British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 3,525

So definitely bastard.

So definitely bastard.

I hope I do. He hasn't mentioned it since offering me it...

OH WAIT. It was a massive misunderstanding and I still have the gig! I'm an idiot.

Wicks, you nutter.

This guy is the MOST confusing. I've had two people interpret the email and they both thought he was saying he had replaced me..

Ha! How annoying.

You never know with these things, you're up one minute & then you're down.
As another Wicks once said.
Every loser wins!

Oh & don't worry about feeling out of your depth
That's where you want to be, and as you are funny, that's exactly where you should be half the time.

It's completely silent here save for rain drumming on the window. Beautiful.

Robyn has a nightmare about the cake last night. :|

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ March 13 2011, 10:46 AM GMT

Robyn has a nightmare about the cake last night. :|

I blame Nat Wicks and her satanic post count. *crosses self*

Rob is very hungover. He has vague recollections of thinking he could play the guitar last night. Sober Rob knows this not to be the case. *cringes*


Emailed Philips about replacement parts for my shaver. They emailed back within the hour (on a Sunday) with a really helpful advice on where to get the bits I need. I'm very impressed! I didn't even buy the shaver, somebody gave it to me about 5 years ago.

Leevil at times you puzzle me

You're easily puzzled, soots.

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