British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 3,666

Those scare me.

Quote: sootyj @ May 2 2011, 8:34 PM BST

Middle one, please. Lovey


One of them looks a bit like Ellie in my view

Your view being through squinted eyes.

You are a very grubby man Nils a very, very grubby man

You are a very grubby man Nils a very, very grubby man


Before my very eyes our wee fox has just shat on the patio

In fox world that's probably a way of showing gratitude... or something.

Quote: zooo @ May 2 2011, 9:46 PM BST

In fox world that's probably a way of showing gratitude... or something.

Well, it HAS just been fed.

Quote: keewik @ May 2 2011, 9:45 PM BST

Before my very eyes our wee fox has just shat on the patio

Worst Who Done It ever!

Your wee fox is badly named.

Laughing out loud

Just been told I'm witty.


Quote: Badge @ May 2 2011, 9:53 PM BST

Your wee fox is badly named.

Laughing out loud
Have just had to defrost meat scraps because it came and sat peering in at us through patio doors till we fed it.

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