British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 3,659

Talking of which, does Sugar kinda murder Agnes is The Crimson Petal and the White? Just spent ages googling, none really the wiser. Saw the TV not read the book.

;) Did'nt think you followed voyeuristic feeble 'history' crap?

OOh I fell for bait again!

Oh yes.....tattoos on a lass CAN be very, very sexy. If they are the right tats. I hate these dumbass ones that look so dated. Cheryl 'National Treasure' Cole looks dreadful:


And the obligatory spunk target:


As much as I dislike the Geldofs....Peaches has a really sexy one:


The long flower chain is hot.

That one makes me feel a bit sick for some reason. Maybe it reminds me of that rubbish horror film about vines that go under your skin.

Those zip tattoos make me feel REALLY sick. Or that one that looks like a corset going in and out of the skin. Sick

Whatever tattoo you have, it should be possible to hide it completely with clothing.

Even if that means buying a balaclava.

Quote: zooo @ April 30 2011, 4:48 PM BST

That one makes me feel a bit sick for some reason. Maybe it reminds me of that rubbish horror film about vines that go under your skin.

Rubbish? Hooey! That was a nifty little horror film.

In Cheryl Cole's case, that would be preferable. An air-tight one.

Well it wasn't ALL bad, but it made me feel sick, so I had to give it 5 minus points on my nifty scale.

Awww, sorry zooo! No nausea-based woe intended.

*does a sick on TopBanana's shoe*

It's very warm out today.

So tired and fed up with work. CV writing on the cards tomorrow...

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ April 30 2011, 7:43 PM BST

CV writing on the cards tomorrow...

Wouldn't 'Happy Birthday' go down better?

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ April 30 2011, 7:43 PM BST

So tired and fed up with work. CV writing on the cards tomorrow...

Why not take one of the others that were offered?

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