British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 3,671

It's rude big faced pseudo hobo I am raging at

I am too polite in public

I need to learn to release the inner arsehole

Quote: sootyj @ May 4 2011, 6:02 PM BST

It's rude big faced pseudo hobo I am raging at

I am too polite in public

I need to learn to release the inner arsehole

You have an inner arsehole? Best not choose the wrong one when you need to take a dump. Mind you, the crap's inside you anyway so it probably doesn't really matter.

Chip's just finished his expenses claim for the last five months. Excellent work, Chip.


Quote: zooo @ May 4 2011, 6:09 PM BST


I'll level with you, I've gone off satsumas a bit.
Yes, I still eat them, but I'm looking around for new fruits.

You taking the pith?

Quote: zooo @ May 4 2011, 5:53 PM BST

Don't worry, some day a Londoner will kill them horribly.

;) If next time I am armed with an umbrella it may well be me.

Quote: sootyj @ May 4 2011, 5:22 PM BST

These things make me realise why Americans are always tooled up.

There are times when I feel the appropriate response to some of these numpties is an AK47 between the eyes but will probably still miss the brains by several feet.

Quote: Nil Putters @ May 4 2011, 6:12 PM BST

You taking the pith?


Don't get on my pip!

Very sleepy. Nan is not very well at all (surgery in the next couple of days). Quite overwhelmed.

All the best, SBF.

Console x lots.

Thanks guys. :$

Hope it goes okay Robyn.

Hope all goes well Scats.

Hope everythings alright Robyn

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