British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 3,304

Ah that reminds me of a new joke I have:
What is Simon Amtsall's religion?

Quote: EllieJP @ January 9 2011, 12:22 PM GMT

and it wasn't a gay bar!

This is one bar you won't find at the BBC, btw.

Ellie doesn't feel very well and is feeling frustrated by the "who said this" thread.

Sorry. :(

It was Sooty.


Oh okay. :)

Robyn posted a status on Facebook. Kevin made a joke about me being a prostitute thanks to it. The only other person to have 'liked' or commented on the status is Elliot's teenage cousin. Dangers of the internet.

*goes to look*

Love your profile pic!

Thanks. :$

Argh to much to do. someone invent a cloning machine or robot us's like in Bill and Ted.

What you doing?

Scrap the stuff you don't have to. And do the stuff you do.


Quote: bigfella @ January 9 2011, 1:45 PM GMT

Scrap the stuff you don't have to. And do the stuff you do.


If I keep pushing stuff back then it'll be another year before get anything done. I think I'll start working later.

Or working smarter!

Quote: Nil Putters @ January 9 2011, 1:44 PM GMT

What you doing?

Got some graphics stuff for other people to do, that script to finish, the website to get done. Also need to get up on my colouring so can do shadows etc and digi painting so can do nice BG's

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