British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 3,316

Ah that's alright then, thought I was missing out on something!


Speaking on Wed night, dunno when it'll go online. Will let peeps know.

I'm drawing a penguin.

Currently designing a logo for a local comedy night. I reeally like it. I should probably learn how to use stuff like photoshop.

Is it a parrot or a penguin?

Penguin :D It's way better than the last one.

Quote: Will Cam @ January 11 2011, 2:00 PM GMT

Ellie, Ellie
Poorly belly
Needs a man
To bring her jelly
Rub her tum
and hope to helly
that he brings
man cream as welly

Feeling better Ellie?

Bah. Got to leave to get the train to Nottingham soon.


:( Going mental.

I even posted this in the wrong thread first time over.

Aww. Console

Am on the early shift this week (I start at 8am!) and can't be bothered shaving tonight, so they'll have to take me stubbly.

Quote: Ben @ January 11 2011, 9:03 PM GMT

Am on the early shift this week (I start at 8am!) and can't be bothered shaving tonight, so they'll have to take me stubbly.

Early shifts start at 6.

They did when I did shift work.

I just shift work in an office. We have to be there between 8 and 6, so we stagger the starts by half an hour.

How's your historical fiction book coming along, Bigfella?

Hotel room isnt the best and has a bit of a smell, but the meal was AMAZING.

Oh yeah, and your book, Nat! Still writing it?

What was the meal, please? I like food I do.

I forgot about the book. Too much on at the mo.

To start I had asparagus with quail eggs and grain mustard dressing. Main I had bacon wrapped chicken breast stuffed with brie, served with roast vegetables and balsamic reduction. Then unfinished off with a Baileys coffee. I am a very happy Nat.

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