankie Boyle though, hopefully something was lost in translation as the criticism seemed a tad unfair to me.

Oops, come to think of it, I was planning to start a new thread for this, damn, maybe it's not too late...

Think this has been discussed on here about two weeks ago :)

Quote: Vader @ May 6 2011, 10:50 AM BST

Having been bored of this :O place I checked out Chortle. :O :O

Chortle still haven't activated my account.

I want to see what all the fuss is about.

You may have an insufficent asshole quotient

That bad, eh?

Yes TopBannana you may be too nice for Chortle.

It's not a nice pace. I have a log in for all of the standup discussion, but avoid posting because there are a lot of just evil bullies on there.

Oi Wicks lunch money now!

Quote: Nat Wicks @ May 6 2011, 4:55 PM BST

It's not a nice pace. I have a log in for all of the standup discussion, but avoid posting because there are a lot of just evil bullies on there.

I left a forum like that not long ago- originally it was great fun, but it slowly degenerated into bullying, abuse, personal attacks, posting members addresses and private stuff, etc.

I won't be bothering with Chortle, then....

They all pale in comparison to my forum.

I'm joining now.

Quote: TopBanana @ May 6 2011, 5:16 PM BST

I'm joining now.

A fan of the American Indian too eh? 'Imaw esomed ealwit hit' loosely translated means 'If you sign up to my website I'm going to steal all or your money and shit in your slippers.'

Awesome night seeing Daniel Kitson. Just brilliant.

In work. fml.

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